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Aug. 26th, 2015


chatty; stark-spangled banner

Chatty to Steve Rogers & Tony Stark
>> Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope.

Aug. 22nd, 2015


I am sorry to the friends and family of Delly Cartwright. She is no longer in this universe with us.

Aug. 18th, 2015


Network post; bruce banner

Jan Van Dyne
How did it go with your daughter?

The universe is an ever-expanding multitude of possibilities, and yet we find ourselves under a mountain...replicating the past. I may have had a breakthrough in my clothing research; though, I hardly think it'll win the Nobel.

Aug. 4th, 2015


There's a Hope Van Dyne here, and she's — Carol, I think she's mine and Hank's daughter in another universe.
I think my alternative universe daughter is here.

Not the one I lost very recently, but another one.

Aug. 3rd, 2015


I've already said this, but like Councillor Adaar said, I think it's worth repeating. I'm humbled to have been elected to the council, and very grateful for this opportunity. To those of you who have supported me in this decision, thank you - from the bottom of my heart, for believing in me. This wouldn't be possible without you, and I hope to make all of you proud. To everyone else, I know it can be discouraging to face a result you didn't want, but I hope you'll give me and Councillor Adaar a chance, and I hope to make you proud too. Your compassion for one another, your desire to do what you think is best for our community, and your dedication to what you do here inspires me every day. My door is open to all of you if you want to talk about what's happening here, if you have ideas or suggestions for us, or concerns, regardless of what choices you made in the election. At the end of the day, we're all in this together.

I know the message on the Memorial Wall, has people worried, and while I don't have any answers right now, I assure you we will get to the bottom of it. That said, if you saw anything out of the ordinary over the last few days, please come talk to one of us.

All right, I'll cut this short here, I'm sure you're all probably tired of hearing my speeches.

And since it seems like someone listened to me when I told Phil that I wished I had my art supplies here, thank you to our mysterious benefactor. It's a pretty good celebration gift.

Aug. 2nd, 2015


Who: The inhabitants of Mount Weather
When: This afternoon, at 2 p.m.
Where: The greenhouse
What: Dedication of the Memorial Garden in the southeast corner of the greenhouse
Rating: Low

Today was the dedication of the memorial garden. Everyone was invited to attend. At the gate to the garden, large flats of flowers were available. People can either take one, put it in a pot, and keep it with them, or plant it themselves after the dedication. One section of the garden was purposefully left unfinished for today. There was a moment of silence for those no longer with them in whatever way. In an attempt to incorporate as much of the recent history of the world as possible, those Sky People and Grounders that have died were named, as well as all of those who have died since the Pod People started arriving.

After that, the floor was open to people to speak, sing, recite poetry, or anything they can think of. Neville began with himself, which I'll detail in a comment, and then he asked Chancellor Griffin to speak, and Steve Rogers and Asala Adaar. After that, he would ask that people take turns and be courteous.

The dedication ended with the planting of the flowers in the garden, with the farmers helping people individually, as well as anyone who has experience gardening.

Jul. 16th, 2015


network post; bruce banner

Jan Van Dyne:
I haven't made much progress with these unstable molecules. Fascinating, but certainly a challenge with

Are you going to the play?


I'm not entirely convinced this isn't HYDRA, or Leviathan. I've been told by the doctors about the circumstances of my arrival, but I don't believe it, it's far too Orwellian. It's simply not possible.

Perhaps it's a dream. That's it. A horrible nightmare. I think I shall sit here until I awaken.

Jul. 13th, 2015


[....] Does anyone else see the dishes trying to flee?

Jul. 12th, 2015


network post: kaidan alenko (to medical+)


Attack near the river. Managed to drive them back, but reporting two dead and further injuries. I used the medigel I had left to stop bleeding and numb pain, but not everyone's safe to walk.

I'm trying to assess all injuries to give you an idea of what's going on, but make sure beds are clear.

Jul. 11th, 2015


I have a huge favor to ask you. I think it might actually help things around here if we could reverse engineer this stuff for clothing. Have you ever heard of unstable molecules?


network post: mordin solus

Continuing tests to treat animals.

First treatment unsuccessful. Declared victory prematurely. Subjects died. Don't be alarmed, disease not responsible. No outbreak.

Need more time, will correct problems quickly.

Jul. 7th, 2015


You alright?

[SHIELD folks minus Skye]
Anyone seen or heard from Skye. I'm wondering if that ground rumbling was her doing.

I may need to update you on something. I'll let you know once I find out more info.

Jul. 3rd, 2015


Funerals always

I was flying around today. needed to get out of the mounta Looks like some dark clouds on the horizon.

From what I gather, you don't know me, but I'd like to change that. See, where I'm from, we're great friends. We were original Avengers together, and the Hulk, the other guy, he learned to trust me easily. I don't expect that to happen here so there's no pressure.

I would, however, like to have the opportunity to get to know you. And the other guy, if he's interested.

So what do you say?

Jul. 2nd, 2015


This week I read a book about innate characteristics; how, even the shepherd dog is fooled to believe it cannot kill the sheep. And I am given to wondering if I am sheep or if I am the shepherd dog.

But the play rehearsal is going very well!

[FILTERED TO: 505.U1-2]
I heard the announcement. Are you all safe? Please tell me you are all safe.


People keep disappearing from here, much like we were from our own realities, and yet there seems to be a pervasive lack of curiosity as to where the missing were taken.

So, people of the mountain, what do you think? Is there some Maxwell's Demon at the lever, making sure to keep the ultimate metaphysical balance? Are they in some reality more hellish than this one? Was their disappearance intentional, and they're now being tortured for information? Perhaps we're all slowly descending the levels of Dante's hell, and one day we'll come face to face with Judas himself. Who knows? By then we could have all well earned our spots.

Jun. 26th, 2015


I do not believe that I am so fragmented that I would imag

I find little comfort that the human race has kept going through hell. Hell has a way of contaminating even the most self-possessed. Sometimes it is more compassionate to put a thing out of its

Can someone explain to me in layman's terms what exactly I'm experiencing? Mass delusion or My rational mind cannot accept what I've been told or seen, given that my neurological issues may be ongoing.

Jun. 19th, 2015


Who: Steve Rogers & Bruce Banner
When: Some time shortly after Bruce's arrival
Where: The library.
What: Hanging out.
Status / Rating: Complete / Low

Why wouldn’t it be a chance to start over? )

Jun. 18th, 2015


network post; bruce banner

The more samples I collect here, the more questions I have. It's like being dropped off at a scientific candy store with an unlimited budget. Well, apart from our limited resources and lab equipment. I'm afraid evolution hasn't yet solved that problem.

Jun. 15th, 2015


network post: mordin solus

Hello! Not speaking in person, English still not fluent. Working on it.

Also working on radiation problem. Seems possible, resources available. Problem should be solved. Ordinary timeline for me - a week. Given limited resources and testing opportunities - one month, two if there are setbacks.

Will have this done!

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