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Nov. 10th, 2015


Buffy? Just so we're clear - this is not my fault.

Jun. 14th, 2015


Oh dear. It would appear that something has gone terribly wrong. Is Crowley here, by any chance?

Jun. 2nd, 2015


Hi. Is there anyone I can talk to about getting my work assignment changed? I'd like to take Dr. Crusher's midwife classes but I'm working two jobs right now and she's worried I'll be stretched thin if I try to do all three.

Jun. 1st, 2015


This is Crane's field of expertise but I've been thinking about this a lot since I got here, about how we got here and what might be possible here. Given our presence here, it wouldn't be a stretch to assume someone - or something - else from our own worlds would show up. Something that means harm to all of us. We've already faced a demon, and we know there was a werewolf out there somewhere. If that's possible, I can't help wondering what else might be, especially when we know nothing about how we got here or why.

I have this journal that was passed down through my family, full of details about magic and weapons and supernatural things that most people didn't even know existed. It's useful, but my partner and I always had to do a lot of research when faced with a new foe because nothing was compiled all in one place. We did a lot of guessing. I don't want us to end up scrambling for answers here any more than we have to, so I've started writing down everything I know about everything I faced in my world. The demons, the Horsemen, whatever other creatures we encountered. Their strengths, weaknesses, how to defeat them. I figure if I'm here, it's not impossible for the Headless Horseman to get here too, and none of you would know what to do if that happens.

What I'm thinking is that we all need to work together. We need to share what we know about the dangers we faced in our worlds so we're all better prepared to face what may come our way. If anyone wants to help me organize this, I'd be glad to have the help.

May. 31st, 2015


Tomorrow evening will mark the first of the midwife classes that the hospital here at Mount Weather will be offering to interested persons. This is actually a course, and there will be exams, and each student will be expected to work hard to earn this certificate. You will be expected to be at every class meeting on Mondays and Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m., for two hours, and at other days and times throughout the six months of your training. These extra times will be announced well ahead of time, so that you'll be able to make arrangements within your personal life and with work to be available for these extra sessions. I've only been able to speak with one of our pregnant women, and Mrs. Blythe has agreed to be available to the class as a whole while you are learning to do certain exams. Otherwise, we will be relying on textbooks and videos.

Tomorrow night's meeting will be, primarily, an organizational meeting. You'll sign up, meet your instructors, and be issued your text books, and then we'll have a small introductory lesson. If you are interested, be there at six-thirty.

Filter to Hermione Granger
I'm sorry that I haven't been in touch with your prior to this. If you are willing, I would be extremely grateful if you would agree to be the other of the pregnant women available to the class. It won't be every class meeting, and at this point, you will primarily be answering questions they might have. Also with your permission, I would like for the students to be present at a few of your newborn's appointments. And I can assure you that if you agree now, you will not have to agree to any of these when the time comes. Your comfort and privacy is my top concern.

How are you feeling?

Filter to Medical Doctors and Nurses
If any of you are interested in either helping to teach, or to even take the class, please be there. You'll be welcome, as will your experience.

May. 21st, 2015


I volunteered for the search party for the missing people. It's supposed to take us a few days. Are you guys going to be alright without me for awhile?


As you all know, there's quite an intensive search and rescue operation being put into effect to find those amongst us who have been lost. Beginning tomorrow, I'll be leading a group to work our way thoroughly through the tunnels and bunkers here under Mount Weather. I know that some search has been made here, but this will be thorough and complete, and will likely take a few days. If you'd like to help out in this regard, please do let me know so that we may make sure that everyone has a chance to help.

Nathan Wuornos
I'd greatly appreciate your team's help in getting this done quickly and well, and if you're still sweeping the grounds, let me know and I will certainly help with that.

May. 12th, 2015


Filter to all non-Marvel (comic, movie, tv, etc) people + Peter Parker
So, hey, quick game!

I say Spider-Man, you say... ?

Aaaaaaaaaand go!

May. 7th, 2015


All right. I've thought it over, and talked with Lincoln. I'll teach you Grounder language. It's not gonna be easy. Some of it's a lot like ours but then NOT like it at all. It's hard to explain.

May. 5th, 2015


Willow, I need you to start working on a spell to identify werewolves. We've got to come up with a way so we can figure out how to stop this werewolf from killing again. Can you keep in contact on that?

Angel, I need your help with some bodies. Come with me.

Xander, Dawn -- help Willow. Get her anything she might need.

This is what we do back home, so let's help them get this place safe so we don't have to worry about werewolves and the natives.

May. 4th, 2015


So, in the interest of having a hobby, or 'going native'. Are there any other languages spoken around here that I should learn? I've got English, Latin, and Spanish, and working on Russian.

But languages that are relevant to either the people here in Mount Weather or to the other natives of this world would probably be ideal, if anyone's willing to teach those.

It kind of looks like I might be seeing you guys around a lot, because of Kate. And I thought maybe it'd be a good idea to introduce myself before that gets awkward if it hasn't already.

So, hey. I'm Sam.

Hey. You alright?

Apr. 28th, 2015


I know a bunch of you have magic and super powers and stuff, but I thought maybe I should ask what all you guys can do? I know that Carol can fly -- which I keep meaning to talk to her about -- and that one guy whose name I can't remember can summon spirits or whatever that was. I've never really seen super powers, just read about them. I kind of lived under the floorboards so my brother had to sneak me books. I only had my imagination to go by so it's kind of hard to visualize any of this.

Are you done sulking yet?

Apr. 29th, 2015


I'm gonna throw my two cents in here.

This place is awesome! I mean, where else am I gonna be able to meet Captain America and Han Solo? Like, for real. And, I've avoided losing my eye, which I'm pretty good with. I like having both eyes. Only time I want to wear an eyepatch is at halloween, again.


What's the betting that they have some snoopy somewhere. You want to help me look?

Apr. 27th, 2015


Backdated to the 26th.

Wow. I didn't know so many smells existed...

Does anyone want to go outside and get some air? Maybe even play a game? [...] Does anyone even have a game? I might not be familiar with the rules of most of them, but I'm a fast learner. Unless there's the off chance someone actually has a Pai Sho board with them, but I doubt it.


We've had a lot of new people, I guess. For those who don't know me, hey, I'm John Crichton.

I thought maybe we'd make those movie nights a regular thing, so I'm taking requests. They don't have everything, but there's a lot, so tell me what y'all wanna see and I'll keep it in mind for the next one.

Apr. 19th, 2015


I found a couple decks of cards. Anyone up for a game of poker?

Apr. 15th, 2015


My brother says I'm supposed to introduce myself properly.

My name is River Tam. I am 17. I am not supposed to leave the room without shoes. (Says the hyperactive worrywart Simon, ignoring the natural health benefits of better balance that comes as a result of full toe grip.)



Okay, been here a little over a week now. Anyone heard anything about what's going on? Why we're here? Anyone heard about demons or First Evils? Cause I'm kind of drawing a blank here.

Apr. 10th, 2015


Well, isn't this just terrific.

It's a trick, right? You did something, right Will? Please tell me this is something you did. And, that everyone's here.

Apr. 8th, 2015


I swear, you close your eyes for five minutes on a bus and you wake up in the bizarro world. Someone's gonna jump out and yell gotcha any minute, aren't they?

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