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Jan. 7th, 2016


Network Post: Luke Skywalker

Would anyone like to explain the giant pillow of Nien Nunb that I found in my shower this morning? Although i have a feeling I know how it got there.

Jan. 6th, 2016


(006) Mara Jade Skywalker

[Filter: Leia]
I was thinking about leaving Ben with Luke and doing some scouting this weekend. Would you like to come with me?

[Filter: Farmboy]
I've been trying to decide if there's any rhyme or reason to the pod activity... Because there certainly has been a good deal of it from our galaxy or, well, a galaxy like ours, recently.


Backdated to after this
Filtered to Skywalker/Solo Clan

I didn't want you guys thinking we'd disappeared. But, we're heading off to explore warmer climes with Reyna, Nico and Max. All three of us.

Probably just for a few days. We'll see you when we get back.

Jan. 5th, 2016


Things were weird enough but now my universe apparently split in two. Good to know. Some of you know my world right? The stories and all does it get less kriffed up?

Any of that ice thing still hanging around, the alcohol?



You trust me don't you? In spite of the amphistaffs, the things you know I do, you trust that I know what I'm doing and Im still me, right?

[Luke Mara, Obi Wan, Qui Gon]

Jan. 4th, 2016


Network Post: Rey

I'm Rey, and I have so many questions.

Can I have the "pods" that Poe, BB-8, and I landed in? Perhaps others that aren't wanted? Where would I find a workbench and more tools? The ones that I have with me are just what I carry.

How did we end up in those things in the first place? Why were we brought together when we weren't even on the same planet? I've been told that nobody knows how or why we're here, but surely there are theories.

Who are these people I'll be living with? I didn't come into the quarters last night; there was a lot to take in.

It was suggested that I be a "Gatherer". What sorts of scavenging grounds are here? Do we really find food just growing out there, free for the taking?

What about Luke Is it true that Luke Skywalker is here? That wasn't some cruel joke?


Jan. 2nd, 2016


[Command, Military, Surrvailance, Medical]

Blast Doors. There's something out there. People, and they're not attacking. I am entirely sure of that. But they need help.

We need those doors open and I'm going to go ahead and very much assume we need Medical down here as soon as possible.

I can't see them but I can hear them... They're here for sanctuary. I've heard desperation like that before.


So, after everything that's happened and given the sheer quantities of snow we have around here, I propose:


Tomorrow [Sunday, Jan 3] seems as good a day as any. Everyone's welcome to participate and I was thinking of a space theme, mostly because I want to see everyone build a snow model of their spacecraft/ship if they have one. But, this isn't a hard and fast theme. Just guidelines. Basically, an invitation for everyone to come out and have fun. If I can swing it, there may even be prizes.

So, who's in?

[Spock & Sulu]
1. At what point should I stop keeping a captain's log? Never?
2. There's someone here who looks like Uhura. It's weird.
3. You two are helping me build a kick ass Enterprise for this contest tomorrow.

Jan. 1st, 2016


1: Chewbacca


I am Chewbacca. They said there were people that I know here.

Dec. 21st, 2015


I know that you're upset, and I respect that you need space.

Just... if you need anything, please let me know. I only want to help.
I wanted to apologize for earlier. You were right. You had a very good reason to hide what you did, and I appreciate that you tried to spare your family. If you want to talk, you know where to find me.
I can feel Anakin's distress. Is that normal?



I need to talk to you all. Tonight. Soon as possible really.

The new releases of stories have been released and there's stuff in there I'd rather you hear from me. Promise me you'll hear me out first.


Kriff, its out.

Its all out, all the details of what happened back home.

I have to tell them, I have no choice.

Dec. 18th, 2015


Netpost; han solo

When I asked for something to do, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I'm never looking in the damn mirror again.

Solo Family + Skywalkers + All Star Wars
Check in. Anything broken?

Dec. 17th, 2015


Filtered to Jacen

What the kriff, Jacen. What was that?

Filtered to Mara, Luke and Anakin

Did you see or feel that? Jacen's fighting was...different.

Dec. 11th, 2015


(005) Mara Jade Skywalker

Lights and silver - tinsel they call it? I think I'm beginning to get a picture of what this Christmas situation looks like.

[Filter: Leia]
Would you like to come over sometime this week? I'd enjoy the opportunity to get to know you better here, and also Ben would probably enjoy the time with his aunt. He always liked it at home.


netpost; han solo

For all the new people, I'm Han Solo. Yes, that one. If you were looking for a welcome letter on how great the post-apocalypse is, this isn't it.

[Star Wars]
Least when we were under siege by the Empire we had something to do. All I got is al

I don't know how people live like this.

Dec. 5th, 2015


(004) Mara Jade Skywalker

Since I have settled just a bit more, I thought I would ask which of you are also parents of young children? My Ben is just around 6 months and I would very much be interested in getting to know some of you better.

Have you spoken to Jacen any more?

Dec. 3rd, 2015


If I were to start meditation lessons would anyone be interested?

Nov. 21st, 2015


Log: Luke, Mara and Ben

Who: Luke Skywalker, Mara Jade Skywalker and BB Ben (NPC)
When:Tuesday November 3
Where:Their apartment
What:Luke meets his son for the first time
Rating: P for Precious
Status: Complete

He looks like you )

Nov. 19th, 2015


Star Wars People
1. Exactly how many of us here are there?

2. Given that I seem to be the only one from my period of time, with the rest of you coming from much further in to the future. How impreative is it that I know the future? Obi-Wan has informed me of some of it already.


Since I shall be working with you. I do have to ask, what sort of lessons and curriculum are we following?

Nov. 15th, 2015


(003) Mara Jade Skywalker

[Filter: Leia]
I think I have settled in enough to realize that a cup of something hot with a friend might be nice. Plus Ben would enjoy some time with his Aunt I've no doubt. Could we do that?

[Filter: Jacen]
I'm going to ask the blunt question: Have you been to Myrkr yet?

Nov. 14th, 2015


"Okay" is likely not a word that's applicable right now, but how are things?

505 P, O & Q (MCU Bucky, Matt & Foggy, Echo, Parrish & Skywalkers):
I might need to start handing out "Sorry, you're rooming with and/or next to a banshee, I apologize in advance" business cards. I was kind of hoping for a lack of issues with it while I was here but there were complications. So. Sorry. Can't help it, can't stop it. I try to drown it out or take walks where no one ends up on the receiving end, but last night took me by surprise. Sort of.

I suggest earbuds. Or drawing straws with other people to figure out who gets to be near the girl that screams occasionally.

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