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Aug. 13th, 2015


Dude, if that guy pops up around me one more time, I'm going to —

No. I'm going to do that anyway.

His name's Randall. I know I've heard that somewhere before. Next time someone sees him, let me know. I'm hunting this bastard.

Aug. 7th, 2015


Network post, Anakin Solo

So there is a library, but I feel like I should ask for recommendations, because I don't recognize any of the books. But I miss Tahiri and Jacen and Jaina I could use the distraction, so what is in the library that I should absolutely read?

Aug. 4th, 2015


My brother's gone.

Do I need an escort outside if I just want to fly straight up? It's not like anyone's gonna catch me.

This mountain feels so small sometimes.

Aug. 1st, 2015


Network Post: Crowley

Well, that was disappointing.

Any of you who had the good sense to vote for me probably shouldn't acknowledge that in public.

But if you let me know in private, I'll make sure you're rewarded for being the smart and sexy voter you are. After all, I did say I would.


Whatever power it is that has brought us all here has seen fit to now bring to me that which I sought at home. The Heart of the Mountain. I can scarcely believe that I now hold my grandfather's greatest treasure in my hands, though I feel some frustration that I am so far from home and cannot celebrate with my kin and Company.

Jul. 28th, 2015


Chatty: Charlie Bradbury
I realized today that we're never going to vote in the 2016 election. And that sucks.

Jul. 22nd, 2015


Network Post: Crowley

I assure you all that I am not responsible for yesterday's spamming of my campaign materials. Clearly someone wanted to make me look bad.

But still, I know that blame will be cast upon me all the same, so today there's a different kind of spam. You're welcome, Mount Weather. And remember:

Vote Crowley... Get Coffee


That was low, Crowley, even for you.

Jul. 12th, 2015


network post; kevin tran

I've been working on my radio voice. How ineffective would it be to start every radio announcement with "in a world... that time forgot..." ? Also, anyone think we should do those radio shows from the 1940s? If only we had the equipment, and a couple of fireplaces, and -- stuff.

You know, when I imagined my early twenties, I really thought I'd be in college. Not surviving the apocalypse. A few months in, this is still pretty weird.

Jul. 11th, 2015


chatty; veronica santangelo (007)

chatty to charlie bradbury:
» So
» Movie night
» Do you want to go with me?
» I don't know either movie so I'd have to leave the film choice in your capable hands

Jul. 8th, 2015


Email: Crowley to SPN; no subject line

[Attachment #1: Selfie of Crowley, holding a vial with glowing white contents, against a non-descript dark background]

[Attachment #2: Selfie of Crowley, mock-fellating said vial]

[Attachment #3: Selfie of Crowley giving a two-finger salute to the viewer(s)]

Jul. 5th, 2015


Network Post: Crowley

All right. I'm swallowing my considerable pride and going public because I don't have another option.

Stuck. In a devil's trap. Outdoors. In a bloody hurricane.


Compared to some others, and particularly to those who call this world home, I have lived here very little time indeed. But any opportunity to remember or memorialize those with whom our time was short is always time well spent.

Sometimes, in looking back, we can be granted great strength. Looks like we're going to bloody well need it

Happy belated birthday, Captain. I have something that arrived with me which, perhaps, may stand in as a present for this day marking the XXX year of your birth.

All right, Monty?

I put the Eton boy to good use and have a sheath of poetry for your library collection.

Jul. 2nd, 2015


I don't know who's organising the movies here but is there a movie in the library called Alien? Heard some people talking about it and it sounds like something I know about. Kinda.

Jun. 30th, 2015


I've got a pair of silk stockings that have seen their last legs (quite literally), so if anyone can put them to good use I'll give them a good wash and donate with a glad heart.

If there is but one thing which plagues me more than any other, it's stagnation and inactivity. While cobbling and discovering this world in its own right has its own merits, I find myself with idle hands and begin to wonder if any active hearts and minds here feel the same? If so, allow me to propose a small thing? Please do allow me to play host to a ladies' circle. This group would gather to socialise, certainly. But I should also think that we could put our backs to a host of good works:
  • Building out the Library, whether through copying or through memory
  • Stockpiling knowledge of our own various worlds
  • Honing our self defense skills & keeping physically sharp
  • Building good cheer and grace amongst our hosts & friends, alike
  • Playing host to any number of activities which may require our own specific influence

  • What say you?

    My dear, you are quiet.

    Jun. 29th, 2015


    So I was chatting with Gates and we're going to start a garage band called Energy of Youth (credit: Thor) ... name is negotiable. Anyway, we have two singers and a shitty drum. Anyone else want to join this train wreck? We'll do birthday parties (Maybe). Preferences: We only need one diva, someone who can fill out the sound, or someone that make me sound good since uh, I can't actually sing very well.


    Has anyone yet wrested Return of the King from the claws of the demon? The reading group has near finished the tale of The Hobbit. I should like to finish the story.

    You have a lovely
    You have a very
    You have a nice voice for reading aloud.

    Jun. 28th, 2015


    network; veronica santangelo (005)

    So this is going to be awkward, but bear with me.

    I'm friends with MJ, who seems to have some kind of redhead network? I don't know, but the point is that she told me you like women, and I like women and you are... really, really cute. And smart.

    I build things. I brought back a battery. And a generator. I like computers. I'm trying to make myself sound attractive, it's not working very well, do you want to get a drink?

    Jun. 26th, 2015


    I hear we have having another movie night. Does anyone know what movie is playing? Not that I would have heard of it anyway, but I am curious to know what it is about. I haven't been to one yet, and everyone does seem to enjoy them.

    Filter: Peeta
    Are you settling in all right, Peeta?

    Jun. 25th, 2015


    We have some metal in the forge which contains enough impurities to make it unsuitable for any practical use, however it would still be suitable for ornamental purposes. While I cannot give such things priority over my normal work, if anyone wishes to have some sort of jewellery made, I would be more than willing to do so in my spare time.

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