
September 16th, 2013



Who: Tom Sawyer and Thor Odinson
What: Meeting and a Chat About Thor's Star Potential
When: Backdated: Sometime the Week of August 19th.
Where: Set of Thor's Newest Movie
Rating: Family Friendly
Status: Complete

Tom sat back in his chair, phone to his ear and sunglasses hiding his eyes )


Who: Rikku and Logan.
What: Rikku needs parts!
When: Sunday, 9/15.
Where: Logan's shop!
Rating: PG-13 for Logan's pottymouth.
Status: Complete!

Want me to hand you stuff? )




Who: Carol Danvers & Nicholas D. Wolfwood
What: Army meets Air Force
When: 9/14
Where: A sandwich shop near Irvine General
Rating: Family friendly
Status: Complete!

I’ll be your reindeer )




Who: Magius and Luisa
When: During the kryptonite plot
Where: Hospital
What: Visiting Magius
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Tears immediately sprang into her eyes when she saw him and she hurried to the bed )




Who: Elizabeth and Samantha
When: Pre-Kryptonite plot
Where: Their place
What: Confessions and revelations
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

I’m surprised it took them this long to get you to take over )




Who: Integra and Alucard
When: A week or so after her match
Where: Their place
What: A surprise visitor and a challenge
Rating/Warning: High/NC17
Status: Complete

I’ve been lured from my murky lair by a siren )




Who: Vala and Audrey
When: End of August
Where: Audrey’s bakery
What: Hiring Audrey for Zelda’s party
Rating/Warning: PG
Status: Compete

We’ve got some pretty amazing sparkling lattes. They go swimmingly with the almond biscotti. )




Who: Glinda, Jessie, John, Margaery, Nina and OPEN
When: Week beginning 16th September
Where: Various
What: Various
Rating/Warning: Various, mostly low but be aware it may become higher
Status: In progress



"It's just a little more complicated than that..."

Who: Dani, Belle
What: Smoking, chatting, unsolicited advice.
When: VERY early morning 09/15
Where: Irvine General
Ratings/Warnings: PG-13ish, some mentions of medical stuff.
Status: Complete!

Everything always is, but all that truly matters is the core details.The rest is just distractions. )




Who: Neena Thurman and Thomas Raith
Where: Their place
What: chatting, grilling, sex
When: Labor day
Warnings/Rating: NSFW for sex, but mostly adorbs
Status complete

Your wish is my command )




Who: Samandriel & Lucifer Morningstar
What: Reuniting properly
When: 9/16
Where: Their house
Rating: High. Usual Samandriel warnings
Status: Complete

I’d never expect anything less from you. )




Who: Harry McGlade and Bucky Barnes
What: Swapping drink tips
When: 9/15
Where: A liquor store in Huntington Beach
Rating: PG for Harry
Status: Complete

Classy’s code for dangerous )




Who: Jeremy Gilbert and Jenna Saltzman
What: Talking to Jeremy after he got kicked out of Magic Mountain.
Where: The Gilbert House
When: Backdated: Saturday, August 24th. Early Evening
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

To say that Jeremy was acting out was the understatement of the year )




Who: Lúthien and Elphaba
When: During Kryptonite plot
Where: Their house
What: Evil!Lúthy has free reign.
Rating/Warning: NC17 / Bondage, slight non-con, abuse
Status: Complete

I only intend to show her a new side to love )


Who: Felicity and John
When: Today
Where: His offices
What: A job and a potential
Rating/Warning: Low/None
Status: Complete

Bored? Oh dear, am I not giving you enough stimulation? )




Who: Alex and Portia
When: Today (16th September)
Where: His place
What: A letter and heartbreak
Rating/Warning: Low/Sad times
Status: Complete

But there’s a catch )




Who: Billy and Jillian
When: Kryptonite plot
Where: Zelda’s house
What: Jillian gets ill and Billy plays the knight in shining armor
Rating/Warning: Low/Illness
Status: Complete

Oh my god, Jillian are you okay? )




Who: Elizabeth Weir and Barbara Gordon
When: During Kryptonite plot
Where: A coffee shop
What: Elizabeth learns a secret with her new ability
Rating/Warning: PG / Talk of an adults relationship with a minor
Status: Complete

Animals aren’t talking to you too are they? )




Who: Alyssa and Damian.
What: Shagging in the backyard.
When: Backdated to 8/19.
Where: Their house.
Rating: Hard NC-17 for smut.
Status: Complete!

Best boyfriend ever. Truly. )