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Dec. 10th, 2015


As many of you know, I've been leading a class on midwifery since about June. On January 1, the first class will hit their six month mark, which is a remarkable achievement under the circumstances in which we're living. I'd like to congratulate them, and to urge them to continue with a difficult course of study. If Mount Weather is to thrive as a community, and to grow, then children are a necessity, and making sure that they have the absolute best start to life is Medical's gift to them.

With this in mind, I'm announcing a second class that will start on January 5. This group will run a little differently to the first class, however, given the existence of the Mount Weather Medical school, headed by Claire Temple. This class will enter into the nursing program, and will also have an hour seminar on Mondays and Wednesday on childbirth, pre-natal and ante-natal care, as well as women's health. The current class will continue as is with the schedule that has been laid out for them. If you're interested, please speak to me or Claire.

Filter to Tony
I had an interesting conversation with Sarah at lunch today.

Filter to Simon Tam
How are you feeling?

Dec. 9th, 2015


log: simon+hawke

WHO: Garrett Hawke and Simon Tam
WHEN: Backdated to a few days ago
WHERE: The library
WHAT: Simon is still fruitlessly searching for his sister, and Hawke has to drag him back to reality.

I have nothing for myself )


network post: simon tam (to medical)

I'm coming back.

Sorry for taking such a long leave of absence. It won't happen again.

Thank you, for what you said. I'll figure out what to do with myself, you don't have to babysit me.

Dec. 2nd, 2015


-- Any luck?

Dec. 1st, 2015


network post: simon tam

If you're with my sister, or if you've seen my sister, tell me where she is. [...] Please. I told her to warn me if she was going to wander off

Nov. 19th, 2015


Uh. Hey. What the f I guess I'm the new guy again.

Lincoln Campbell. I'm from Cincinnati, but it doesn't sound like that exists anymore. I was a doctor... still am, I guess. Didn't bring any of my credentials, though.

I'm not sure what else to say. This is weird. It's really 2150?

Nov. 16th, 2015


Right then, now that we've all had time to cool down and heal up, good evening Mount Weather. (Bit of a pisser of a name, am I wrong? What's duller than the weather?) Name's Jacob Frye, I'm four minutes and forty years younger than my fair sister, Evie Frye, and I'm your newest mapmaker.

But all that's window dressing. Heard there was a constituency here keen on sending things sky-high, yeah? What've we got, then? I show you mine if you show me yours.

[ Filtered to Dr. Tam ]

Sorry about your face, head, neck, torso, etc.

[ /Filter ]

Nov. 12th, 2015


network post: simon tam

To anyone who requires me over the next couple of days: please see Dr. Gates, Dr. Hunt, or any other member of the medical staff if you can't wait. I will be out of medical for the next couple of days.

Do I just have that kind of face?

Nov. 6th, 2015


network post: simon tam

I'm regretting that I didn't go to the bonfire, now that the snow's falling. We're probably going to be shut in with blizzards all winter.

I don't want to have to amputate anything because of frostbite, so stay warm.

Oct. 31st, 2015


chatty; jessica moore (008)

chatty to simon:
» I realize
» Drinking at a family kind of thing full of happy people
» Is
» Dumb

» I realized you're my only friend
» Because I don't think I know how to talk to new people anymore
» and you've seen my organs so I figure, hey
» That's as good as it gets now

Oct. 27th, 2015


Filter to Command, Medical, and Surveillance
Morning inventory check showed some missing supplies in supply closet four. Mostly some antibiotics, some bandages, and medical tape. Surveillance, I wonder if you can go over the video from yesterday into this morning to see if we can identify our culprit?

eta after they discover who it was...

Filter to Guards
We have a developing situation with the theft of some medical supplies. It looks it was done by a child, but stand by. We may need your help in containing or transporting whoever is attached to the boy.


network; commander shepard (013)

Congratulations to the firearms class. Most of you weren't horrible, and nobody shot any of their classmates. You can all thank Betsy for giving you something to shoot at, and be grateful she didn't give you anything terrifying. I was tempted to let her, but some of you aren't actually combatants, and it's not Halloween yet.

Here are the rankings, for everyone who wants a sense of satisfaction:
1st - Alison Hendrix
2nd - Katniss Everdeen
3rd - Flash Thompson
4th - Will Scarlett
5th - James Potter
6th - Chris Traeger
7th - Angie Martinelli
8th - Alistair Theirin
9th - Anya Corazon
10th - Foggy Nelson
11th - Asala Adaar
12th - Lito Rodriguez
13th - Simon Tam

No one trust Lito or Simon with a gun in the next emergency. We'll work on it, but for now they might shoot you themselves. Sorry.

You want to talk about how much you feel like murdering someone, or was shooting dummies cathartic enough for today?

Oct. 25th, 2015


network; jessica moore (007)

I really, really used to like Halloween, you know? I'm not sure I'm down with all the spooky stuff again yet, but thank you for the pumpkins. Mine are all carved up now and it's like having a little bit of home.

I'm also going to start a little support group for those of us who died back home, or know that we die at home. Sunday nights, if that works? You don't have to sign up. If there's no one using the commons in 501 tonight, the first Life Support meeting is going to start tonight at 7:30. The only thing I ask is that you only attend if you died at home or know that you die at home and need help coping, and we're reserving the right to turn people away if they make other members of the group uncomfortable.

Thank you, by the way. Between you and Hawke's magic, my scars are fading pretty well. I forget they're even there half the time.

Oct. 23rd, 2015


Never a dull moment here, is there? It seems like if it's not werewolves, it's people switching bodies, or demons, or God knows what else. I thought I was going to get a vacation. I really wanted a God, I hope this isn't my life at home too. Life doesn't pay well enough for weird shit.

Any luck on the hobbies front? Don't tell Dr. Crusher, I've been reading medical texts from the library instead of books for fun.

Oct. 22nd, 2015


i like the pumpkins

Oct. 21st, 2015


network; hawke (018)

This is a friendly reminder to the hunters NOT TO SHOOT AT THE LARGE BIRDS. They could be people.

Me, it could be me, who hunts hawks anyway? Andraste's tits, I saw my life flash before my eyes today.

How's Dean doing? Still an abomination?

Oct. 13th, 2015


private to simon

why does everyone leave here

Oct. 6th, 2015


network; hawke (017)

We're back! I'll leave the summary of the trip up to Clarke, but I'm glad to be home.

Who missed me?

Oct. 4th, 2015


network post: simon (to audrey, nathan, beverly)

Audrey, do you think you could do us a favor in medical?

Donna Noble's been experiencing some memory lapses — or she's claiming to be somewhere when someone's witnessed her being somewhere else. We thought it might have been her boyfriend having a vivid dream on painkillers, but it's happened multiple times. She's not missing time, she just has conflicting ideas about where she's been.

I'd like you to take a look at her. It might be a Trouble.

Sep. 28th, 2015


Just in case any of you were considering becoming a werewolf, don't. The pay's shit, and the transformation's lousy, and the company didn't say a fucking word all evening.

Filter to Simon Tam & Beverly Crusher
I have a question, and bear with me for how ridiculous it sounds. Was Donna Noble there all day? She spent the afternoon with me -- said that Dr. Crusher gave her permission to take the afternoon off. But she's telling me that she was in medical all day.

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