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Aug. 26th, 2015


Hey folks, so there's some stuff going down. What I need is this:

If you are not fighting or assisting in medical, you need to tell me right here and now. This includes children. If you are not fighting, and you are not helping in medical, then you are down in the prison with the rest of us. When we're not helping the other get ready, we are gathering blankets, medical supplies, food stores, to bring with us.


It's no secret we've got werewolves around the camp. Hunting's been delegated to inside the perimeter and fishing hasn't been done since the Grounders staked out the river a few weeks ago. The terms of the truce are simple: the Grounders leave Mount Weather and its environs alone, and we leave them alone. The werewolves are playing a game of chicken with us, standing at the perimeter, daring us to do anything. We're in a tenuous position, and the full moon's coming up.

I'm calling for volunteers — preferably with some kind of fight training — to spend the next few days training when if they attack on the full moon. We've got a course going on right now on how to fight werewolves.

If you can't fight, you can volunteer for medical assistance. We're going to need it. Always good to have people who can mend others.

THE 100:
Times like this, I kind of wish we hadn't blown the the damn acid fog.

Aug. 25th, 2015


So let me make sure I've got this straight.

Werewolves showed up in pods. One bit a Grounder. Now the Grounders can kill us in new, exciting ways as the curse or whatever spreads.

And this werewolf who bit the Grounder is still alive, because...?

Aug. 20th, 2015


I do not have many skills that are useful in a place such as this. I cannot hunt, I do not know how to build anything, not even a bookshelf. I barely cook, I had no need to mend my own clothing, I have never been able to keep plants alive.

I can act, I can dance, and I speak Spanish. I thought if someone would like to learn, I could teach them. Many people here speak English, so Spanish is not as useful as it was in my time, but I would hate for such a beautiful language to die and never be heard again. I am far from a professional dancer, but my father taught flamenco, so I could teach what I know. It may not be useful, but it will be fun.

Aug. 18th, 2015


Mount Weather, I feel like we haven't done something that is truly fun in a little while. I'd mentioned last month about some ice skating, and I think that this weekend will be perfect for it. Only, let's hold it outside, and maybe the kitchen staff can set up lunch outdoors for us? And it can be a little like a festival, only it's a party, outside. Who wants to help me clear a space nearby for ice skating?

Aug. 12th, 2015


[Filtered to Friends (a loose filter)]

Pietro is gone.

Jul. 31st, 2015


You know, my first thought when I woke up in this hospital was that Tony'd gone to a hell of a lot of expense just to play a joke on me. Then I was told it's not a joke, and so I'm really wondering just how many people he's pulled into this thing. So, 'fess up. How much is Tony paying you? And where in the hell did he find this set up? Somewhere in Canada?

Jul. 30th, 2015


My favorite part of summer in Arendelle is the Summer Winter Festival, which takes place around my birthday -- and was started by my subjects the year after I gained my majority and was crowned. They all come together in the large square in the middle of the city, by the harbor, and set up booths showcasing their talents in cookery, crafting, and anything else you might think of. While the foods showcased feature summer vegetables and fruit, the crafters like to have available clothing and useful tools and decorations that are more winter-themed. Many people buy gifts for people, for the winter holidays. Last year I found a lovely bracelet that I gave to Anna... and she found the same one for me. I also set up a large skating rink during the afternoons and evenings, for everyone to enjoy.

We may not be having a festival here, but I wonder what the interest would be, sometime in the coming month, to have a day of refreshing ice skating in the midst of summer heat?

Jul. 23rd, 2015


As muck as I Luke walking aroused the mountain making sure that everything is cooked enoughave to work probably, I'll be happiness to returning to my jobless as a seamless.

Whether issues wrongdoing wife their keynote?

Jul. 22nd, 2015


Hey. I hate to cause a riot.

But, does anyone know how to roast coffee beans?

Jul. 16th, 2015


[Filtered to Leadership & Military]

Steve and I just spotted Emerson outside. He had a Grounder with him, a scout. They were searching for something. Not sure if they ever found it, because they disappeared. Quite possibly literally. We had eyes on both of them, we started moving in, then they ducked behind a tree for a second and the trail went cold. Tracking people was a hell of a lot easier before all this magic stuff came along

[ooc: this pcal event for 7/14 was delayed until today because laura & i both had ooc stuff happening! <3]

Jul. 13th, 2015


Я покажу вам смысл мести.

Private to Pietro

Where are you?

Jul. 12th, 2015


For anyone who knew him, it looks like Monty's gone, too.

I'm not disappearing, just heading out to help with an injured party. I don't know how long it'll take.

I'm coming to you, with medics and Rogers. Maybe others.

What happened? Anything I need to know before I get there? Is Kate


Filter to Rescue and Recovery
Medical has been informed of an attack near the river, at [coordinates]. I know of at least two injuries, possibly more, with two dead. They need some help getting back here, and I'm going to send at least two medics with you to assist in assessing injuries and getting everyone patched up enough to come back to be treated.


network; asala adaar (016)

I won't be available to answer any questions or concerns for a couple of days. Now that the debate's passed, I have surgery first thing Monday morning. I should be awake by afternoon, but I'm supposed to actually try to relax, so don't let me do anything productive.

FitzSimmons & Erik:
Thank you for offering to make the arm for me. I've talked things over with the surgeons, and they think I'll be ready to be fitted for a dock and possibly start using a prosthetic in two weeks. I don't want you to rush, though; if it takes longer than that, I'm perfectly comfortable being patient.

And Erik, if my staff won't work, any strong metal can work as a magical conductor. I can always find something else.

Medical & Betsy:
Since your anaesthetic doesn't work on me as well, Betsy's agreed to turn off my pain receptors and keep me under during the surgery.

Thank you again, Betsy. You're doing me a tremendous favor. If you ever need anything from me, please ask.

Jul. 11th, 2015


Sam's gone. He just -- blinked out right in front of me.

I don't kn I need to Someone else is gonna have to pick the movies again.

Jul. 9th, 2015


network post: alison hendrix

I know we're all still reeling from what happened, but I want to remind you: this is why Mount Weather Community Theatre was founded. Do you remember yesterday's chocolate cake and how happy it made people?

We are chocolate cake.

All of us. I want all of us to remember that as we go into our final rehearsals. We have eight days left until we open the show, and we have a lot of work to do to make up for what was missed because of recent events. We may be a little behind, our costumes may be next-to-nothing and our sets even more sparse, but it's not about the frills. It's about us, and it's about community spirit.

That being said, attendance is mandatory for the remainder of rehearsals. End of story.

I need someone to help me breathe. Debates are coming up, I think I've practiced answers to most conceivable topics regarding leadership at Mount Weather, I have my notes, I've been doing breathing exercises and vocal warmups all week just to fully prepare my voice.

I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.


I find myself feeling put on the spot, the way you are when asked to step on stage and give a speech. I don't quite know what to say, but I'll give it a go anyway.

Hello, I'm Charles Xavier. I am a mutant. I am gifted with the ability to read people's minds, to reach in and touch their thoughts. I do promise that I will not ever do so without your express permission, and have indeed signed a paper to that effect before I left medical. I'll be working in medical as a part of the administrative team, but I also put myself out there as a psychologist. I've phD's in genetics, biology, and psychology, so please don't hesitate to speak up.

Filter to Telepaths

Filter to RavenMystique
Well, this won't be awkward at all.

Jul. 5th, 2015


network post: erik lehnsherr

This attack was
I'm sorry that your people suf

In the world I come from, the only people with gifts are known as mutants. These powers are inborn and genetic, usually manifesting at some point around puberty.

Here, only a few of you seem to identify as one of us, while several of you have gifts through other means. Magic, scientific experimentation, radiation, extraterrestrial genetics.

I'm curious to know what you do and how.

I've promised a friend not to kill you.

Jul. 4th, 2015


network; asala adaar (013)

My sincerest apologies to anyone who lost a friend yesterday. Something this sudden and this senseless is difficult to mourn. All five passed were Sky People. The Sky People have been more than welcoming to us in the last few months. They opened their home to perfect strangers, they've fed us and given us work and safety. We owe them our lives in most senses of the phrase, and yesterday, many of us failed to save theirs.

This was the result of sabotage, of that I have no doubts. I've taken on more responsibility than most when it comes to the prison, and so I take responsibility for this tragedy as well. We still don't know who opened the door, but we will find out, and we'll ensure that they never get the chance to inflict this on our people again. That's a promise I intend to keep personally.

Someone opened that door.

I know we're still forming a set of laws and haven't elected leaders for the Pod People specifically yet, but we need something in the interim in the way of sentencing and punishment. And we need guidelines for how to handle prisoners who will neither talk nor are safe enough to release. I'm as against the death penalty as anyone, but we tried it this way, and in this situation, it clearly cost us too much.

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