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Oct. 14th, 2015


We're heading out early tomorrow, so I want everyone to check in with me tonight and show me what you've packed. We'll only be gone a few days, but I don't want anyone to forget anything essential. Come and find me in the dining hall after you've eaten.

And then you should make sure to get a good sleep tonight. We're meeting just outside the doors at sunrise.

You're either coming camping, or you're going to medical so that Simon can keep an eye on you while Peeta and I are gone. It's up to you.

Oct. 13th, 2015


Private to Katniss and Peeta

There's a woman here who looks like Annie.

Oct. 6th, 2015


Who: Katniss & Peeta
What: talking about ~marriage~
When: Unity Day (backdated)
Where: at the dance!
Warnings: fluff?

... )

Oct. 1st, 2015


Peeta, you're going to the dance with me.

Finnick, you should come too.

Sep. 29th, 2015


chatty: peeta → katniss

» How is he?

Sep. 24th, 2015


Gale's gone. If anyone else around here is half-decent at surviving in the wilderness, I could use help teaching the class. There are a lot of students and I'm the only teacher left.


Have you figured out what's wrong with Finnick?

Sep. 22nd, 2015


Private to Panem

s omething's

w r o ng

Sep. 11th, 2015


network post: peeta mellark (to katniss)

Do you ever wonder what we'd be like if we grew up somewhere completely different?

Sep. 8th, 2015


On the anniversary of what was known as the Culling, on September the 22nd, a ceremony will be held to honor all who have devoted time, energy, and well-being to protecting this community. This new observed holiday will be a day of remembrance, and no work will take place that day. From now until the 20th, we will be accepting stories and nomination of bravery and sacrifice. Medals of honor will be accorded, and we will celebrate what the fallen have given us.

If you would like to volunteer to help out — with music, food, or speeches — please let me know.

Sep. 2nd, 2015


I don't think I said. I'm sorry about before.

If you're feeling well enough to fight, you can get up and make yourself useful. Gale and I are going to be teaching wilderness survival. You should help us.

How's your leg?

Are you alright? And all of your family and friends?

Aug. 30th, 2015


The mess hall is open, and we're serving coffee and eggs made to order.

Peeta and I. We're serving breakfast, until the morning shift comes in.

I hardly know what I'm doing. I think it's safe to say that right now, we're focusing on our loved ones and beginning the process of cleaning up. So the mess hall is going to be open for those who need coffee or something to eat. It will probably be breakfast foods, because those are quick and filling.

Aug. 26th, 2015


It's no secret we've got werewolves around the camp. Hunting's been delegated to inside the perimeter and fishing hasn't been done since the Grounders staked out the river a few weeks ago. The terms of the truce are simple: the Grounders leave Mount Weather and its environs alone, and we leave them alone. The werewolves are playing a game of chicken with us, standing at the perimeter, daring us to do anything. We're in a tenuous position, and the full moon's coming up.

I'm calling for volunteers — preferably with some kind of fight training — to spend the next few days training when if they attack on the full moon. We've got a course going on right now on how to fight werewolves.

If you can't fight, you can volunteer for medical assistance. We're going to need it. Always good to have people who can mend others.

THE 100:
Times like this, I kind of wish we hadn't blown the the damn acid fog.

Aug. 24th, 2015


network post: peeta mellark

Lily Potter told me you're a painter?

Annie, Tristan, and Delly all gone.

[...] I don't want to let you out of my sight.

Are you actually eating the food I keep sending to you, or is it just piling up?

Aug. 22nd, 2015


Filter: Panem
Any of you seen Delly around?

Aug. 17th, 2015


Annie and Tristan are gone.

Aug. 14th, 2015


I'm really tired of all this weird stuff here, you know? Getting sick I can understand, it happens. But this guy haunting all of us? I'd like to see him show up in front of me. I'm 100% Sicilian, I wasn't even born in America, so I can promise you that I will give him a piece of my mind, loudly and for as long as I need to.

Aug. 4th, 2015


That was a really nice service on Sunday. Beth, honey, you sang so beautifully. I miss a lot of people from home, and while that whole thing brought them close and made it a little hard there for awhile, it helped. You are all good people, and I'm proud to know you.

Filter to Peeta Mellark
Hey, stranger, how are you? The kitchens treating you all right?


log: everlark

WHO: Peeta Mellark and Katniss Everdeen
WHEN: Backdated to about ten days ago?
WHERE: Katniss's room
WHAT: Katniss admits she loves him.
WARNINGS: This is in a nebulous post-sex but also then pre-sex, so.

You love me. Real or not real? )

Aug. 3rd, 2015


I've already said this, but like Councillor Adaar said, I think it's worth repeating. I'm humbled to have been elected to the council, and very grateful for this opportunity. To those of you who have supported me in this decision, thank you - from the bottom of my heart, for believing in me. This wouldn't be possible without you, and I hope to make all of you proud. To everyone else, I know it can be discouraging to face a result you didn't want, but I hope you'll give me and Councillor Adaar a chance, and I hope to make you proud too. Your compassion for one another, your desire to do what you think is best for our community, and your dedication to what you do here inspires me every day. My door is open to all of you if you want to talk about what's happening here, if you have ideas or suggestions for us, or concerns, regardless of what choices you made in the election. At the end of the day, we're all in this together.

I know the message on the Memorial Wall, has people worried, and while I don't have any answers right now, I assure you we will get to the bottom of it. That said, if you saw anything out of the ordinary over the last few days, please come talk to one of us.

All right, I'll cut this short here, I'm sure you're all probably tired of hearing my speeches.

And since it seems like someone listened to me when I told Phil that I wished I had my art supplies here, thank you to our mysterious benefactor. It's a pretty good celebration gift.

Jul. 24th, 2015


network post: peeta mellark (to finnick; katniss)

I saw some of the stuff on the network that was said about you.

Not that it matters because you didn't know, but I wanted to say I'm sorry. I had a lot of opinions about who you were, and I should have figured out that the Capitol had been manipulating you, and you had to play along. I never told you any of that, and never apologized, because I was crazy and you were dead. But we're here now, so

I don't know. I just wanted to tell you that.


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