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Feb. 12th, 2016


So... I might have just been hit by a Cupid. Or possibly something weirder, but given the timing, the fact that it was gold, and looks like an arrow, I'm going with Cupid.

Any of you seen any strange naked men flying around?

Feb. 9th, 2016


I'm the King of Hell -- AMA!

I'm Crowley. I've been here since late May. Do I really need an introduction at this point? You should be listening to me on your radio every Sunday at noon. You should have voted several months ago for me to be your councilor. You should ignore supposedly upstanding citizens and authority figures who call for murdering me or putting me through legal proceedings just for existing (oh yes, that really happens here).

Ask me anything.

And allow me to ask my listeners: what shall I call my radio show now that it's solely mine?

Feb. 6th, 2016


network post: carol danvers (to dean winchester)

You ever get the feeling you're the odd girl out in your group of friends?

Course not.

Feb. 5th, 2016


network; dean winchester (029)

We're working on the heat, but it'll take a few days. Try to be nice to each other in the meantime. Takes a hell of a lot to heat a place this big, so when something blows, it blows.

Feb. 4th, 2016


Right then. I guess I've not actually gone mad and you lot are all real after all. Or real enough, anyway.

I'm Sarah. How bad is it here?

Clone Club
Already saw Cosima, but I heard Felix and Alison are here too? I've got Kira.

Feb. 1st, 2016


I don't know what's worse; waking up, waking up in a new reality (which is so not one of mine), or waking up to someone trying to use you as a pin cushion.

I had syrette flashbacks. Not cool.

Anyway, I was processed, I guess I'm allowed to stay because they gave me a job. Name's Loki Gabriel.

Jan. 29th, 2016


log; dean & cas

WHO: Dean & Cas
WHEN: Thursday, January 28th, midday
WHERE: The animal husbandry area, somewhere around the sheep
WHAT: Dean hangs out and asks Cas about the situation with his grace. They talk a bit about what it means to be human, Dean gets a birthday gift, and also Dean still hates Cas's pet rabbit. Sorry, rabbit.

Dean, you were the intended vessel of Michael for the Apocalypse. Your birth was important. [...] And your brother mentioned it. )

Jan. 27th, 2016


For some reason, no one ever believes me when I tell them I used to be tiny. Now all of you know it's true.

And this is hardly breaking news, but: Crowley, you're an asshole.

Jan. 26th, 2016


delivery for dean winchester (1/25, afternoon)

This, wrapped in a big leaf, with a note:
Happy birthday (yesterday) -Sam

Jan. 25th, 2016


Has anyone got [...] smaller clothes that I can borrow until I fit into the big ones again? I don't need many. Just a shirt and pants.

[...] I'm Sam. Winchester.

Jan. 20th, 2016


Finally, I don't feel like death warmed over. Just a little death.

So what did I miss?

PS. I heard about the dragon, but I couldn't bring myself to get up. Brag to me!

Jan. 13th, 2016


network; dean winchester (028)

The first gross snotty sick person who comes near me gets a punch in the face. Actually, every gross snotty sick person who comes near me gets a punch in the face.

If you're sick, for the love of Christ, stay home and don't get your nasty-ass fluids all over the rest of us.


network post: nathan drake



I'm dying

Jan. 10th, 2016


I woke up this morning with the worst headache and congestion. How you can tell it's winter? Kate Bishop gets a cold. How did people blow their noses on handkerchiefs? What if your entire head comes out of your nose? Then you're stuck with this little washcloth thing that you then have to WASH. Gross.

I'm quarantining myself. Save yourself! Stay away!

Jan. 1st, 2016


Right so, sorry about the rat. Won't happen again! I underestimated the cages, and Ash exceeded my expectations as far as subjects go. But thankfully no one was harmed, and I think the hunters had a rather good time tracking him down? Either way, still very, very sorry.

On another topic, would anyone be interested in joining together to create a weekly Dungeons & Dragons campaign? I know the rules and can type them up for everyone who wants to join, and actually have a 3.5e character sheet template on my phone that came through. Useless for almost everything else, but there's that.

For anyone that doesn't know what D&D is, it's a tabletop role-playing game, fantasy based. You create a character on paper with stats and characteristics, and form a team where your characters go up against all sorts of evils and quest on adventures.

I suppose lack of dice would be a problem, unless someone could make a set. Or an application on our tablets that does randomized rolling for all dice from d4 to d20.

Dec. 28th, 2015


network; dean winchester (027)

This truth thing is crap. I skipped work to keep myself from babbling at people all damn day. I got on the network to check on everyone else and I can't stop myself.

I fucking miss women. I've slept with three men since I got here. I was trying to move in on Carol Danvers months ago, before Cap beat me to it. It's not that I don't like Cas, because I do. God damn it, do I like Cas. I have a hard time admitting it because I'm emotionally stunted and my first instinct is to lie about my feelings. I still call myself straight, and I know that's fucked up.

I lie about a lot. I don't think that would surprise anybody close to me, but I lie to Sam all the damn time. I know there are things we don't tell each other, and I'm fine with most of that, I don't really need to know about his sex life or what he thinks about Star Trek, but I feel like lying to protect him is my job, the way you lie to kids. I still think of him as twelve. I feel responsible when he makes mistakes or get into touble. I know damn well I shouldn't, he's a grown-ass man who can make his own choices, but I project like it's going out of style. He got all the good parts of our Dad and I just got the shitty decisions and the drinking. If I act like Sam needs me to watch him, I can pretend that's not true.

( content warning for discussion of rape in the dean/kate conversation )


Anytime some egghead wants to solve this honesty madness all on his or her own is fine with me. I've managed not to come clean about Evie and I belonging to a secret society of Assassins sworn to defend freedom from the Templars with our lives, and I don't much fancy doing so now.

[ Edited to add ] Shite.

Dec. 22nd, 2015


Are we doing something for Christmas? Or is this one of those moments when you just sort of put your hand on my face and say no?

Dec. 9th, 2015


I'm probably not the best person to weigh in on matters of revenge or vigilante justice. But I'd really like to see this system we're setting up here get a win, for once.

Hey. How're you feeling?

Dec. 7th, 2015


network post: nathan drake

Crap, did I just have a birthday and not even know it?

Yeah, I did — three weeks ago. Elena, why'd you forget my birthday? Leave it to the archaeology buff to be bad about dates.

Uh ... also, real sorry to the people whose leaky sink I tried to fix and ended up collapsing the bathroom counter. No idea why it did that, but I am on it.

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