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Nov. 8th, 2015


Hello? I have been informed by the people who greeted me that I should introduce myself on this device. I am Qui-Gon Jinn, Jedi Knight though that won't mean much here? I am living in 505Y and that I will be working as a Teacher? Also there is supposedly people from my world here? I admit I'm not sure what I think of this situation though, I was undertaking a rather important task back home and I don't appreciate being kidnapped in this way though there is nothing to be done I gather?

Nov. 1st, 2015


As much as I'd love to blame this lovely thing on residual effects of Utopium, even I can't see hallucinations happening weeks after. So it's got to be a prank, yeah? Ha ha, Major. I forgive you for being a total prat all week! Hilarious. You certainly went to a lot of effort, with what the very realistic hospital and pandering to my crushes on Simon Tam and Beverley Crusher. You got me.

Oct. 21st, 2015


Strange medical wards with doctors wandering around = not exactly my favorite thing in the world these days. So, sorry. About the face, to the cute guy.

They told me I was here before, so I can skip the "get to know me" questionnaire? Lydia Martin. I don't suppose anyone's built a Starbucks and a Nordstrom yet?

I have a Were-Coyote for sale, if anyone's interested. She won't stop hovering.

Oct. 19th, 2015


For anyone who knew him, Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti — the gravy to my mashed potatoes, the juice to my orange — disappeared, presumably back to whatever world we came from. I hope that's where we

And yeah, I am Major.

Sorry I missed our last session. Being a tree was kind of a new experience. One that, some day, I'm sure I'll enjoy having had, but not being able to communicate with anyone? Kind of puts a damper on my sessions.

How have things been going? With you and Penelope?
A vampire, huh? Better than a tree, I guess.
Hey. You don't really know me, but Pete and I are friends (still weird to say), and I thought since he and I get along. And you and him get along... Maybe you and I could get along.
I think I still have splinters.
How's it hanging?


Filter to Uncle Pete, Auntie M, and Foggy
I know there is... quite a bit going on right now, but the longer the wait the harder it'll likely be to ask and if everything is as crazy hectic as this on a regular basis especially with whatever that was last week...

Anyways. At the risk of opening a can of worms here, does this place have some form of group therapy? I figured I'd ask you guys first before opening it up to the general masses.

Filter to Major Lilywhite
Hello. I was informed that you'd be the one to talk to in regards to group therapy in this place. Could you tell me a bit about the set up here?

Oct. 16th, 2015



If you're doing anything freaky with any newly-discovered (or rediscovered) bodily functions, you'll want to stop in the next, oh...

Let's make it fifteen minutes.

Or things could go wrong in a hurry.


Oh, also:


1 recently deceased body. Female with pink hair, glasses. If found please return to Loki Laufeyson.

Oct. 15th, 2015


It looks as if I'll also be joining the Awake and Drastically different contingent. Is anyone keeping a list I'm mostly sure that I'm not a vampire. Even though I look like I'm suffering from bl [...] pale enough to be an anemic. That wouldn't explain why I look like a vat of bleach was dumped on my head. [....] Would it? [...] [...] I'm also starting to feel



I see several of you are experiencing an off-rhythm type of morning. Let me know who you are and... what you are. It's an official count for official business.




I think we have a problem. Or well, a situation to be precise.

Doctor Crusher, I don't think this is one of my allergic reactions. But I woke up short, stout, and hairy. Like full beard hairy.

Oct. 13th, 2015


-- Have you seen Ravi anywhere? I was supposed to meet him this morning, but I can't find him anywhere.

Oct. 6th, 2015


As far as kidnappings go, this one's got legs. Remote forest? Mountainside lair? Nice attention to detail, except for one thing: the bulk of the Wayne holdings was filtered through charities weeks ago. So if it's money you're after, you're about to have a real bad day, friend.

Sep. 25th, 2015


Haven't seen you around in a few days.
I'm thinking now's probably a good time for us to sit and talk. What do you think?
So I'm the old guy who signed up to play Capture the Flag with the Percy Jackson kids. Scale of one to ten, how pathetic am I?

Sep. 14th, 2015


I know that some of you were seeing Sam Wilson for help with PTSD. He was a great champion for those suffering from the after effects of trauma, and his influence will be sorely lost. I may be a poor substitute, but I would like to offer my services to you all, especially those who were seeing Mr. Wilson.

Please know that there is no shame in seeking help, and my style of therapy is less pushing a pair of glasses up my nose and asking you to tell me what's on your mind. I prefer a more interactive approach that would be tailored to any who were under my care.

Sep. 6th, 2015


Not all therapy's sitting in a chair, talking to someone about your problems. Sometimes it's social interaction and just knowing that someone is there for you should you want to talk about those problems. Sometimes it's just being a friend.

Anyone got a baseball or football around here? Thought maybe we could get a flag football game going or something.

Thinking about being down in the gym at lunch tomorrow. Signed up for the basketball too.

Aug. 31st, 2015


This is coming a little later than intended because of getting rather involved in other things going on, but I'd just like to thank everyone who gave blood in regards to research of the plague that had come upon us not long ago (although considering everything that's been happening, everything feels like centuries ago... or am I the only one who feels that way?). Your contribution is appreciated.

Aug. 30th, 2015


Hey, you okay? Never sa Candyman did that You seemed a little upset after — you know. Was that zombie mode or something?

Aug. 26th, 2015


Filter to Medical, about 7 a.m. this morning
Good morning, all. As you are aware, the full moon is coming up. It's on August 29, which is this Saturday. As you are no doubt aware by now, a Grounder army of what may be werewolves have set up camp around the base's perimeter. I think it would be in our best interest to make sure that we are as prepared as possible for any trouble that may happen this Saturday.
  • I'm not asking for a complete inventory of our supplies, but I need at least two people to make sure that the supply cabinets are filled.
  • Every exam room needs to be made ready for potential patients, and lists made for each room for supplies that need to be replenished or topped up.
  • On Saturday, we're going to set up a triage unit near the blast doors. Tony Gates, you are in charge of seeing that set up, and you will be responsible of that unit. Let me know what you will need, and who you need.

We are going to be busy every single day this week, people. Make sure you get enough sleep. This isn't crunch time, so there is no need for any of us to be sleep deprived. Save that for Saturday.

Aug. 25th, 2015


So let me make sure I've got this straight.

Werewolves showed up in pods. One bit a Grounder. Now the Grounders can kill us in new, exciting ways as the curse or whatever spreads.

And this werewolf who bit the Grounder is still alive, because...?

Aug. 23rd, 2015


-- I'm talking to Harry Potter.
-- Pinch me, this has to be a dream.

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