
January 31st, 2017




Who: Esmeralda and Kate Bishop
When: Late January
Where: Coffee shop
What: Random encounters
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

I’ve never… I mean… is that a goat? )




Who: Jemma and Sharon
When: Mid January
Where: Agency break room
What: Random meetings
Rating/Warnings: Low
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

Lab accident so I’ve been moved temporarily )




Who: Spanna (Hanna and Spencer)
When: Following these texts
Where: Coffee shop
What: Spencer’s started dreaming
Rating/Warnings: PLL talk?
Status: Partner Thread | Complete

I don’t want to have secrets from you in this world. I think that’s what’s getting us into this mess. )




WHo: Elaine *& Riddick
Where: her place
when: mid-january
rating: it's them, so medium high today
Status: Complete

Life was easier when a man knew love.  )




Who: Judy and Nick
What: Mistletoe shenanigans
When: Backdated to the start of the Mistletoe plot last month
Where: Outside the IPD
Rating/Warnings: Teenish/Some language but otherwise tame
Status: Complete

Today was going to be awkward as hell. )




Who: Stahma
What: Reflecting on her dreams and waking life
When: Recently
Where: Her home
Warnings: Mentions of underworld ties to weapons trafficking
Status: Complete, narrative

But at least her dreams had brought her closure and peace. )




Who: Tony Stark and Pepper Potts.
When: Backdated to Halloween.
Where: Stark Tower.
What: Work Party~
Rating/Warnings: low/none.
Status: Complete.

Of course they talk about us. )




Who: Heather Miller and Matt Murdock
What: Matt's come to visit and he's got his sight back.
When: Backdated to During the Wish Plot (December)
Where: Heather's place
Rating/Warnings: Language, they're both a little violent by nature, and existentialism.
Status: Complete

Would you believe I wished on a star and now I'm officially a member of the Sighted Club? )












Who: Minato and Hannah
What: Dinner after a party
When: October 28th
Where: A little diner
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

I think I'm in the mood for a burger, or maybe a steak with an egg. )




Who: Spencer and Audrey
What: Random Encounter
Where: Movie Theater
When: Sometime in October.
Rating/Warnings: Low/None
Status: Complete

Hey what can I get for you? )