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Dec. 18th, 2015


Some way to welcome a guy to a place. Still not sure I believe any of this, but I'm getting there. Name's Luke. I'm new. Hope you're all hanging in there from... whatever that was. That happen often around here?

Guess I never said thanks this time either.

Dec. 16th, 2015


What's Krissmiss and should I care about it?

Dec. 3rd, 2015


network post: phil coulson

I have to say, it's odd to watch your history before your eyes. Like some strange version of home movies. I have to say, there were parts of that I would have wished had stayed forgotten in the past.

Nov. 25th, 2015


Hey, Mount Weather! Listen up! Tomorrow's the last Thursday in November which means it's Thanksgiving. The day where you spend time with family eat turkey, give thanks, and, more importantly, watch football!

There's no football to watch here but we can fix that. Who's up for a scrimmage?

Nov. 21st, 2015


I know that some of you guys are adorably not well-versed in the ways of the internet or how we got to know each other online like, 200 years ago. There were quizzes but one of my favourite things (HELLO HARRY POTTER PEOPLE) was called the "Veritaserum Meme" ... I know, sounds CRAZY right? Well, it's definitely something like crazy. It's like a "Truth or Dare" game without the dare.

Because I don't know you guys yet, but apparently you used to be pals with an old version of me, I figured we could start off all shiny and brand new. I get to find out more about you, you get to find out more about me. So we are going to play the VERITASERUM MEME.

And Mount Weather, you're going to be totally cool about it. We're blizzard buddies. We're going to learn things about each other. No secrets among friends!!
OH NO. You have been given a dose of Veritaserum (basically, this is a thing that makes you tell the truth no matter what). Comment below with your name so that people can ask you questions which you must answer honestly. Feel free to take advantage of other people in a similarly dosed state, too.

Nov. 16th, 2015


I need someone to distract Groot. I'm good with the medical wing visit and it's time to go.

Please and thank you and all that crap.

Nov. 12th, 2015


I need to punch things. Hard. I need to punch lots of things.

Nov. 10th, 2015


My first thought was that I got this. It couldn't be worse than getting stranded overnight in Star City because you missed the last flight back home!'s worse, isn't it?

Nov. 5th, 2015


Swing by when you get a second.

Oct. 31st, 2015


It's weird. Yeah, the weather's alright with the crisp that's good for tonight and all the games and shit set up, but it don't feel right not having the neighborhood to wander 'round and do trick-or-treating and just stay out super late. It makes me miss I ain't ever missed home before

Oct. 30th, 2015


network; mayday parker (002)


We're gonna help move some paintings. Come on. It'll be fun. Because I'll be there, and I'm fun.

Oct. 21st, 2015


Which one of you can I trust to not dissect me if I

I'm going for walk. Who's coming with me? Groot's busy messing around with leaves, and I ain't got a lifetime to wait for him to catch up.

Oct. 15th, 2015




I think we have a problem. Or well, a situation to be precise.

Doctor Crusher, I don't think this is one of my allergic reactions. But I woke up short, stout, and hairy. Like full beard hairy.

Oct. 12th, 2015


network post: jim kirk

So, what do people do for fun around here? Capture the flag seems good but that's only once a month. There ought to be more things going on. Sports? Something? Work hard, play hard, right?


If, say, someone was predisposed to being allergic or having reactions to various things, and say they maybe wanted to explore the surrounding area, you wouldn't see anything wrong with that, right?

Where's Bones when I need him?

Oct. 6th, 2015


Sooo, secret identities....I'm honestly curious. Since, I pretty much never had one.

Pros and cons...go!

[OOC: OMG, I'm so sorry. But, he had to know!]


As far as kidnappings go, this one's got legs. Remote forest? Mountainside lair? Nice attention to detail, except for one thing: the bulk of the Wayne holdings was filtered through charities weeks ago. So if it's money you're after, you're about to have a real bad day, friend.

Oct. 1st, 2015


It's always good to learn something about the place you're in, although I have to say that this sort of celebration is making me miss team member more than usual.

[Jemma and Skye]
If either of you need a partner for the dance tonight, I'll be happy to oblige. I don't think I've lost all my skill.

How are you doing?

Sep. 20th, 2015


Guess who spent his free time reinventing the wheel. Nah, kidding, just coding Tetris.

The game's fully functional and ready to go. You can download it to your tablet here or just play it on the network.

You're welcome.

Sep. 6th, 2015


Not all therapy's sitting in a chair, talking to someone about your problems. Sometimes it's social interaction and just knowing that someone is there for you should you want to talk about those problems. Sometimes it's just being a friend.

Anyone got a baseball or football around here? Thought maybe we could get a flag football game going or something.

Thinking about being down in the gym at lunch tomorrow. Signed up for the basketball too.

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