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Jul. 1st, 2015


He wants me to write this, so I'm telling you that the talking "tree" is named Groot. He finally decided to leave his pot, and db hgf

Wont getof f me while im tryjng to type

Lookjust doont' do anything STUPID IF YU See him around.ain't kifdding when I sayhe's

the muscle, even if he's peaceable for the most part AND ANNOY I NG FOR THE OTHER HAFL FINE ALRIG HT HE WANTS TO SAY SOMETHINGand i ain't gotthe patience so here. Here's groot:

i am groot :)

Jun. 28th, 2015


Poker tonight in the mess hall. I'd filter this, but you people know who you are. Same rules as always. You complain, you get kicked out.

Oh, and I'll introduce you to Quill and Gamora. She's green and can murder you. He's got questionable judgment but I guess he's okay. They're my friends. Everyone make 'em feel welcome.

Jun. 27th, 2015


You ever see something so heinous that you just feel so beaten down by it?
How's your fur doing now?


Who's got a stash of soap? I need it.

Jun. 23rd, 2015


So, I'm a shoemaker, which is great because I love shoes, but have you looked at me lately? Aren't shoes made by elves? I am so not an elf.

I'm joking. But yes, I am a shoemaker, and I know that we've got quite a few ladies around here. And guys, too, I guess. Fun fact: heels were once worn by men in the upper classes and to wear them meant you were better than everyone else, or you had more money. So, gents, you wanna wear heels, you won't hear nothing from me. But I've noticed that we're making good shoes, comfortable shoes, for people to work. But what about if there's a party? And I've heard that there have been a few of those. So, here's what I think. We have scraps from all over this place -- clothing has scraps (and yes, I have seen the stuffed animals and they are adorable and I want to help), everywhere has scraps that can be used to make other things. Like... nicer shoes to wear for a party or a celebration or whatever.

Let me know if anyone's interested and we'll see what we can do!

Also, if there's enough people to make up the cast of a show like Pirates of Penzance, then there has got to be more than one dancer. If anyone's interested in having some shoes just for dancing, we'll talk. I myself would like some tap shoes. Gotta keep myself in shape somehow!

Filter to Peggy Carter
This place is a lot to take in. I feel like I was all sorts of way too cheerful but I feel like if I'm not I'm just going to start crying.

How are you doing? Talked to Captain America?

Jun. 22nd, 2015


Filtered to those over 18

All right. In an enthusiastic effort to brighten things up round here, I am bringing in the age-old tradition of: Shag, Marry, Cliff. (Employed many a night by future Aurors in lieu of studying. Unless Mad-Eye is reading this, and then, of course, we were studying the whole night.)

Anyone need the rules explained? (If so, what have you been doing with your life, you poor sod?)

Post your name below if you're in for a round, so your friends can flounce in and torment you!

Jun. 18th, 2015


network; thor (001)

I apologize for any medical staff I frightened when I awoke. I hope none of you are injured, and I will help repair anything that was damaged.

I am Thor Odinson of Asgard. I have been led to believe this is Midgard, but it looks nothing like the realm I left only hours ago. What has happened here?

Jun. 15th, 2015


network; commander shepard (007)

Who wants to learn how to play Skyllian Five? It's a version of poker. From space. I made a deck of cards I need to test out.

How are the radioactive animals coming?

Jun. 13th, 2015


network post; han solo

[Team Jackass, i.e. everyone here + Tony Gates + Major Lilywhite]
I could use a favor. I'm looking for something, and I thought maybe a few of you could help me.

Unfortunately, it's not a ship to get the hell off this rock.

Jun. 11th, 2015


So, looks like the year 2150 sucks balls. Amazing what 162 years away can do, huh?

Oh. and I'm Star Lord. You might have heard of me. I'm a pretty famous outlaw.

Now, where's the booze? I've been here a few days, and I just want to drink the time away until we can get out of this hell hole. It's worse than the kyln.


Does anyone have a plan?

Jun. 10th, 2015


Network Post: Crowley

TRIGGER WARNING: DRUG USE (Crowley's addiction to human blood is basically a drug addiction) )

Jun. 7th, 2015


The explaination provided as to why I landed here will do for the time being but is there really not a thing we can do to return to our home galaxy?

I suppose until that changes. I'm Gamora. And have been added to the military and the rescue and recovery teams here.

I look forward to working with you all.

Jun. 3rd, 2015


network post: mordin solus

Meta-universe! Multiple realities with different laws and constants ruling them, layered on top of each other, existing at the same time, never intersecting — until now? Bubble dimension - pocket universe - hub world? Earth? Why? Fiction: windows into other realities, creators cite "divine inspiration" - nonsense! More complex. More beautiful. More inspiring.

Is this translation working?

Jun. 1st, 2015


Calling in the first favor, Rogers.

I'm gonna go talk to the nice lady with the condoms. You grab 3 boxes when she's not looking.


All right. So I know a few people are feeling fidgety indoors so I tried a few spells last night and figured out how to make a sky. Night sky's better than the daytime sky, but still. The twinkling is nice when you're feeling claustrophobic.

If anyone wants one, let me know. I'll be glad to help you out.

May. 31st, 2015


I know many of you know who we are, but I would like to properly introduce ourselves.

My name is Wanda Maximoff. My brother is Pietro. We come from the same world as many of the Avengers.

May. 25th, 2015


Who here's good with making traps? Rocket, sorry about your family, but I don't want any more animals chewing through the wires or anything else important.

May. 24th, 2015


network post: alison hendrix

Okay, I can't do this anymore.

I have a list of items that I need procured from agriculture and/or the gathering team, and I'd like to request access to the kitchens and several tools.

You're all lovely people, but you lovely people don't have access to decent personal hygiene products. I am personally going to make each one of you a scented bar of soap of your choice. You're welcome.


Are there still raccoons inside the mountain?

I can take care of them.

May. 23rd, 2015


(posted upon discovery of the raccoon nest!)

We got a few problems. There's some rac --

Okay, look. Sam's calling them raccoons but what the hell do I know. They're INSIDE and they need to NOT be INSIDE. What's the usual approach? I don't do infestation clearing and they got at some wires. Who do I shove this at?

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