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December 11th, 2015

[info]thecat in [info]the100

chatty; felicia hardy (016)

chatty to emma swan:
» What the hell, Emma?
» You don't get to tear out my heart and just poof off
» Where are you?
» Answer your messages
» Answer your damn messages

» Answer your goddamn messages, Emma
» Tell the voices in your head to shut up
» Do not make me come looking for you


[info]tylerose in [info]the100

who ten & rose
what finally talking
where her room
when 11/28, after his walk with donna and seeing jenny
warnings angst? very PG

We’ll be alright though. You said that once, and look at that. Here we are )

[info]oswaldftw in [info]the100

WHO: Clara Oswald, The Doctor (10)
WHEN: Wednesday, December 9
WHERE: Their housing unit.
WHAT: Clara tells the Doctor about her new memories.
WARNINGS: Talk of character death.

How was your day? Better than mine, I hope. We share something in common now, neither of us want to go back because everything is terrible and we both end up dying. Cheers. )

[info]thegoodblood in [info]the100

[ Filtered to the Council; Buffy Summers ]

I was wondering if I might inquire as to what medium or magic has been employed to keep this one so docile? She spoke of being forced, and her friend spoke of control.

This is not an interrogation or judgement; I have simply never heard of such a method rendered successful and am eager to learn of its existence. It would be of interest to me not only because I have a calling to destroy vampires that I have suspended due to changing circumstance, but because given my own illness, it might perhaps prove useful for myself down the road.

Thank you in advance, and if there's ever anything that I might help you with, you needn't ask.

[ /Filter ]

Grant me the insight to cast my thoughts unto the realm of the Great Ones, and for that which I cannot understand, grant me the patience, faith, and kindness to wait until it becomes fat with clarity. Let the staying of my blade reflect not inaction but the wisdom to relish peace. Comfort those whose hearts have been so badly damaged in the past week, and for those who reject comfort's embrace, grant them the courage and eyes on the inside so that their next actions might be guided in purity's light.

[info]lastmutanthope in [info]the100

[Filtered to Charles Xavier]
Hi, how are you settling in?

[Filtered to Logan]
I looked at some maps this morning; where did you want to go when we head out for camping?

[Filtered to Anakin Solo]
So - are we on the same team Saturday?

[info]glasswater in [info]the100

I would like to thank Mr. Ethan Chandler for providing me with the ongoing glad tidings of a Christmas tree. While we had indeed begun our journey before the pods arrived with decorations, there is some comfort to be found in decorating with what one possesses.

We have tied scraps of ribbon, glass trinkets, strings of popping corn, and even a few candles for lights. It certainly isn't the worst tree I've ever seen. I am glad to call it my own. And I do hope that all of you have good fun with your own trees, too.

My dearest Lucy,

We have seen war in two different realms, we have seen opulent palaces and the most humble of homes. Together, we sought to make Cair Paravel our own (the apple orchard, do you remember?) and we scored the land with our own memories. That is how we made an alien realm our home.

But I tell you truly, the Tisroc's desert gardens do not compare with the beauty of this homespun little tree. I find great comfort in the winking of the lights and each ribbon - thus knotted - tells me that I might tie myself to this place. I might live out the fullness of my life.

Even if Narnia will one day be shut to me, even if you are all swept away in trains and in lion's breath, at least I know that I can make my way. At least I know that there are reasons to believe in the strength of my own heart. I can make a home anywhere, Lucy. Narnia taught me that.

[info]x_facility in [info]the100

Who is trying to kill us now?

[info]stitch_witch in [info]the100

I've been told to introduce myself. I'm Sandrilene fa Toren. I'm not very good at this, I can't tell what sort of order the letters are in and I'm much more used to writing with ink and a brush.

Everyone really lives underground? I feel like the mountain is going to collapse on me.

[info]electrodynamic in [info]the100

Can I ask a favor?
spoilers for aos 3x10 in the comments probably!

[info]butterflyeffect in [info]the100

One of you wants to drink heavily with me.

[info]havefun in [info]the100

[ Filtered to Evie Frye ]

You'd asked about Roth.

You know how it is, with the code and all that. He needed to be killed, especially after what he tried to pull with the children. And I did it, carefully and without drawing it out or preamble or any of that. But that didn't mean - you know how it is, when you're doing right and you're not happy about it, but you're set in it and you know that you're helping out the world, no matter how much blood gets on your hands? I didn't feel it. Not with him. He'd made it personal. I was wanting him dead, not because it was right, but because of him. I didn't like that; it wasn't how it was supposed to go.

But I liked him, so. It wasn't easy. And after I felt so stupid for trusting him, and we fought, and well. You know the rest.

[ /Filter ]

Someone reminded me - Christmas trees! Leave me a note and I might pick up a tree for you, if you ask nicely.

[info]butterflyeffect in [info]the100

Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ Rogue, what's wrong? What's happened?

[info]dropthemagnolia in [info]the100

who. Erik, Rogue & a wild Raven appears!
where. Erik's place.
what. Someone tries to make amends, someone gets curious, someone goes into a coma!
when. Tonight.
Rating. Pretty damn tame. Existential, sure. But tame.


What's the wreckage? )

[info]cword in [info]the100

network post: alison hendrix

Do I take advantage of Felix?

I'm sorry. Can we just ... I don't know, hang out for a little while? You can tell me about your life?

Please tell me they're not actually going to put those people on trial.

[info]whereitcounts in [info]the100

netpost; han solo

For all the new people, I'm Han Solo. Yes, that one. If you were looking for a welcome letter on how great the post-apocalypse is, this isn't it.

[Star Wars]
Least when we were under siege by the Empire we had something to do. All I got is al

I don't know how people live like this.

[info]jadeshadow in [info]the100

(005) Mara Jade Skywalker

Lights and silver - tinsel they call it? I think I'm beginning to get a picture of what this Christmas situation looks like.

[Filter: Leia]
Would you like to come over sometime this week? I'd enjoy the opportunity to get to know you better here, and also Ben would probably enjoy the time with his aunt. He always liked it at home.

[info]sisterskeeper in [info]the100

network post: simon tam (to medical)

Erik Lehnsherr was brought in. He's comatose. Vitals are low but stable. It's something powers-related, something about his ... life force being absorbed by another person. I don't know. It's not in my pay grade.

I don't know if this is the kind of thing that improves with time, or if he's going to stay like this. Raven says this person just touched him. I don't know how to diagnose that.

[info]electrodynamic in [info]the100

Who: Lincoln Campbell & Daisy Johnson
When: Wednesday night, I think.
Where: their roooooom.
What: Daisy gets new memories!
Rating: G???
Notes: ... there are spoilers for Agents of SHIELD, episode 3x10 here.

'Now what?' )
