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Sep. 9th, 2015


So I got this friend. And this other friend who's mostly a friend through mutual love of cigarettes and sarcasm.

And one time, I hear they got into this whole big drama fight...well okay they do that a lot, mostly over hair, but this one was hardcore. And it never got any real answer.

So this is me putting it out there to the masses.

If Cavemen and Astronauts got into a fight,, who would win?

Aug. 7th, 2015


I don't mean to intrude, but I can't help but notice your pain. You do not mean to, but your grief is sending shock-waves out in massive telepathic surges. To block them, I would have to focus all of my energy on blocking it out.

That's not why I messaged you, though. I didn't mean to intrude, but as I said, your pain is blinding. I have a massive heada I would like to offer my help, in any way I can. I know that there is nothing that I can do for the loss of a loved one and my own sorrow is. I cannot bring anyone back from the dead, but I can at least offer friendship and a good bottle of whiskey I traded for.
If I can help, please ask it of me, old friend.

Jul. 30th, 2015


Filter to Mutants
I received a rather unexpected surprise in the form of what I can only imagine is a very high-tech chair in the pod which dropped gifts. It feels familiar to me, and I recognize it as the chair in which the older Charles Xavier was using when I was able to speak to him through the psychic link Logan had with his body. If any of you have any idea how to keep this thing in tip-top shape, now would be a good time to share.

Jul. 27th, 2015


To those of you who knew him, Hank McCoy is no longer one of our number. I suppose one can only hope that, as the voice said, he has gone home again.

Filter to Mount Weather Leaders, Rachel Summers, Betsy Braddock
For what it's worth, I felt no unknown presence within Mount Weather or the surrounding environs during the event this morning.

Jul. 23rd, 2015


Filtered Network Post: Rachel Summers


I told you about it because I hoped you'd see that despite all that's happened, I haven't given up on the dream.

You do not get to use my life as an excuse to throw a destructive tantrum.


Yesterday's Magneto hissyfit comes down to me. I shared something of my past with him, and he blew up over it. I'm sorry.

Jul. 21st, 2015


telepathic message sent to Erik Lehnsherr, after this (Betsy and Rachel can probably feel a huge disturbance from Charles, too, btw. Because why not bring the whole damn family in? Amirite?)
cut for language )

Jul. 20th, 2015


Various Messages: Rachel Summers


Charles. I can feel how exhausted you are, and I'm sure Betsy can, too. You know you don't have to struggle with this alone. You have two fellow mutant telepaths here who are powerful and highly skilled. I'll let Betsy speak for herself, but as for me, my mentors were two of your alternate selves, and I've been teaching telepathy-related classes for some time now.

So I'm not going to wait for you to reach out more to us, okay? What can we do right now?


Guten abend, Herr Lehnsherr. You seem to be behaving so far. Settling into life in a mountain full of humans?


Thanks again for helping with the dishes.

How's your head doing since coming here? That time you and your big friend came to the school, you had an... interesting... presence.

Jul. 13th, 2015


The dishes are escaping!

The dishes are escaping!

Remain calm, folks! They're just afraid. I think. They're not all that bright, so their mind is a bit fluffy. It's like cotton candy. Oh man that sounds good right now. Do we have the stuff to make cotton candy? The blue kind is really good.

Right, the dishes!

It's not my fault. If you happen to see one roll past you, please pick it up without damaging it!

Jul. 11th, 2015


I know that it could be worse. That there are even wheelchairs here for me to use is excellent. But it's also bulky, and clumsy, and I am very sorry to anyone that I've bumped into or inadvertantly ran over with it. I truly didn't mean to do so.

I'd also like to thank the book club for welcoming me into it's arms last night. I haven't been read to since I was very small.

Jul. 9th, 2015


I find myself feeling put on the spot, the way you are when asked to step on stage and give a speech. I don't quite know what to say, but I'll give it a go anyway.

Hello, I'm Charles Xavier. I am a mutant. I am gifted with the ability to read people's minds, to reach in and touch their thoughts. I do promise that I will not ever do so without your express permission, and have indeed signed a paper to that effect before I left medical. I'll be working in medical as a part of the administrative team, but I also put myself out there as a psychologist. I've phD's in genetics, biology, and psychology, so please don't hesitate to speak up.

Filter to Telepaths

Filter to RavenMystique
Well, this won't be awkward at all.

Jul. 5th, 2015


network post: erik lehnsherr

This attack was
I'm sorry that your people suf

In the world I come from, the only people with gifts are known as mutants. These powers are inborn and genetic, usually manifesting at some point around puberty.

Here, only a few of you seem to identify as one of us, while several of you have gifts through other means. Magic, scientific experimentation, radiation, extraterrestrial genetics.

I'm curious to know what you do and how.

I've promised a friend not to kill you.

Jul. 2nd, 2015


I know I'm not supposed to drink Magneto's Kool-Aid, but it's nice to hear someone say I'm extraordinary. Even if it's a trick and not at all genuine.

That probably makes me a bad person or something. I know it's stupid. I know. It's stupid. But I guess even zombies want to be special.
Hey. So do you hate It's been a while. How are you settling in?

[*ooc: i'm flexible about this filter! it obviously includes her roommates & ruby, but if we've talked about them being friends before, feel free to comment!]

Jun. 18th, 2015


Filtered: Rachel to Betsy and Nathan


How do so many minds just stop being present? It's not like they got blocked out all of a sudden, or that they died-- those things feel very different. One moment here, the next absent, and no trace of where they went or how.

Jun. 14th, 2015


It didn't go well. Look after him for me, okay?
Everyone here was so much more understanding than I expected that I was actually starting to think that the people I love would understand why I hid the zombie thing from them too.

Nope. Turns out they don't understand that when something traumatic happens to you, you might not be in the right space to tell them something that will get you committed because who would actually think zombies are real except crazy people?

Don't get me wrong, my ex is a great guy. He really is. But he wouldn't have wanted to marry someone like me. I don't know why he's pretending like we could've made it work.

Jun. 11th, 2015


I know many of you are still worrying about your friends and family who are missing, and I am sorry that we haven't been able to bring most of you any good news yet. Some have returned, but even more are still not accounted for.

Given the strange nature of this world, there are a lot of factors that could make someone disappear in a way that is beyond the ability of a normal search party to find. We've had the assistance of a few of you in using your special abilities to try to locate them, and if I haven't said it already, thank you for all your efforts.

If there's anyone else who has a unique method for finding people, and if you're willing to help us, we'd really appreciate the help. We have to try everything we can to bring these people safely back to the bunker.

Other volunteers, of all skill or experience levels, are also welcome. And as always, please feel free to use private filters if you don't want to share your abilities or skills with the general public.


I've been here a few weeks now. But, realised that I never really introduced myself properly.

My name is Officer Aeryn Sun. And, I'd say I'm looking forward to working with you all. But, that would be a lie.

Is anyone else fed up of being planet-bound?

Jun. 5th, 2015


I think we should be able to track and locate the missing people. It may require us to go into someone else's head if we don't know them, which may be something that most people are not interested in.

But we should still offer.

May. 27th, 2015


Network Post: Rachel Summers

I know I'm not the only one really, really struggling with not geeking out over seeing someone from something we really loved to watch/read. MY ROOMMATES ARE And not telling them that they've been in something that could be watched/read. It made me wonder if the post-pod orientation makes that standard, and if it isn't, do people think that should be?

Would you rather know about it or not?

... And are you okay with someone geeking out over you?

Totally unofficial survey. Just curious.

May. 26th, 2015


network post: sera


[ooc: sera has, in fact, decorated the mess hall with a hundred "butt" balloons which she inflated herself.]

May. 21st, 2015


Being a telepath here is so much better in a lot of ways. It was so much louder there than it is here. It's much easier to tune everyone out.

I'm sure you noticed during today's session that there was some discomfort coming from my end. I needed to discuss a few things with you about some of those memories I found. Do you have time to talk?
[Trigger Warnings in Comments: talk of rape, kidnapping, mind control.]

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