May 2016



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May. 11th, 2016


Well...this is strange. Not sure if I believe all of it or if this is just some...dream.

Or perhaps I wasn't fast enough...

[OOC: Trigger warning, character death talk in the comments]


I'm heading up the eastern settlement committee. Maya and I already did our initial run through of the area to get a better lay of the land and try to map out where exactly we wanna try setting it up at. I know military is already being divided up for where to go initially once the ground breaking happens and I'm sure all the rest of the job areas are gonna be sorted out too but I reckon that putting out some feelers can't hurt.

I'm looking to see who wants to specifically help out with this one though. I figure we'll all help out with all of them as best we can, but you tend to put in the extra effort and finesse when you're building a place that you're gonna end up calling home. Also figure those that plan on calling it home should get a some say in what the end product is gonna be.

I think this one is gonna be near where your village is, yeah? I was wondering if I could pick your brain for some insight into the land around there and any customs we're gonna want to know to make sure we don't get off on the wrong foot with anyone.

When the hell did I become leader material? My X-Man team don't count. That was the most haphazard team we ever had.

[ooc: Annnd the sign-up info stuff is over here so everyone can have an idea of who will be where]

May. 5th, 2016


network; mystique (021)

Is anyone else getting the feeling that someone went "oh, you thought the Emma Swan debacle was a witch hunt? We'll show you a witch hunt"?

If you were wondering what life felt like just before the Sentinel program started, this was it.


Chatty to Teddy:
» I joined a magic support group.
» I'm Billy Kaplan, and creating alternate dimensions should be my Tumblr name.
» Can we write fanfic about our lives, or would that be gross / weird / not cool? Check yes or no.

May. 4th, 2016


It's been a busy and difficult month for all of us, so I wanted to take a moment to say a few things. Let me put my Councilor hat on real quick.

First, I'm proud of the way we've handled ourselves in the wake of Storybrooke. Many of us were put into uncomfortable situations, myself included, and we all have to find a way to live in the aftermath of that. And many of us were here, instead, which caused its own problems. When I first considered running for the Council, one of the things that was important to us was fixing the justice system here. Essentially, that's involved starting over, almost completely. It was important to me that we let go of the system from the Ark, and that we moved towards something more productive for society. We've had some trouble. It's been a slow and difficult process. But I believe it's working. I think we've proven that recently. With your help, and with the hard work of our law enforcement and lawyers, we were able to fully investigate what happened. I'm proud of that. What justice means to each of us is different. We all come from different places, and we all have unique experiences. That's a good thing, but I know it's difficult, too. Sometimes that's going to mean letting go of what we're used to and finding a compromise. Adapting to a new system isn't easy for anyone, but that's why it's so rewarding to see our community come together. My biggest hope moving forward is that we can find a way to heal from our experiences, individually and as a community.

Second, I know there's been a lot of discussion about the offer made to us by the Coalition. This is an enormous decision, and one none of us took lightly. We should be hearing from our delegates soon, with any luck, and they'll be able to tell us how their time in Polis went. There are a lot of concerns, and a lot of fear. I get that. But I'm sure there are a lot of those on the other side, too, and that's why encouraging a positive relationship with the other Grounder clans is crucial. There's so much we don't understand about each other, and if we continue to isolate ourselves from the world at large, we will only give fuel to that fear. We have so many things to offer each other, if we're willing to try. We see that with Lincoln. We've seen that with Dela and the other Floukru. We know it's possible. We can help each other instead of continuing to feed into a cycle of isolationism. Whatever the outcome of this meeting at Polis is, I hope we're able to continue building relationships with the other people who inhabit this planet.

... I guess that wasn't as quick as I thought it'd be. Oops. I'm done now, I promise. May the 4th be with you.

How are you doing?


Hi. My name is Emma Swan, which is probably not a name you're really eager to see so soon under this kind of filter.

However, Bonnie Bennett and Willow Rosenberg have started a magical resource and support group so that we can assist one another, understand each other's magic, and be of help to the community at large. They're both very talented witches in their worlds and they're both eager to helping as much as they can. My involvement is strictly support, as I still have the enchanted cuff that prevents me from doing any magic, if you were, understandably, worried about that.

The group, which doesn't have a formal name yet, will be meeting in the common area outside of the library on Saturday at 4pm, but I thought we could have an informal introduction here to see if this is something you'd be interested in. I want to make thin

So I'll start. I'm Emma Swan. I'm not really sure how old I am anymore because of too many curses and time jumps and world jumps. I was in my early 30s last time I checked. Until recently, I was also called the Dark One, which is an entity in my world that possesses and poisons a person until they are consumed. It's because of my son, Henry, that I'm no longer possessed. If you have any other questions, I'm willing to answer them.

May. 3rd, 2016


[Erik, Billy, TJ]
I would like to practice flying with my abilities, but I am not certain how to begin. Are any of you able to assist with that?

Apr. 29th, 2016


netpost; billy kaplan

Let's solve the following equation: Best game of capture the flag ever + musical + Friday = ?????

Apr. 26th, 2016


Mutant Filter *

I’m sure y’all were happy to not have me trying to get us doing things together for awhile there. But I’m back. Instead of some kind of traditional team building sport or dinner/breakfast since enough of us are doing that daily anyway, I was wondering who wants to get away from the Mountain for a day? Maybe Saturday?

And I’m not suggesting we just head outdoors around here, but get our favorite teleporter to whisk us away somewhere else. Maybe a beach? Rain forest? We could see what Australia is like. Though I’m kinda wondering what the radiation will have done to the animals down there.

Unless y’all are really wanting to go up north somewhere and freeze again.

So hells yes, Rogue? Or have you lost your goddamn mind, Rogue? Maybe somewhere in the middle?

(* includes all the usuals: X-Men of all universes, Daisy, Lincoln, Claire, plus Billy and Teddy)

Apr. 22nd, 2016


Filtered to Billy Kaplan, Teddy Altman, Nico Minoru, Julie Power -- Likely triggers about postpartum depression and pregnancy/baby related stuff. )

Apr. 19th, 2016


Chatty to Sydney Sage
» I feel like I need to apologize, even if I wasn't really me there.
» I hope you know I would never.. you and Adrian are great together. I'd never want to do anything to get in the way of that.

Chatty to Billy Kaplan
» Hey, you

Apr. 18th, 2016


[ [...] Friends and Fa Family]
How many of you are here? Does anyone know where my
["Ben" and "Finn"]
I enjoyed our friendship.
Edmund said you have my things?


Anyone got a good cure for the worst hangover ever. That ain't that whole hair of the dog shit.


I understand the mage responsible for the latest disaster is in custody. When will charges be brought, and who will sit in judgment of her wrongs?


I want to see my mom.


You have no idea how relieved I am that whatever force took my friends away from here has brought them back again.

I hope everyone else has their loved ones back, too.

Apr. 17th, 2016


What the fuck even was that?

Someone tell me where I can help. I'd rather not think about I might have missed the battle, but it looks like there's still plenty to clean up after.

Jaina Solo
I know we were only weird dream world BFFs, but I kind of need to talk to someone and you're elected.

I was sleeping with my ex-boyfriend. Who is married to one of my best friends where I come from. There isn't enough booze in this place to make that feel okay.

Apr. 3rd, 2016


This sucks. First Cassie, and now... practically everyone but us. Not that I want to randomly get taken to another universe against my will, at least not without you, but still. This blows. Don't leave me behind, okay?

I'm keeping Kate's bow, the Kree one. In case she or Noh come back. Someone should keep it safe for her. I figure I'm probably the only one who has any claim to anything Kree, anyway.


Mt Weather; Iskierka

If I were still a dragon I could fly over the terrain and look for the missing people instead of simply standing guard. It is boring and balancing on two legs instead of four is tiring.

Apr. 1st, 2016


(mw) network post: lustiel

Hello, bitches.

I need a favor, who wants to help out?

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