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Jun. 24th, 2015


Awesome, I got bored and I got the go-ahead to start a new project. The library is sorely in need of digital copies of all its archives. Have you gone to the library and found that someone checked out Alice's Adventures in Wonderland two months ago, and still has it? Yeah, it's annoying. Especially for us fast readers. And it would help the teachers and pretty much everyone.

Are you a fast (and accurate, I cannot stress that) typist? Come see me, Charlie Bradbury, in G1 for this very special project. We've got a list of the most popular books to start with, and here's hoping we can get the first batch of books done in quick order!

If not, there will be hell to pay. (Not literally. Calm down.)


It is my very great pleasure to announce that yesterday evening at 21:12, Hugo Weasley, weighing in at an impressive 9lbs, 6oz, and 22 inches in length, was born. Momma Hermione and baby are doing just fine, and will be kept here in Medical until tomorrow. Family and close friends only will be allowed to visit Mount Weather's newest resident while he is enjoying the hospitality of Medical.

Hermione, congratulations. He's beautiful, and perfect, and the perfect antidote to all of our sadnesses.


Sam Winchester, Billy Kaplan / Wiccan (616), Skye, Mona Vanderwaal, Charlie Bradbury
Hi, I'm Felicity! I'm working with you guys. Anyway is there any projects that we're working on or anything that needs doing?

Jun. 23rd, 2015


network; dean winchester (015)

SPN (minus Crowley):
We're voting for the weird pink lady. She hates Crowley, we hate Crowley, it's perfect.

Jun. 15th, 2015


network post: castiel

The new angel got Lady Clarabel pregnant.

Jun. 14th, 2015


Oh dear. It would appear that something has gone terribly wrong. Is Crowley here, by any chance?

Jun. 13th, 2015


I didn't think saying this would be necessary, but apparently it is.

If you think you're only here as our work force, because apparently none of us do any damn work around here, you know where the door is. If you think we're all murderers and you have that much of a problem with what happened here before that you're going to blame an entire group of people for the actions of a few, and use that as leverage to give yourself more instead of working with us as a whole, you know where the door is. If you think you're being forced to stay here, I'm sure I'm not alone when I say you're welcome to leave of your own volition, should you wish to. No one is trapped here. You can leave and take your chances with a world you don't know. You can take your chances with a leader who threw us to the wolves to save her own people, even though we had risked our lives to save hers. What do you think she'll do to you if she walked away from our alliance, knowing she was signing our death sentence? But hey, leaving is your choice. Good luck.

What happened to the people who lived here before was a tragedy that began generations ago, brought on by their failed leadership. Most of the Sky People weren't even here when the mountain men died. That burden rests on two of us, myself and one other. We made a call that I didn't want to, but we had to because we all would have been slaughtered instead, slowly, one by one. We would have been tortured. You can think we were wrong, that's your choice. But it isn't right to take that out on all of my people. If you want to blame someone, if you want to call someone a murderer, if you want to play this morality game when you weren't in our shoes and we can't see every terrible thing you've done, fine, but say it about me. Don't say it about anyone else. I did it. I'm responsible.

Don't disregard everything that Chancellor Griffin, Marcus Kane, the rest of the council and all of us have done for you. Everything we've done has been a choice, because it was right to do, because we saw someone in need and we knew we had to help. That's all there is to it.


I have to say, that I first thought that this was a vision but none of mine have lasted this long.

This really is real isn't it?

Jun. 11th, 2015


network post; kevin tran

SPN (minus Crowley)
So, I die [...] and everyone else falls off the wagon? Did I get that about right?

Jun. 10th, 2015


Network Post: Crowley

TRIGGER WARNING: DRUG USE (Crowley's addiction to human blood is basically a drug addiction) )

Jun. 8th, 2015


network; dean winchester (013)

SPN (minus Crowley):
So who wants to tell me what's up with Crowley's mother?


SPN-Filtered Post: Crowley


Either I'm imagining things or Bobby's musk vanished. Still there, or did someone hide him from me? Pointless. I don't have any more use for him, you know. Been there, done that.

I'd love to know what Sam said in his little secret "beware Crowley" post. You should make a clubhouse.

And is someone going to tell me why the little red-haired girl knows anything about my mother?

Jun. 5th, 2015


Sam, Dean, Cas. We're going to watch The Wizard of Oz with me tonight. I haven't watched it since I got back from the real Oz. You get the honor of listening to me complain about all the stuff they got wrong. And then all the stuff Dorothy and I used from the books to make things right. And NONE of the stuff that Dark Charlie did to win the war

Jun. 4th, 2015


network post: cecil palmer

Greetings, listeners readers.

I'm Cecil Palmer. I come from a lovely little desert town called Night Vale. I've been given the lay of the land, so to speak (the land doesn't quite so much lie as it does lie, pretending to be a mountain, which we all know is not a real thing), and have already met some interesting people. I get the feeling that this place has higher than its average quota of interesting people. It's certainly comforting to know that, no matter how far from home one gets, one is still assured that not all people are humans (and not all humans are people).

I've been told that I'll be assisting with radio operations, which is somewhat seredipitous, as I am a long-time veteran of community radio. While I try to find some answers about the mysteries that have befallen me, I look forward to keeping your interesting and hospitable community abreast of all the latest news and events. Feel free to introduce yourself! I know I will be doing the same.

Incidentally, has anyone here come across a vast, endless desert that stretches into a shadowy, twilight nothingness, at the center of which is a red, blinking light, the type as might come from a strange, transdimensional lighthouse, shining its beacon as a rallying cry to a huge and fearsome army of masked figures, and in which might currently be roaming a scientist with perfect hair and an oaky, caramel voice, and who answers to the name of Carlos?

If so, let me know!

Jun. 3rd, 2015


network post; flash thompson

Time to bite the bullet before things go any further.

My name is Flash Thompson and I'm an alcoholic an Army vet. I did two tours before the government tapped me for a secret military program called "Project Rebirth 2.0". (They named it, Cap. Not me.) Long story short, I'm bonded to an alien symbiote.

Where I come from, the symbiote's got a history and not a good one. It doesn't always play nice with others and, I'm not gonna lie, it can be pretty dangerous. I promise you, I'm in control of it, not the other way around.

If you have questions, I'll try to answer them. I still don't know a lot I'm not really big on confessionals like this but I've been doing a lot of thinking. And someone I really respect decided to lay all out here so I figured I'd take a play from his book.

[Filtered to MJ]
Sorry for not telling you before. We don't have to do lunch.

Jun. 2nd, 2015


network post; kevin tran

Uh -- what the hell is this place?

Am I

May. 31st, 2015


I should probably say thank you for trying to save me when I was falling. And, you know, I'm sorry that you fell in too.

On the plus side, I'm pretty sure that was Thorin Oakenshield's dragon sickness world. The weird melty gold and the dragon swimming around underneath. We were in Lord of the Rings! How cool is that?
So... um. When did you say you were from again?

May. 30th, 2015


[...] The Dog says Time moves differently here, but all the same, I must get back to where I was. I've been told that's not possible, but — that can't be true. It just can't. My world will be destroyed, and then the Destroyer will choose another, and it will happen all over again without any chance of stopping It.

If there is anyone who knows how I might get back, please, tell me how.


backdated to evening of may 29!

As Neville already mentioned previously, he asked me to marry him and I obviously said yes, because I'd be a complete nutter to think anything else. We've sorted things out with how it will be taken care of and we'll be having the wedding itself on June 20th. It will be quite different from what most of us are probably accustomed to back home, but it will be no less nice and we'll be married at the end of it, which does seem to be the most important part.

Anyway, we'd love it if you'd be willing to celebrate with us, so please consider this your official invitation. We're leaving this open for anyone to attend, since we did feel that everyone could perhaps benefit from a little frivolity -- plus, it's always good to be able to meet new people! It will be a short little ceremony with music and drinks to follow.

May. 29th, 2015


Is it too much to hope that the next person that comes here brings along any sort of gaming system? I'm partial to Playstation on my downtime but I'll even take a bloody Gameboy. Although I'm mostly having Playstation withdrawals. Something I ended up relying on between study breaks lest I wanted to have all the anatomy and physiology to study in the world to drive me absolutely insane. This must be why must of the retired doctors I know are cranky as hell. Didn't think to have any modern tech to calm them down.... I'm just hoping I don't end up like that by the end of this month.

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