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Feb. 20th, 2016


network; bigby wolf (014)

All right, kids, now that the fucking Devil is around, we need to have a group talk.

I'm sure we're all a bunch of loose cannons back home on the hunt for justice or vengeance or inner peace, but this community's too small for us to be wandering around and doing whatever we want. There are rules and laws for us to follow just as much as anyone else. We're working with a new government here, and it's on us to set an example so that people feel like they can actually trust us.

Which means that if one of us likes being a smug shitheel, it'll reflect badly. Keep in mind what responsibility you're being given here. If you just want to fuck with people, you can do it while mopping up shit in sanitation.


My name is Audrey Parker, and I'm head of Law Enforcement here at Mount Weather with my partner, Nathan Wuornos. I've got a few questions for you, if you've got a moment.


Did John talk to any of you about actively going against Lucifer and making a move today?

I'm pretty sure it was a no since he doesn't trust much, but did John Constantine have a tracker on him? I can't fee

Feb. 14th, 2016


This artwork is beautiful. I wanted to say thank you. I wasn't expecting it, but I'm going to hang it on the wall. It'll be nice to have something pretty around here.

Feb. 13th, 2016


unValentines cards

Delivered anonymously to: Zed, Logan, Max G, Stacker, Peter Q, Audrey )

Delivered to Ravi, August, Lincoln (not Campbell), and pinned up somewhere Catherine's likely to see it )

Feb. 7th, 2016


network post: simon tam (to roommates; river)

I don't want River living with someone she doesn't know.

I'm packing up my things, and I'm going to try and find alternate living arrangements before the weekend's over. I don't I don't want her living with people I don't know, either.

So, if things look sparse, that's why.

Feb. 6th, 2016


Our test group for the trackers isn't big enough to get accurate results, so I'm calling for another round of tracker implants.

I know a lot of people worry they'll be tracked always, but they'll only be accessed if someone comes to the police to say that you're missing. With the number of people disappearing and the sheer number of things out there that can harm you, it would be helpful to figure out in a timely fashion which one is which for rescue.

I didn't get many willing to test them out, but the ones I did said they were going to do the implants. I think those will be the best bet, honestly. No one has to worry about making sure it's in their pocket.

Are you going to do one of these implants?

Jan. 26th, 2016


Does someone know ASL? Trish showed me how this works but I'm not very good at reading.

My name is Maya. I'm looking for Wilson Fisk.

Jan. 23rd, 2016


We've got more trackers made for those of you who would like to wear a tracker. We've also got a few trackers that can be implanted behind the shoulder — think of a microchip for a pet — that would make it so that you couldn't lose it. Those are still prototypes and will need to be tested.

If you're up for it, I'll make a waiting list. This should help us figure out what happens to people a lot sooner.

Jan. 12th, 2016


We're not rounding anyone up, but the comments made on the network yesterday were hostile. I'd like to know what we're dealing with in case some kind of situation occurs.

I need someone to get with a Systems Administrator and see if they can trace where it came from. I need someone else to patrol common areas with open terminals and keep an eye out. And lastly, I need a few people to go into this meeting they're apparently having in 501 today.

This might just be people blowing smoke, but it may be the beginning of something that cabin fever really digs into.

Jan. 7th, 2016


THE TROUBLED (who want their Troubles changed) + NATHAN:
I was thinking we could get together this weekend, maybe Saturday or Sunday depending on your schedules, and working out those changes. I'd like to do one of you first, so I'll need a volunteer to go first. Then we'll see how things go after that.

I wish I could say with absolute certainty that this will work, but it's the first time I've actually done it. I have Mara's memories, and they're like my own. She's done it, so we should be okay.

So who's ready to put their Troubles in my hands?

Jan. 3rd, 2016


And, I thought I was used to weird. But, time travel is a far cry from even that.

Anyway, there said there might be some people I know here. Name's Eddie.

[Law Enforcement]

They said I'm going to be working with you guys. So, I figured I should introduce myself. Get to know a bit about who I'm working with beforehand.

Dec. 31st, 2015


For many years, I thought it unlikely that I would ever marry. Templars seldom do, and I had troubles of my own, and it seemed unlikely my life would ever take such a turn.

I am very glad today that I turned out to be wrong. I would have been glad to have more of our friends and family present, but I am immensely grateful for those who were here with us today (especially Asala, who was so kind as to officiate), and if not for the circumstances that forbid the attendance of the others, I would never have met my wife at all.

My wife. It has a very nice sound to it.

Thank you to all of you who celebrate with us today. I cannot think of a better way to begin a new year here on Earth.

Dec. 27th, 2015


network post: kaidan alenko

I always thought I was just lucky that my L2 implants only cause migraines, when so many other L2 biotics suffer so much worse — but I think I spoke too soon. My migraines are getting worse, and pain is spreading, mostly through my shoulders and down my arms. I keep forgetting things, little things, and every time I have a lapse in memory or get confused or zone out I start to think that the L2s are catching up with me.

I haven't told Shepard. I didn't want to complain; he has enough of his own shit to deal with.

Dec. 21st, 2015


Everyon We The fight was brutal, but everyone did their part. I'll leave the stirring speeches to Cap people who are better at them than I am.

I can't apologize enough for my part in what happened. From what we can tell, when someone supernatural dies, I-- do that. The walking-around-on-fire thing. I'm so glad no one was hurt; Lydia is right when she says that it's best to just leave me alone until it's over.

If anyone knew the woman who was killed, I'd be happy to take you to her resting place. I think I can find i

[ Filtered to Will Graham ]

Hey, man. Can't thank you enough. I would've gotten hypothermia best case scenario if you hadn't have shown up when you did.

[ /Filter ]

[ Filtered to Law Enforcement + Command ]

In the light of all this, I fully understand if you would feel more comfortable reassigning me to a different position.

[ /Filter ]

Dec. 8th, 2015


around 12:30pm

Here's what you can and cannot say to the public until further notice:
  • Carl Emerson was pronounced dead at 12:30pm.
  • It was homicide.
  • We have a suspect in custody.
That's it. Nothing else. If I hear details leaking on the network, we're going to have a problem. Got it? Good.

In the meantime, officers, let's up our patrols, get our faces out there so people know we're here to help.

Dec. 6th, 2015


Now that I'm put back together with Mara, I have the ability to change your Troubles. I can't get rid of them completely — at least not yet — but I can change them into something more manageable. And I'm immune to them again, so if you panic, you won't have to feel guilty about affecting me.

Let me know if you'd like me to try this for you.
First of all, I wanted to thank you for everything you did, Doctors. It's wonderful not feeling cold all the time or like a shell. I'd almost forgotten what it was like.

If there's anything I can do to return the favor or express my gratitude, please don't hesitate to ask. I owe you my life.

Dec. 2nd, 2015


Okay, I give. I think admin is the single most boring job I've ever worked.

Nov. 28th, 2015


Oh no.

Filter: Whoverse
Have you noticed? Don't.

Filter: Donna Noble
What do you think, can you manage a walk?

Filter: Audrey
Any complications?

Nov. 24th, 2015


How do you

Can I ask you a question? It's kind of a weird one. Guess weird's a little subjective here, but it might be weird to you. I don't know.
Dementors effects wearing off yet?

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