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Sep. 2nd, 2015


network post: erik lehnsherr (to charles; raven)

See, Charles, I can coexist with humans.

You were already hurt. You shouldn't have been fighting, your leg probably slowed you down.

Aug. 26th, 2015


It's no secret we've got werewolves around the camp. Hunting's been delegated to inside the perimeter and fishing hasn't been done since the Grounders staked out the river a few weeks ago. The terms of the truce are simple: the Grounders leave Mount Weather and its environs alone, and we leave them alone. The werewolves are playing a game of chicken with us, standing at the perimeter, daring us to do anything. We're in a tenuous position, and the full moon's coming up.

I'm calling for volunteers — preferably with some kind of fight training — to spend the next few days training when if they attack on the full moon. We've got a course going on right now on how to fight werewolves.

If you can't fight, you can volunteer for medical assistance. We're going to need it. Always good to have people who can mend others.

THE 100:
Times like this, I kind of wish we hadn't blown the the damn acid fog.

Aug. 16th, 2015


Filter to Raven
Hullo, dear, how was your day? I was nearly eaten by a were-coyote, and I nearly asked Erik to make himself a crown so that we might crown him Drama Queen. I might still do the latter.


I'd like to say sorry to the doctors I almost ate. And to the guy with the beard. And to the person who tried to tell me about my bunk assignment. I'm sorry I almost ate you. It's not personal. And if you're not annoying, it probably won't happen again.

I'm Malia. This whole dimensional travel thing is crap and I miss my boyfriend, and I think I'm probably just hallucinating again or I went crazy, but thanks for not killing me on sight. I don't understand what's happening and I don't like it but the lack of pending death is kind of refreshing.

Aug. 6th, 2015


Filter to Baelfire
You're in distress. What's wrong?

Filter to Dwayne Hicks
How are you feeling?

Filter to Felicia Hardy
We started a conversation, once upon a time. Would you care to finish it?

Filter to Erik & Raven
Good God I need a drink.

Aug. 2nd, 2015


network; mystique (009)

Erik, you were with Adaar Friday night, right? How'd that go? Charles and I waited up, but I must have fallen asleep before you got back.

I'm not sure what to make of the election yet. There was a mutant as president at home and it didn't do us much good, so... I don't know.

Jul. 24th, 2015


network; mystique (008)

Can I think we've all made up now? No one's told me anything and I didn't want to pry.

(ooc; ever-so-slightly "forward-dated" to the 24th. should be friday on jo/kait/jess's calendars but some of you live a few hours in the past.)

Jul. 23rd, 2015


Filtered Network Post: Rachel Summers


I told you about it because I hoped you'd see that despite all that's happened, I haven't given up on the dream.

You do not get to use my life as an excuse to throw a destructive tantrum.


Yesterday's Magneto hissyfit comes down to me. I shared something of my past with him, and he blew up over it. I'm sorry.

Jul. 22nd, 2015


network; mystique (007)

The hell did you say to Erik?

Jul. 21st, 2015


chatty; mystique (006)

chatty to erik;
» Where are you?
» I just got back and the hallway is fucked up
» What happened? What's wrong?

Jul. 20th, 2015


Filter to Raven
I am [...] failing in my promise to these people. At night I can't help but share their dreams.

[...] Did I truly fall out of bed early this morning?

Kudos to those who were in the play over the weekend. I believe that Gilbert and Sullivan themselves would have enjoyed your production.

Jul. 9th, 2015


WHO: Wanda Maximoff + Mystique
WHEN: July 9
WHERE: Rec room
WHAT: Sharing powers
STATUS: Incomplete!

... )


network; mystique (005)

Hello, Wanda. Erik mentioned you the other day. I'm Raven.

( italics = russian. roll with it, people. )


I find myself feeling put on the spot, the way you are when asked to step on stage and give a speech. I don't quite know what to say, but I'll give it a go anyway.

Hello, I'm Charles Xavier. I am a mutant. I am gifted with the ability to read people's minds, to reach in and touch their thoughts. I do promise that I will not ever do so without your express permission, and have indeed signed a paper to that effect before I left medical. I'll be working in medical as a part of the administrative team, but I also put myself out there as a psychologist. I've phD's in genetics, biology, and psychology, so please don't hesitate to speak up.

Filter to Telepaths

Filter to RavenMystique
Well, this won't be awkward at all.

Jul. 8th, 2015


network post; hank mccoy

Uh -- hello? I was told I might know people here.

Jul. 7th, 2015


network; mystique (004)

I didn't say as much when I got here because I don't normally need to, but now I have to ask for something to wear if I go outdoors. Do you have to custom-make everything, or is there some kind of community stockpile?

I forgot our room mate is some kind of empath or psychic, and her friend really doesn't seem to like you. If we plan on having sex again, we need a different spot.

Is our apartment going to have a problem? If you and Erik can't get along, I can ask that we be moved. I don't want him starting any fights.

Jul. 4th, 2015


chatty; mystique (003)

chatty to erik lehnsherr:
» See, if you'd killed that guy
» A werewolf would have stolen your thunder

Jul. 2nd, 2015


log; magneto & mystique

WHO: Magneto & Mystique
WHEN: Tuesday, June 30th, after the big hullabaloo that accompanied Erik's arrival
WHERE: Erik & Raven's room
WHAT: They kind of make up? This was a nicer log than we thought it was going to be.
WARNING(S): Raven came in with a gunshot wound in her leg, and for most of the log they're looking at it or changing her bandages, so if you have a really bad medical squick, I'd say don't? Just to be safest.

You can be an asshole, but you listened when I told you who I was. )

Jul. 1st, 2015


network post: erik lehnsherr

I've ruffled some feathers, it seems.

My name is M Erik, and to put fears to rest: I have no intention of killing everyone here.


network; mystique (002)

We have a problem.

The man who came in tonight is named Magneto. He's a pro-mutant revolutionary, and he isn't going to like waking up in a hospital. He can also control metal, which your little fortress here is mostly made out of. If he wakes up unrestrained, he'll think he's being experimented on or he's been captured, and he may turn you into wall decorations before you have time to explain yourselves.

You should lock him up. The last time we saw each other, he tried to murder President Nixon and his Cabinet to make a statement. He had reasons -- good reasons -- but he believes our kind and yours are already at war, not that provoking you will start one. But I don't know where to put him, unless you have a plastic prison somewhere handy, and you can't just let him wander around outside to leave him to himself. If you can contain him or convince him to stay, let him stay in my apartment; we're from the same place. He's my responsibility.

I've been looking around this place and seen some people who don't look human. If some of you are there when he wakes up, he may not panic. If you have any non-humans with some actual authority around here, you need to get that person to talk to him. If you don't earn Erik's respect, he'll just pry his way out of here and there won't be a thing you can do about it.

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