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Jan. 9th, 2016


I thought I knew too well already what war could do to a planet. I've been taken away from my duties in the middle of one myself, and my homeworld has seen more than its share of conflict in the last ten years. But the war that ravaged this planet is a kind of tragedy I've hardly dared to so much as consider possible in the past. To those of you who are native here, I'm sorry this has happened to your world. I can't imagine the loss, but to have suffered it only makes your perseverance that much more admirable.

But all this when I only meant to introduce myself.

Since my names and titles don't carry any weight here, I won't bore anyone with too many of them: I'm Padmé.

Obi-Wan has explained a little of our situation to me. I'd like to know more about each of you. With so few of us here, friendship will be invaluable. And please do let me know if we know one another already—some of you, I understand, are from far in my future.

Jan. 8th, 2016


1. Is there a limit to the length of showers? Because water showers? Very nice
2. I FOUND MY SABBACC deck. Who's in?
3. Dameron, I have a V.I.D. for you.
4. General Leia, do you have a moment?


Delivered to Leia in person with a quick hug before he runs out to breakfast :) )

Jan. 7th, 2016


Network Post: Luke Skywalker

Would anyone like to explain the giant pillow of Nien Nunb that I found in my shower this morning? Although i have a feeling I know how it got there.

Jan. 6th, 2016


WHO: Leia Organa, Han Solo
WHEN: Earlier this week
WHERE: Their housing unit
WHAT: Han comes back from camping with Anakin to find that Leia's gotten new memories.
WARNINGS: The Force Awakens spoilers. Do not read if you don't want to be spoiled.

''How much longer?'' )


(006) Mara Jade Skywalker

[Filter: Leia]
I was thinking about leaving Ben with Luke and doing some scouting this weekend. Would you like to come with me?

[Filter: Farmboy]
I've been trying to decide if there's any rhyme or reason to the pod activity... Because there certainly has been a good deal of it from our galaxy or, well, a galaxy like ours, recently.


I was thinking we could all use a little community-building exercise. DON'T GROAN. This will be fun. Maybe we're not all up to trust falls, but here's an easy one: where are you guys from? Because I know some of you come from some real zany places, and y'know what? Maybe there's someone else around here who used to live up the street and you never knew it.

I'll go first!

I'm from Forest Hills, Queens. A bunch of you probably know where that is, but it's (it was?) part of a place called New York City, which iiiiis... pretty far away from here if you're walking. It has to be about 250 miles north of here? Let's roll with that. We have a baseball team that never wins, some airports, and we're all fluent in the language of Mass Transit. Mostly because you can't leave Queens without taking 2 buses and a subway ride to get wherever you want, and you get really good at figuring out what they're saying on the broken loudspeakers in the stations.

Jan. 4th, 2016


Star Wars: The Force Awakens Spoilers )


Network Post: Rey

I'm Rey, and I have so many questions.

Can I have the "pods" that Poe, BB-8, and I landed in? Perhaps others that aren't wanted? Where would I find a workbench and more tools? The ones that I have with me are just what I carry.

How did we end up in those things in the first place? Why were we brought together when we weren't even on the same planet? I've been told that nobody knows how or why we're here, but surely there are theories.

Who are these people I'll be living with? I didn't come into the quarters last night; there was a lot to take in.

It was suggested that I be a "Gatherer". What sorts of scavenging grounds are here? Do we really find food just growing out there, free for the taking?

What about Luke Is it true that Luke Skywalker is here? That wasn't some cruel joke?



You know, Intake said it's not Hoth out there, but I've heard enough stories that I'm still not completely sure about that.

But BB-8 is completely convinced this isn't a First Order conspiracy and keeps threatening to zap me if I use a pseudonym. Poe Dameron, pilot. Though, I guess now I'm just a mechanic with Infrastructure. If a former Stormtrooper shows up, can you

Jan. 3rd, 2016


netpost; wedge antilles

I don't know what to say except I overshot my destination by about twelve parsecs and now I'm in a whole other galaxy. The Admiral will have a field day when hears that report if he. I'm Wedge, and they said people here might have heard of me?

Jan. 1st, 2016


1: Chewbacca


I am Chewbacca. They said there were people that I know here.

Dec. 29th, 2015


netpost; han solo

Let's do something.

Anakin Solo


It's hard to keep things so hidden.

Especially when all this time it's all been ruminating in my head. I had a world in the palm of my hand. The control center of the stronghold of a race of beings so twisted in their views they were being lead to their downfall by a madman and burning the galaxy as they went

And I found a way to make it trust me. Their World Brain. I taught it that it was more than their slave. I freed it. And then I made it my friend.

They made me their God and I played the part. Said their words, let them believe I had accended. Walked beings to death because in the long run the galaxy needed the saccrifice.

...Because ultimately, I weighed the numbers, gave up a few weeds so the garden would grow.

And I'm not sorry

Dec. 28th, 2015


[VOICE-TO-TEXT - Unfiltered]

Day Seven of the Rat Trials, Bloodborne edt. is going well. We're at the stage where I should see progress any day now. The rats are still doing well, healthy and whole, and I hope I'm given enough time to create a cure and vaccine for Alfred.

Everyone is having truth issues, and while I'm feeling more honest than usual, there isn't anything in particular I need to hide so I'm not overly worried. Except that I miss video games. And Star Wars. I bet it was amazing, not shite like those prequels that are a travesty to the name.

But it's easier focusing on work, here. Recovery, trials, my rat friends. I still haven't even begun to progress like I'd hoped on the Zombie Rat trials. Without tainted utopium, I'm not sure of where to start. If I didn't throw myself into some sort of project I'd spend all day worrying about Liv and not being able to cure her. I've got to figure something out, for her sake. For my own sake. What am I, if not someone who give her a life back? Major does a much better job of making her feel things, and I'm already torn between wishing for the best for them and being stupidly jealous.

May the Force Be With You, Doctor Chakrabarti. You're going to need it.

Dec. 27th, 2015


(014) Anakin Solo

I've had way better weeks than this one.

Dec. 21st, 2015


I know that you're upset, and I respect that you need space.

Just... if you need anything, please let me know. I only want to help.
I wanted to apologize for earlier. You were right. You had a very good reason to hide what you did, and I appreciate that you tried to spare your family. If you want to talk, you know where to find me.
I can feel Anakin's distress. Is that normal?


Leia (after everything with NJO-verse reveals)
Now I know how you feel.



I need to talk to you all. Tonight. Soon as possible really.

The new releases of stories have been released and there's stuff in there I'd rather you hear from me. Promise me you'll hear me out first.


Kriff, its out.

Its all out, all the details of what happened back home.

I have to tell them, I have no choice.

Dec. 18th, 2015


Netpost; han solo

When I asked for something to do, that wasn't exactly what I had in mind. I'm never looking in the damn mirror again.

Solo Family + Skywalkers + All Star Wars
Check in. Anything broken?

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