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Dec. 18th, 2015


Yesterday was difficult for all of us. I know many of us were afraid - including myself - and I know many of us are frustrated to continue facing threats within our own home. I can't blame you for that. That someone, or something, would violate the safety of our walls to bring us pain and suffering is something that even I have trouble comprehending sometimes, and I know it isn't easy to see the light at the end of the tunnel after days like yesterday. We will endure, however, just as the Sky People have since they came down to the ground, and just as we all have since we arrived in this world: together. I'm incredibly grateful that we continue to come together as a community in times of need. Snow was right when she said you were all brave, and that gives me hope for our future here. Thank you for standing up for one another. Thank you for helping get each other to safety. Thank you for treating the injured, and for being patient as our medical staff works. Thank you for joining in the clean-up efforts and lending a hand. We're stronger together.

I've been told not to get out of bed, so I'm sorry I can't do more to help out right now. In the meantime, I'm running out of things I can do from here. Could someone bring my art supplies to me?

Dec. 14th, 2015


If it weren't for my wounds being healed, I would have thought I was trading one hell for another.

Dec. 13th, 2015


Just so you're all a little more prepared than I was, someone new arrived and she looks like you, Daisy.

Dec. 10th, 2015


Well, that was interesting and unpleasant. Waking up with new memories isn't something I'd recommend.

Also, Cap, you make jumping out of a plane look much easier than it is in reality.

[Team Bus]
I think I understand where Daisy & Lincoln are from a bit better now.

Would it be a conflict of interest or me to ask for your services?

Can we talk?


****Potential Spoilers for AOS 3x10 in comments*****

Dec. 9th, 2015


Oh. Ow. That was a head rush, wasn't it? Bit like a brain freeze after you've had an ice lolly. I thought I already had enough lives in my head. Not sure I was ready for a few extra years all at once.

Dec. 6th, 2015


Hello everyone! My name is
myname is

my name's



Okay, you can do this, Leslie.

Greetings! Seasonally! Salutations festively! No, no. That's ridiculous. I can't seem to get this introduction right. Hi everybody! I'm Pawnee City Councilwoman Leslie Knope and I'm completely not okay with any of this at all because this is actually forty-eight miles from my dream second home away from the best city in the world which is also called Pawnee, Indiana and holy crap this sentence has gotten away with me. SO. I should have deleted all that, but I'm too some word I don't even know right now to keep backspacing and deleting and all that.

Emotional? Sure, that's an easy one. I'm emotional! I'm emoting!

there are no waffles in the future are there

Dec. 4th, 2015


network post: phil coulson

She's gone. Maybe this is hell. Or at least purgatory.

For those who knew her, Melinda May is gone. Yes, I know for certain. I was with her when it happened.

You can breathe easy now.

I don't think I'll be needing that upgrade after all.

I think I'm going to need something stronger than cocoa.

Sorry about the mess in the common area. I'll clean it up later.

Dec. 3rd, 2015


network post: phil coulson

I have to say, it's odd to watch your history before your eyes. Like some strange version of home movies. I have to say, there were parts of that I would have wished had stayed forgotten in the past.

Dec. 2nd, 2015


I've been here almost two weeks. It's gone by really quickly so far. Maybe it'll be April before we know it. Or maybe that's wishful thinking.

How many of us here are... gifted, in some way? Enhanced? Special abilities or powers? I was told there's a large number, but I haven't been very good at branching out so far. I know that's not a question everyone is going to feel comfortable answering in public, so if you want to talk in private, I'm okay with that too. I promise I'm harmless.

Maybe I should have gone along with you earlier. More time in that bunker with no windows would've been good practice for what's going to be a long, long winter.
Hey. I've spoken to some of you already, or seen you around medical. I'm Dr. Campbell, but you can just call me Lincoln. I was wondering if I could talk to one of you. I've been having these dr I'm not sure how many of you have experience with evil organizations kidnapping people and running experiments on them, but someone who knows about that would be helpful. I know that's very straight to the point, and it probably seems nonchalant, but I don't know how else to say it, and my story's already on the network.

Nov. 28th, 2015


(006) Severus Snape

I've never been so grateful for heating charms.

[Filter: Draco]
Have you found a way to settle in here?


Well that's [...] something.

I now understand when someone says they need a good drink.


Oh no.

Filter: Whoverse
Have you noticed? Don't.

Filter: Donna Noble
What do you think, can you manage a walk?

Filter: Audrey
Any complications?

Nov. 27th, 2015


Christmas come early? I wasn't expecting to be able to suddenly be able to stream the entire Buffy series on my tablet, and yet. I mean, I doubt the people from the verse appreciate it, but I could handle someone implementing Apocalyptic Netflix.

Don't shoot the messenger, I'm just curious.

Nov. 22nd, 2015


I know nobody wants to be stuck in this mountain all winter. But it's a good time to work on learning our the Grounders' native language. You may need it once spring comes if the treaty holds.

Some of you should be able to tutor new students by now. Okt Octavia and I can take a few more as well.

Nov. 21st, 2015


I know that some of you guys are adorably not well-versed in the ways of the internet or how we got to know each other online like, 200 years ago. There were quizzes but one of my favourite things (HELLO HARRY POTTER PEOPLE) was called the "Veritaserum Meme" ... I know, sounds CRAZY right? Well, it's definitely something like crazy. It's like a "Truth or Dare" game without the dare.

Because I don't know you guys yet, but apparently you used to be pals with an old version of me, I figured we could start off all shiny and brand new. I get to find out more about you, you get to find out more about me. So we are going to play the VERITASERUM MEME.

And Mount Weather, you're going to be totally cool about it. We're blizzard buddies. We're going to learn things about each other. No secrets among friends!!
OH NO. You have been given a dose of Veritaserum (basically, this is a thing that makes you tell the truth no matter what). Comment below with your name so that people can ask you questions which you must answer honestly. Feel free to take advantage of other people in a similarly dosed state, too.

Nov. 20th, 2015


[Simmons, Daisy, Lincoln, May]
Would it be too director of me to ask for a little get together?

Why didn't you tell me you had to shoot Andrew?

Can I talk to you about Grant?

Nov. 19th, 2015



Oh, hello postapocalypticlandia. The name is Daisy. Sup? Good to know we survive past the end of the timeline, and like. We're not doing too bad! Right? Right. Totally. So, I get the feeling we're all going to be super awesome friends. And when I say super awesome friends, I mean if this were MySpace (#TBT HOLLA) you'd all be in my Top 10.

Because, basically. I'd have no other choice. Unless I ki But it's a good thing we'd all pretty much break Myspace with the collective power of our Type A awesomeness. And I'm rambling So I have a job, I have a room and I guess we'll all have to get used to each other really quick. You guys are used to this. I am not used to this.

But I will be soon. Promise.


Uh. Hey. What the f I guess I'm the new guy again.

Lincoln Campbell. I'm from Cincinnati, but it doesn't sound like that exists anymore. I was a doctor... still am, I guess. Didn't bring any of my credentials, though.

I'm not sure what else to say. This is weird. It's really 2150?

Nov. 18th, 2015


The novel known as The Hobbit, where might I find a copy? While I've discussed some of it's information with my uncle, I think I would like to read it for myself.

Do you want to read it with me? I'd like to know what this world has on us, and our home.


network post: donna noble

Let's not have any of that happen again, yeah?


[...] I need some time, so if I could take an extended little holiday from medical, that'd be great.

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