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Nov. 5th, 2015


Is there music at this bonfire? Will assassins be there? Basically I'm asking if anyone will try to pour gasoline on me again and try to kill me if I go tonight.

Thank you in advance.

Nov. 3rd, 2015


network post; spock

It seems the Pod God has looked upon me favorably. I believe that is at least one interpretation for how my chess set appeared on this planet. My other working theory involves Romulans, black holes, and the space-time continuum. I don't know that either is truly workable.

Logic aside, should anyone be willing and able to master the three-dimensional aspect, I require an opponent.


Mr. Pointy! I thought I lost it when Sunnydale went down! Too bad the rest of my room didn't come with it.

In honor of my favorite stake, I want to invite people to throw sharp things at me, which will lead to much sparring. [...] Preferably superpowered so I don't feel like I have to hold back.


Is there a Sarah Connor in the house? I didn't think there was. But, there's a terminator outside asking for her.

I'm pretty sure it's not, from the first movie. Since it's not trying to kill people etc etc. In case anyone was worried.

Oh and there's a dropship full of random stuff. Some if it seems to belong to people.

Oh, and R2D2. Who is even cooler than a terminator. If none of the Solo's or Skywalkers come and claim him, I'm going to steal him. Just FYI.

Nov. 2nd, 2015


So, forgive me if this gets asked a lot. But, other than the job I've been assigned.. Is there anything else I could be doing to help?

I'm just not used to not being in control sitting on my hands like this.


(001) Mara Jade Skywalker

My name is Mara Jade Skywalker. I'm here with my son, Ben, and I've been told that we have family here.

I've also been told a number of other things, the accuracy of which is all yet to be determined that are most unusual, which considering the year I've had, is saying something.

[Solo kids]
You're all three here.

Nov. 1st, 2015


This is most unusual. I can't say I've ever arrived on a planet that way before.

My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. I have agreed to assist the military here, but if there is anything else I can do to make our stay here easier and more pleasant, I'd be glad to help. I hear we may be calling this planet home for some time.


Are any of you going to the Halloween Festivals? I'm thinking of going. I'll help set up though.

*Feel free to assume. Besides Buffy obviously this is people she's really had a decent conversation with etc.

Oct. 27th, 2015


Chatty to Buffy
Hey do you want to grab lunch?


network; commander shepard (013)

Congratulations to the firearms class. Most of you weren't horrible, and nobody shot any of their classmates. You can all thank Betsy for giving you something to shoot at, and be grateful she didn't give you anything terrifying. I was tempted to let her, but some of you aren't actually combatants, and it's not Halloween yet.

Here are the rankings, for everyone who wants a sense of satisfaction:
1st - Alison Hendrix
2nd - Katniss Everdeen
3rd - Flash Thompson
4th - Will Scarlett
5th - James Potter
6th - Chris Traeger
7th - Angie Martinelli
8th - Alistair Theirin
9th - Anya Corazon
10th - Foggy Nelson
11th - Asala Adaar
12th - Lito Rodriguez
13th - Simon Tam

No one trust Lito or Simon with a gun in the next emergency. We'll work on it, but for now they might shoot you themselves. Sorry.

You want to talk about how much you feel like murdering someone, or was shooting dummies cathartic enough for today?

Oct. 26th, 2015


This might sound odd, but is anyone willing to speak to me using sign language? ASL or JSL are fine because those are the only ones I know. We don't know how long we'll be here and it's kind of important that I don't get rusty at it from lack of usage. If nobody around here knows it I guess I can keep my memory refreshed by teaching it to whoever wants to learn it, but I'm not so good with people... so only a couple or few people at most.

Maybe I'll even take a Downer so I won't be an ass.


I have to admit, when I pictured a nuclear holocaust, [...] this is exactly how I imagined it. Of course, with a lot more bunkers.

And a lot less - what was it again? Interdimesional travel?


At least I'm not stuck on an island this time.

I've been given the explanation. And told this is the place to introduce myself. Especially since they don't think anyone from my world is here.

My name's Oliver Queen. And, I'm going to be helping out with hunting.


Yeah, so I'm pretty sure I didn't see a flock of Angry Birds hanging outside yesterday. I'm going to chalk that up to 1) epic trolling or 2) too much time in the lab. If it was a subtle hint, I'd introduce you to Crush the Castle but sadly... I left my internets in the last dimension. ㅠㅠ

Also, is now a good time to get into a discussion about Daylight Saving and how it's a complete waste and why we shouldn't do it? One of the best arguments being that a lot of people don't know what it is.


Who: Willow Roseberg & OPEN
Where: Edge of the main camp
What: Willow is practicing her magic
When: Mid-morning
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

Read more... )

Oct. 22nd, 2015


Okay, guys. I'm getting desperate here. My scythe disappeared from my room last night. Or maybe I left it in the gym. I don't usually leave it hanging around because it sort of calls to me, so if someone could maybe let me know if they picked up a red scythe that's super shiny and has a large wooden stake on one end, I'd really appreciate it.


Oct. 21st, 2015


Strange medical wards with doctors wandering around = not exactly my favorite thing in the world these days. So, sorry. About the face, to the cute guy.

They told me I was here before, so I can skip the "get to know me" questionnaire? Lydia Martin. I don't suppose anyone's built a Starbucks and a Nordstrom yet?

I have a Were-Coyote for sale, if anyone's interested. She won't stop hovering.


Two weeks and I'll have been here for two months now. It feels a lot longer than that if I'm being honest. At least I can safely say that I'm glad my mum isn't here. This place would drive her mad, I think.

Hey. How are you doing?


Which one of you can I trust to not dissect me if I

I'm going for walk. Who's coming with me? Groot's busy messing around with leaves, and I ain't got a lifetime to wait for him to catch up.


I think I need to force myself to meet new people properly. I've been hiding behind my work for too long.

I'm not that good at meeting new people though. I'm better than I was though?

This place is just too confusing

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