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Aug. 16th, 2015


-- Octavia says they found Murphy.

Aug. 14th, 2015


» Hey. It's Clarke.
» Are you feeling better?

Aug. 10th, 2015


Most of you should be feeling better now, but we've got a few beds open in medical if anyone is still symptomatic.

For everyone else: dehydration is a big risk so make sure you're drinking a lot of water. Check on your roommates and friends and make sure everyone's accounted for. We'll come by again later this evening to do a headcount and check in, but if anyone who's in their room needs immediate medical attention let us know. Fatigue and bodyaches are normal for a day or two. If you're still exhibiting any other symptoms let us know right away.

Aug. 9th, 2015


» Hello. My name's Clarke. I'm with medical.
» How are you feeling?


Is there a way to make it stop?


Okay, listen up.

For those getting sick: Here's what we know. You're going to be down for about a day, maybe two. Stay on your side so that when you start coughing blood, you don't drown in it. Your stomach's fine too, so long as you put your face in it. You're gonna feel really bad, really fast. I know it's easy to say not to worry, but this isn't designed to kill. It's designed to incapacitate. Which means that we need to Do not attempt to go to medical. All beds are full.

Anyone not sick: This spreads like wildfire, so if you're not sick now, you likely will be. If you can't get sick, then we're going to need help making sure people stay hydrated and clean. No one wants to come back from this to a puddle of blood they've got to clean up. It's messy work, it's gross, but we're going to need the help. I've found a bunch of buckets and large bowls that people can use in their housing to cough and vomit blood. It's not ideal, but it's all we've got besides the toilets. I need help distributing them, along with bottles of water. Anyone who can, please see me in the kitchen storage area. ETA: We also have a need to return people to their own beds as medical is now full.

If you have questions or concerns about this illness, see medical. If anyone has any ideas for helping, I'm all ears.

Aug. 7th, 2015


Anyone with magic got some time to help me and Mr. Gold with something?

Aug. 1st, 2015


With every month and every obstacle thrown your way you all continue to embody the very nature of humanity that I have always believed in. So, I thank you, for all that you have done and will continue to do.

Yesterday you all cast your votes in favor of the two candidates that you felt would best represent your needs and concerns in the days to come. I -- along with Councillor Kane -- counted the votes and the council is honored to welcome Asala Adaar and Steve Rogers. Councillor Adaar and Rogers I personally welcome you to the council and look forward to working with you both. You both are welcome to address everyone just prior to dinner.

Filter: Clarke, Bellamy, Octavia and Lincoln
I have a few things that I would like to discuss with the four of you

Jul. 31st, 2015


Wick decided to stop using this thing like the "superior engineer" that he is, so feel free to give him crap for being a hypocrite if you see him around and he has no idea what you're talking about.

Jul. 29th, 2015


Guess my two person band is back to a one man band. This shit is getting real old, very fast.

Jul. 26th, 2015


Someone said this was the future?

What happened here? I need to know. It's important.

Jul. 18th, 2015


If we didn't fill your July quota of fun by going to that wedding, we should go see that play.

Jul. 16th, 2015


I don't want to sit here waiting for Emerson. Want to go on a scouting mission?

Think I can talk you into an overnight?
Emerson is smart enough not to get caught in the same area. I think we need to widen our search.

Jul. 3rd, 2015


network; lincoln (001)

There's at least one other werewolf out there, and Emason is still around. Anyone who leaves Mount Weather needs to be careful of them and of the storm coming in. Ones like these last for days. We should prepare for flooding on the first level to be safe.

Okteivia, Klark + Belomi:
That Grounder wolf dropped a radio. If we're lucky, he mauled Emason to get it.


» What do you think it'd take for something good to happen for once?


network; dean winchester (016)

Shit Condolences to everyone who lost a friend today.

I know we don't want to think about this, but someone needs to start digging graves. We can help with that. My brother and I didn't know anyone who died, so it's not as much trouble for us.

Let's get to work.

Jun. 13th, 2015


I didn't think saying this would be necessary, but apparently it is.

If you think you're only here as our work force, because apparently none of us do any damn work around here, you know where the door is. If you think we're all murderers and you have that much of a problem with what happened here before that you're going to blame an entire group of people for the actions of a few, and use that as leverage to give yourself more instead of working with us as a whole, you know where the door is. If you think you're being forced to stay here, I'm sure I'm not alone when I say you're welcome to leave of your own volition, should you wish to. No one is trapped here. You can leave and take your chances with a world you don't know. You can take your chances with a leader who threw us to the wolves to save her own people, even though we had risked our lives to save hers. What do you think she'll do to you if she walked away from our alliance, knowing she was signing our death sentence? But hey, leaving is your choice. Good luck.

What happened to the people who lived here before was a tragedy that began generations ago, brought on by their failed leadership. Most of the Sky People weren't even here when the mountain men died. That burden rests on two of us, myself and one other. We made a call that I didn't want to, but we had to because we all would have been slaughtered instead, slowly, one by one. We would have been tortured. You can think we were wrong, that's your choice. But it isn't right to take that out on all of my people. If you want to blame someone, if you want to call someone a murderer, if you want to play this morality game when you weren't in our shoes and we can't see every terrible thing you've done, fine, but say it about me. Don't say it about anyone else. I did it. I'm responsible.

Don't disregard everything that Chancellor Griffin, Marcus Kane, the rest of the council and all of us have done for you. Everything we've done has been a choice, because it was right to do, because we saw someone in need and we knew we had to help. That's all there is to it.


Network Post: Crowley

Anyone else tired of the same boring, generic "let me be your representative" speeches? About being fair and caring and just trying to help? Hendrix was the only one who showed some bollocks, and she still had to go on about family.

I'm not looking to play patty-cake and sing kumbaya with the "Sky People". I'm looking to get what we want, whatever that might be, whatever it takes to get it. If we can get that through negotiating and compromise, splendid-- I'm a fantastic negotiator. I don't give up any ground that I can't afford to give up, and only in such a way that I still get exactly what I was looking to get. Hell, nobody could beat me in a filibuster, either. Perks of not being mortal. I'm looking to win. I love winning, and I'm damn good at it.

And let's get real. These "Sky People" don't give a damn about us and our interests any further than what we can do that benefits them. We've been dropped into living in this shithole mountain, and told where to live and how to live by some people who slaughtered hundreds of men, women, and kids and then took over their homes. We're a labor force; that's it. I'm all for being self-interested myself, but when that clashes with someone else's self-interests, things get messy. If they ever decide we're taking up too much space or not playing nicely or otherwise not compatible with their interests, we know what they're capable of, don't we? They're capable of being pretty damn cold and ruthless. And so am I. If it comes down to us or them, I'll make sure we come out on top.

Yes, I'm a demon. Yes, I'm the King of Hell. And that's exactly what's needed to stand up to that lot. Not some aww-shucks good ol' boy or someone you'd want to be best fwiends with.

AMA time. Go right ahead.

And remember: Vote Crowley. You're smart and sexy if you do.


I have to say, that I first thought that this was a vision but none of mine have lasted this long.

This really is real isn't it?

Jun. 7th, 2015


I don't know why the apparitions happened, but I'll confirm those events took place about six months ago in this facility. If anyone has questions about what we saw today, I'll do my best to answer them.

I'm going to go for a walk in a bit. I'll be back by tomorrow morning, so don't lose your don't worry about me. And don't send anyone after me. When I get back I want to talk about my official position here.

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