
April 6th, 2013




Who: Emma and Scott Summers
What: honeymooning, with a wardrobe malfunction
When: 4/1
Where: Paris, France
Warnings: Handwavey sex and mild language, discussion of pregnancy stuff
Status: complete

Oh, just a reminder not to plan things out in so much detail. )


Who: Kitty Pryde and Tarot
What: dating (ermagerd!)
When: 4/3
Where: a restaurant
Rating: PG, just to be safe
Status: complete

I’ve always wanted an illicit affair )




Who: Kurt Wagner and Princess Cadence
When: The morning of 4/5
Where: Kurt’s place
What: A shower, screaming, and some calming tea.
Rating/Warnings: PG? She's freaking out about the cutie mark. nakedness within.
Status: Complete

she saw it. A blue heart surrounded by gold. On her flank. Her hip. Whatever. She screamed. )



Sometimes it’s just tiring to stay happy.

Who: Scott and Alyssa
What: Random meetings and Alyssa being cute
When: Shortly before he and Emma went on their honeymoon, so last week?
Where: Grocery
Status: Complete
Rating: Pg-13

I understand. )




Who: TARDIS and Tenth Doctor
When: During this
Where: John’s Book Release Party.
What: Getting over the awkward.
Rating: Low
Status: Complete.
You look a bit like a thief I once knew. )




Who: Darcy and Thor
What: Getting coffee and having a chat
Where: Coffee shop
When: Thursday night
Rating: PG
Status: Complete

I apologize if I am randomly without clothes. )




Who: Nate Summers and Kitty Pryde
Where: Her house
What: Working on a car
When: 04/03
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for brief nakedness, and for mention of a minor exposed to nakedness.
Status complete

The Lockheed and Nate Show! )




Who: Zuko + Azula
What: Another rare case of siblings getting along
When: Sat. 4/6
Where: Bahamas Vacation
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Let’s have a double wedding. )



I guess there will always be a handful that don’t ever really outgrow their wild youth.

Who: Neena Thurman and Thomas Raith
What: dating again!
When: 3/30
Where: A Moroccan restaurant and Neena's place
Rating: PG for language and handwavey sex
Status: complete

I haven’t decide yet, whether I will be one of them, or not. )




Who: Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Percy Weasley, John Jones, Castiel (Open to significant others, I suppose?)
When: Friday Night
Where: Some Pub. Not a sports bar, Sam wouldn't choose that kind. XD Some place nice.
What: Out to a pub to celebrate the end of the week.
Rating/Warnings: Lowish... guys drinking and hanging out. (will update if needed)
Status: Threading
Note: Feel free to make your own comments off of this post. No posting order, just interact and have fun. :)

Sam was glad it was Friday. )




WHO/WHAT: Stark-Potts Wedding Open
WARNINGS: tbd, varies.

Info under the cut! )




Who: Lady Amalthea, Taiki Kou, and Chiba Mamoru
What:Awkwardnss after revealing a crush.
When: Sometime after these texts
Where: Her place
Rating:PG-13 at most. TW for discussion of controlling partner and noticing of her having Anorexia .
Status: Complete

You're a nice man... )




Who: Percy + Wilson
What: Basically some unapologetic car sex
When: 4/1 -- possibly 4/2 at this point
Where: A back seat near you
Rating: High. Read above.
Status: Complete

Wait. Were they getting naked? Was that a thing that they were doing right now? )


Who: Jess and Carol
What: Someone has a freakout about what just happens. Hint, it's not Carol
Where: Their place
When: Right after this
Warnings: Some cursing and vague hints at sexy times.
Status: Complete

What the hell was that? )




Who: Cadence and Luthien
When: After speaking on the network April 4
Where: Cafe
What: Lunch!
Rating/Warnings: Low, a little talk of sex, and turning into ponies
Status: Complete!

Cadence wasn’t suffering from any wardrobe malfunctions like the rest of the Orange County seemed to be. )



Anyone ever told you you’re annoying?

Who: Eli and Turin.
What: Chance meetings.
When: Saturday night.
Where: The STREETS. (I have no idea, out and about.)
Rating: PG-13 for language.
Status: Complete!

Yes. )




Who: Thor and Carol Danvers
Where: In the skies above the Earth
What: A flight of two friends
When: This evening
Warnings/Rating: PG-13 for some sexual innuendo and references
Status complete

Up, up and away... )




Who: Remy and McCoy
What: Meeting up at work
When: March 6
Where: Irvine General
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

It’s only a prison sentence if you get caught. )




/Who: Kurt Wagner and Princess Cadence
When: After these texts, April 2
Where: Kurt’s place
What: Talking, etc.
Rating/Warnings: Mentions of character death
Status: Complete

Kissing Kurt was far more interesting than potatoes. )