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Nov. 25th, 2015


This is going to sound like first world problems over here, but I really miss my shoe collection.

[Phil Coulson]
There was a pod delivery yesterday of hot cocoa. It's not coffee, but it should work in a pinch. What do you say?

Nov. 24th, 2015


A few of us scouted outside after the blizzard stopped. It seems fine. And people should be okay to go out now. I think. But, maybe wait for Command to clear that.

Just, me and Mom saw something really weird. A two-headed deer frozen like a statue and, a panther frozen when it was getting ready to lunge. But, the sense I got from them was that they weren't killed in the storm. There wasn't enough snow on them for that.

Anyone know anything that can freeze an animal like that?

Nov. 20th, 2015


[ Filtered to Friends ]

I can't stay here and wait. I can't stop again. I can't think about it and wait for them to catch me. I know what it'll look like in my head if they do.

I'm going out. I need to run. I'll be back.

Don't get your soul sucked out while I'm gone.

[ /Filter ]

Nov. 19th, 2015


I realise that to many eyes that this world seems little more than a skeleton of the civilization that came before, but I find many aspects of it still beautiful. Granted, I have low standards due in part to my own home-world where beauty was in short supply - "the bonfire where they are burning the dead is lovely tonight!" - but also I have the privilege of not knowing what it looked like before. Ruined cities are only romantic to those that have never known their face.

But there is something timeless about a sunrise. It may be colder than a Hemwick Witch's embrace out there, but the colours and their meaning are nonetheless worth pausing over.

Nov. 18th, 2015


network post: donna noble

Let's not have any of that happen again, yeah?


[...] I need some time, so if I could take an extended little holiday from medical, that'd be great.

Nov. 17th, 2015


I want to know what happened to my memories. Where I went when I left here. I want to know why I keep hitting a bloody barrier when I try a bit of bilocation back home. I want to know who's got that much and that strong a magic that they can keep even me out.

I need willing guinea pigs. No harm should will come to you. I need to track your essence, your soul. The longer you've been here the better.

Nov. 14th, 2015


"Okay" is likely not a word that's applicable right now, but how are things?

505 P, O & Q (MCU Bucky, Matt & Foggy, Echo, Parrish & Skywalkers):
I might need to start handing out "Sorry, you're rooming with and/or next to a banshee, I apologize in advance" business cards. I was kind of hoping for a lack of issues with it while I was here but there were complications. So. Sorry. Can't help it, can't stop it. I try to drown it out or take walks where no one ends up on the receiving end, but last night took me by surprise. Sort of.

I suggest earbuds. Or drawing straws with other people to figure out who gets to be near the girl that screams occasionally.

Nov. 10th, 2015


For whatever reason, I can't get out of the room. It's like something in the lock's jammed.

This is Jordan Parrish, requesting a daring rescue.

[ Filtered to Lydia ]

I was going to ask if you wanted to take a walk tonight, but uh.

[ /Filter ]


So when I said to myself, "Self, you need yourself a mental break", I didn't actually mean a full-on mental break. I was thinking more liiiiiike a weekend of shopping? Bad TV watching? Cheetos may have featured heavily in this picture. But no, I just had to go and lose my mind instead.

It was almost in the cards. The last thing I said back home? "Well, if I don't make it to the library tonight, it's not the end of the world."

BOOM. Here we are.

Hello, friendly hallucinations. My name's Veronica Mars.

Nov. 9th, 2015


Well, this is certainly different. And while the explanation was very concise, I have a couple more questions.

1. Where's the library?
2. Harry Potter. Where the bloody hell are you?
3. And that goes for the rest of you too.

Oh, and last but not least.


Nov. 7th, 2015


I have decided I dislike being drunk.

But the aftermath is worse. Is it normal for there to be few memories remaining from the night?

Nov. 4th, 2015


Not sure what to think about finding my son's dog tags when I know they went with him, along with Striker, to the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. Is anyone else bothered by how the hell this is even possible, or are we all just glad?

If whatever is sending us this shit can send my damn dog next, that'd be nice.


Crushes are stupid. They're also really aptly named. I want to punch his stupid smug face.
*Anya's super friendly. If you wanna be, you are.

Nov. 2nd, 2015


» I DIY'd a french press.
» You should be my Americano guinea pig.


Great. So what's the next pointless holiday we're gonna get excited about?

Oct. 26th, 2015


I have to admit, when I pictured a nuclear holocaust, [...] this is exactly how I imagined it. Of course, with a lot more bunkers.

And a lot less - what was it again? Interdimesional travel?


network; dean winchester (025)

I don't like asking for help, but Lirael's magic didn't get the Mark of Cain off of me, so I'm opening it up. Anyone good with curse-breaking, you're invited to poke at my arm and see if you can't get it off. It's old, old Biblical magic meant to lock away a primordial pre-Biblical force, but Heaven and Hell don't seem to exist here, so taking it off probably won't break anything.

I think I smacked into whatever portal's been dropping us into this reality when I was exorcised. An exorcism is like a forceful launch down into Hell; Hell must not exist here, because I got catapulted up into the sky instead and hit some kind of barrier like a train. I didn't get a good look because I was hurling toward it by force, but something was up there to run into. Don't know. I know I never want to do that again. Worst vertigo of my life.

Oct. 23rd, 2015


Hello, everyone. My name's Jordan Parrish, and I'm one of the recent arrivals, I guess? I'm one of the people from Beacon Hills, so I've got a lot of experience with supernatural, but I've definitely never encountered anything like this before. I was a deputy back home, ex-Army. Usually pretty adjacent to the drama, but not much shocks me these days, so if you ever need an ear, I promise I don't judge. I like long walks on the beach, greasy cheeseburgers and my XBox 360, all of which are kinda not happening here so I guess I'm going to have to find new hobbies.

Anyway, nice to meet you.

[ Filtered to Command & Law Enforcement + Lydia ]

Waking up here's a blur, and I'm not sure what was said or who knows what, but there's something that probably should be common knowledge for when in case it comes up.

I'm a hellhound. Just found out the terminology, and I'm not sure what it means for this world, but all you need to know about it is that back home if someone with ties to the supernatural world died, I go aggro, retrieve their body, and dispose of it in some... magical place thing. I have zero control over it and I really don't understand it, but when I'm hellhounding I'm dangerous. Not in terms of going after people, but past history has indicated that pretty much nothing prevents me from stealing the body. Not people, not magic, not bars. I'm pretty much a flaming disaster.

I'm working with Lydia Martin who's on this filter to figure this out, but in the meantime, I'm not sure how much the average citizen here needs to know. I'll defer to whatever you decide, I mean, my only concern is keeping people safe.

I wish I could tell you more, but that's all I got.

[ /Filter ]


Never a dull moment here, is there? It seems like if it's not werewolves, it's people switching bodies, or demons, or God knows what else. I thought I was going to get a vacation. I really wanted a God, I hope this isn't my life at home too. Life doesn't pay well enough for weird shit.

Any luck on the hobbies front? Don't tell Dr. Crusher, I've been reading medical texts from the library instead of books for fun.

Oct. 22nd, 2015


Thanks for the gift, whoever, but I'm actually good on arms.

Or is this some kind of omen? Should I be expecting another broken wrist? Or worse? This place is so creepy sometimes

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