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Nov. 10th, 2015


Remember when I was me again? Not me the zombie, but old me? And Major was like Groot, so even if he still had feelings for me - which, let's be honest, he probably doesn't - nothing could have even happened? Things have been weird. Or maybe I'm just weird. I don't know. I told him I loved him, and we haven't talked about it. I don't know what to say to him anymore. If he still felt anything, he would have said so by now, right? But why would he, I'm a damn zombie.

Anyway, apparently in our future, he gets mortally wounded and I save him by turning him into a zombie too, but then I give him the last of the cure that our friend Ravi made. And my best friend finds out and takes off.

And I keep wondering why I'm getting my hopes up. Things were getting better, or at least I thought they were, but now that he knows, there's no way he's going to look at me in the same way again, and even if he did, there's no point. A relationship with me is never going to be normal. And that, I think, is the hardest part about all of this. I can manage how to keep myself from going full-on zombie all the time. It's disgusting, but I can suffer through that, but giving up... all the dreams I had for my future, everything I wanted, everything Major and I wanted, it's gone. That's the hard part. I don't want to be alone forever.

... Sorry. That's probably way more than you wanted to deal with. I just You're just the only one who understands, so, welcome to the soap opera that is my life.


So when I said to myself, "Self, you need yourself a mental break", I didn't actually mean a full-on mental break. I was thinking more liiiiiike a weekend of shopping? Bad TV watching? Cheetos may have featured heavily in this picture. But no, I just had to go and lose my mind instead.

It was almost in the cards. The last thing I said back home? "Well, if I don't make it to the library tonight, it's not the end of the world."

BOOM. Here we are.

Hello, friendly hallucinations. My name's Veronica Mars.

Nov. 9th, 2015


» Oi, Remus.
» Why didn't you tell me about Peter?
» Am I like the last bloody person that didn't know?

Nov. 7th, 2015


network post: remus lupin (to sirius, lily, james, and felix)

I can't help feeling like there's a lot of expectation for me to be a responsible, mature adult with a lot of good advice to give.

I am not that person. Yet.


This isn't happening. This can't be happening. Things were finally starting to get normal back home. Hermione was going to say yes. She was, right? Right. Yeah. Of course she was.

Uhhhh. Hi? They said I should introduce myself on this muggle contraption. I'm Ron. Ron Weasley. You've probably never heard of Is Harry Potter around here somewhere?

Nov. 4th, 2015


(004) Severus Snape

I'm not certain if I should thank the pod, or curse it for not being helpful enough.

I have an entire jar full of Chizpurfle carapaces and nothing to do with them.

[Filter: Lupin]
Enough to do a number of potions should the other ingredients need to be sourced.

[Filter: Lily]
The tea was nice. I just wanted to say thank you for asking me.

Oct. 29th, 2015


network post: remus lupin (to james potter)

My throat hurts too much to talk right now.

But I wanted to check in. All right, Prongs?

Oct. 28th, 2015


What are weddings usually like in this world? Or in any world that someone here comes from, really. I'm curious. I've only ever seen Andrastian weddings, and only then either in the little foothills village I grew up in or in Kirkwall. I never thought much of what they would be like somewhere else, but now I find myself in the position of arranging one and therefore the topic holds more interest.

[Filtered to Asala Adaar]
Speaking of which...are you still amenable to officiating? After some consideration, Penelope and I have decided that the 31st night of December will be a good time. It is the last day of the Earth year.

Oct. 27th, 2015


chatty; felix dawkins (017)

chatty to alison + cosima:
» I'm out for the night, my loves
» Nobody wait up
» You're all still welcome in the apartment, Foggy too

chatty to remus lupin:
» Hey you
» You want one more go before tomorrow night?
» Or a few more

Oct. 26th, 2015


For those of you working in the greenhouses and hydroponics: we're in a bit of a lull in our growing seasons, so unless you want to hang out and look at the empty growing beds, we'll all be out helping to put together the houses. From what I've been told, this is good, because once winter hits, we won't be getting out of the mountain as much.

Filter to Remus
I haven't been entirely honest with you.

Oct. 23rd, 2015


network; felix dawkins (016)

Sarah and Kira are gone. And I'm alone a

So there's that. Again.

People keep asking about you, love. The demons are gone or cured; you can talk to people. It's safe.

And Felicia keeps bringing you presents that I'm pretty sure she stole from other people.

Oct. 21st, 2015


Strange medical wards with doctors wandering around = not exactly my favorite thing in the world these days. So, sorry. About the face, to the cute guy.

They told me I was here before, so I can skip the "get to know me" questionnaire? Lydia Martin. I don't suppose anyone's built a Starbucks and a Nordstrom yet?

I have a Were-Coyote for sale, if anyone's interested. She won't stop hovering.

Oct. 15th, 2015


It looks as if I'll also be joining the Awake and Drastically different contingent. Is anyone keeping a list I'm mostly sure that I'm not a vampire. Even though I look like I'm suffering from bl [...] pale enough to be an anemic. That wouldn't explain why I look like a vat of bleach was dumped on my head. [....] Would it? [...] [...] I'm also starting to feel


(003) Severus Snape

[filter: Lupin]
what have you done now?


chatty: lupin → tonks

» Good news: Your mum's here!
» Bad news: She probably hates me.

[added later:]

» Good news! She actually doesn't hate me.


So, I was given a list of names of people that are here that would help me acclimatise. Which is all well and good and everything most of them I'd be delighted to speak with but some of that list is just entirely impossible and rather a cruel joke if I'm honest. And others I have no wish to see.

But they tell me Nymphadora is here?

I'm honestly unsure of what to believe right now.

Oct. 14th, 2015


chatty: remus → felix

» Hey, Lucky —
» Sorry I didn't stop by last night.
» Marauder family emergency.

Oct. 13th, 2015


Private to Lily, Remus, James

Are you around tonight?

Oct. 10th, 2015


Network Post: Minerva McGonagall

Let's get on with the introductions, then. I'm Professor Minerva McGonagall. I shall be teaching, although what I'm to teach, I don't yet know.

I appreciate that the medical staff wished to have a familiar face facilitate my arrival, but I've spent enough time in a hospital bed of late. I understand that over a dozen of my current and former students may be able to assist me. If you were intending to come and see me, I seem to be in a Muggle laundry room at the moment.

Oct. 2nd, 2015


002; Severus Snape

Who is the expert on locally available fauna?

[Filter: HP folks, Snow, Bigby, and those who have asked about the Wolfsbane Potion]
I have put together a list of the ingredients, and the instructions for all the good it is likely to do us immediately.

There are three ingredients that in our world are magical in nature and thus not likely to be easily found in this world. There are additionally ten other ingredients that while mundane in origin may or may not exist in their form here in this world. Either they may be extinct, they may never have existed here, or they may be altered in such a way that it would make the potion impossible to reproduce.

I wish to state very clearly that this potion is not your simple stone soup. What goes into it and when matters tremendously. Three of its primary ingredients are poisons, and are found in use throughout many potions within Death, Despaire, and Delirium: Potions to Feed the Deepest Fears because they are intended to kill. In the case of this potion, it 'kills' the wolf for the period of the full and Belby's work was revolutionary in that way, but as you might imagine considering that fact it was not without cost and that cost was in lives of werewolves.

The end result is a potion that has improved many lives, but I cannot guarantee a successful potion here under current circumstances and likely could not even with the magical ingredients.

If you have questions ask them and I will answer what I can.

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