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Oct. 24th, 2015


I had the best dream last night.

Oct. 23rd, 2015


network post: phil coulson

Skye's gone.

Oct. 12th, 2015


network post; bruce banner

[Filter: Thorin, Kili, & Bruce Wayne]
There isn't a good way to tell your roommates that you have a bit of an "anger / Jekyll & Hyde complex." So, there it is. If you'd like, I can show you. But I d That i However, it isn't a pleasant experience for anyone involved, and I'd prefer if we can operate on my word that I won't randomly "Hulk smash" any of your belongings.

As it is, I don't like surprises. Thank you.

[Filter: Jan]
Let us talk about something other than complicated housing situations.

Oct. 11th, 2015


The first record I ever owned was a Tommy Dorsey record. Frank Sinatra provided vocals for the song "I'll Never Smile Again" and I can remember, hiding away in the country with my siblings whilst my father and mother were away that the song was true. The world would never be the same, we would never find a reason to smile again.

But in the way of songs, in the way of life, I suppose, all waves have their crest. I did smile again. And so, clearly, did the world. Though I have just come to learn about the songwriter. A Ms. Ruth Lowe, who lost her husband due to surgical complications, wrote that song as a way of comprehending her grief.

I hope Ms. Lowe found her own catharsis. Or, at the very least, I hope she received many royalties from Mr. Dorsey and Mr. Sinatra.

Shall I keep writing to you, Lucy? Or shall I simply give you over to the Lion? I know not what you would wish of me.

Pardon the intrusion into your evening. However, when I was informed that Dwarves such as yourself had arrived it filled my heart with gladness. You see, though our lands are separated by long stretches of time and space, I am not altogether unfamiliar with perhaps a reflection of you.

I had a great many friends who called themselves Dwarf. Red Dward, Black Dwarf ... we long strove for peace with one another, dearly achieved, and those Sons of Earth had places of honour in the court of my siblings. I only say this because I cannot imagine the degree to which this world is a shock to you.

And, perhaps in time, we three might be friends too.

Oct. 6th, 2015


Filter to Medical Staff and Administration
First, allow me to tell you how proud I am of all of you, for the jobs that you've done lately with the werewolf situation, and with the odd illnesses and injuries that are a normal part of life here in Mount Weather. You are all exceptional beings.

But I would like to address a situation that may or may not be becoming a problem for us as medical workers. We are each expected to take on the burden of caring for everyone in this mountain, but I've discovered that all too often we neglect a significant portion of the population: ourselves. We take extra shifts, or stay longer, or take on extra patients, at the expense of our mental and physical well-being. While we may work like machines, we are not. We are living, breathing beings that need sleep and time off and, yes, sex. Don't neglect yourself. Take time to be with your partner, if you have one, to read a book, take a walk, visit the schoolrooms to see the children, or to just sleep. Keep an eye out for each other. If someone is showing signs of fatigue, stress, grief, or anything that may be affecting their quality of life, speak to them -- or approach me and I will speak with them. Don't do what I did, and bury yourself in your work out of some misguided idea that would take your grief away or make it easier to bear.

Starting tomorrow, each of us -- including myself -- is expected to adhere to the hours we're scheduled. Don't stay late to get just one more test result logged; the next person can handle that. Of course there will be times when we'll be needed to stay longer, all hands on deck, with only a brief break here and there for sleep or food. Now is not one of those times. Things are relatively peaceful, and we all need to take advantage of that.

In short: keep to your scheduled hours, find time to play and to sleep and to eat.

Secondly, after some discussion with Drs. Griffin and Jackson, we are implementing a new processing procedure for new arrivals. Upon awakening, after giving us their name and the names of people they know at home -- a loved one, friends, or otherwise, we will use the database that has been gathering information since we all arrived to ascertain if someone that they are familiar with is here. If there are, then we will inform the new arrival of that, and will also contact next-of-kin or a friend, so that they can help acclimate him or her to their new home. This procedure is to be implemented immediately. If you have any questions, ask.

Filter to Alison Hendrix
I wonder if, down the line, you'd be willing to have a guest director for the Mount Weather Community Theater? I've directed many plays on the Enterprise, and I continued with it once my time on the ship ended. I'm not particularly good at directing musicals, but plays I'm quite good at.


netpost; bruce banner

Jan Van Dyne
I have acquired three new roommates in the course of three days. I think we should go "green"-ing this weekend, or next, or permanently..


Sooo, secret identities....I'm honestly curious. Since, I pretty much never had one.

Pros and cons...go!

[OOC: OMG, I'm so sorry. But, he had to know!]


As far as kidnappings go, this one's got legs. Remote forest? Mountainside lair? Nice attention to detail, except for one thing: the bulk of the Wayne holdings was filtered through charities weeks ago. So if it's money you're after, you're about to have a real bad day, friend.

Oct. 5th, 2015


Hello is this working

I was told this is how I should introduce myself but I fail to understand how this works.

I am Kili of the House of Durin. I suspect that means little in a place such a this.

Why is everything so small?

Sep. 23rd, 2015


I think I'm a broken record these days. Bucky's gone too. The older one.

At least... hey, Bucky, you still here? I can't lose

We've lost several of our friends recently, so I thought now would be a good time to spend some time together, all of us. Play some cards, listen to music, whatever you crazy kids do these days. We spend a lot of time - or at least I do - with our jobs around here, and sometimes other things get pushed aside.

Sep. 18th, 2015


network post; bruce banner

Avengers (MCU-verse) + Jan Van Dyne + Amadeus Cho + Carol Danvers
I'm taking the Hulk out into the woods tomorrow to tell him about my test out a theory. You don't need to be there. I'm taking Jan with me, and I'm going to let Amadeus know the exact coordinates. I need you trust me, but I also need you to know what's happening, in case I'm wrong.

Amadeus Cho
And I'll need you to keep an eye on the lab while I'm out.

Sep. 17th, 2015


WHO: Bruce Banner & Jan Van Dyne
WHEN: 9/15, after this.
WHERE: Where science happens
WHAT: IDK making out stuff

It was a conversation that had to happen. )

Sep. 15th, 2015


I'm having one of those days where I'm snapping at everyone. I think I growled at some poor girl in the mess hall because she was taking too long. I don't know what it is, but I want to spork everything. THEN I feel bad for snapping, and then I feel stupid for feeling bad AND for snapping.

Can this day just be over already? I just want a goddamn margarita, pool-side. Is that too much to ask?

Sep. 9th, 2015


network post; bruce banner

I always say it isn't science without a minor explosion. The ants, however, were an interesting touch.

Aug. 30th, 2015


[Team Bus]
Can we do a check in?

I'm fine other than a few scratches. Goes with the new look, I think.

[MCU folks]

I know you're not really my responsibility here, but I'm feeling the need to check in on folks. How is everyone and does anyone need anything?

Aug. 29th, 2015


WHO: Mount Weather vs Ulric's Werewolves
WHEN: August 29. 2150
WHERE: Surrounding Mount Weather
WHAT: Fight fight fight!
STATUS: Please reply under the sections. If you have questions, direct them here.
WARNINGS: Probably goes without saying that there will be lots of blood, gore, death, injuries.

This would end, one way or another, tonight. )

Aug. 28th, 2015


Okay everyone. A lot of you know me already, but if we haven't met, hi, I'm Dr. Gates. I'm also known as the Hot Doctor. I specialized in emergency medicine in Chicago, and before that I was an Army medic in the Gulf War. I'm going to be in charge of triage over the full moon, so in case what we're dreading actually happens, I need everyone to listen to me now so we can get it in our heads.

  • If you get hurt out there, don't fuck around and pretend you're invincible and like you can fight through it. Come find us - Dr. Hunt, Dr. Simmons, Peter and I will be near the blast doors - or have someone else bring you. We'll evaluate you and get you on your way as quickly as possible. Acting like you're not actually injured is going to lead to worse injuries in the long run, and I think we all know how limited we are here.
  • If you see someone injured and they can't make it back to us on their own, it's your responsibility to help them out. We're all in this together, so we need to act like a team on this. Call someone. Get help. We have people who can fly. Use them to get the injured out of danger quickly. People who can fly: you're our best bet for evac, so keep an eye on that if you can. Otherwise, get on a radio and talk to me. I'll come to you.
  • Seriously, don't fuck around with your injuries. It's easy to underestimate something you don't have any experience with, but that's not going to help any of us. I'm not going to be able to help you if you brush off that scratch on your arm like it's no big deal.
  • Get some rest tonight and tomorrow. Saturday night is going to be a damn long night, and we need all of you at your best. I'm talking to you too, medical staff. Your instincts will kick in and help you get through this, but trust me, it's easy to crash, and crash hard, too.

I think that's all I've got right now. With any luck, we'll just be able to forget this lecture even happened.

Aug. 27th, 2015


netpost ; bruce banner

Avengers (all of them)
Look, I realize the Hulk might be useful against an army of werewolves, and that maybe this qualifies as a code green. But there are civilians out there, and who knows what else, and I think it might be best if I stay in medical for the fight.

Unl I'd appreciate it if everyone respected my decision, but I'm willing to listen to counter-arguments. If you have them.

Aug. 26th, 2015


It's no secret we've got werewolves around the camp. Hunting's been delegated to inside the perimeter and fishing hasn't been done since the Grounders staked out the river a few weeks ago. The terms of the truce are simple: the Grounders leave Mount Weather and its environs alone, and we leave them alone. The werewolves are playing a game of chicken with us, standing at the perimeter, daring us to do anything. We're in a tenuous position, and the full moon's coming up.

I'm calling for volunteers — preferably with some kind of fight training — to spend the next few days training when if they attack on the full moon. We've got a course going on right now on how to fight werewolves.

If you can't fight, you can volunteer for medical assistance. We're going to need it. Always good to have people who can mend others.

THE 100:
Times like this, I kind of wish we hadn't blown the the damn acid fog.


Filter to Medical, about 7 a.m. this morning
Good morning, all. As you are aware, the full moon is coming up. It's on August 29, which is this Saturday. As you are no doubt aware by now, a Grounder army of what may be werewolves have set up camp around the base's perimeter. I think it would be in our best interest to make sure that we are as prepared as possible for any trouble that may happen this Saturday.
  • I'm not asking for a complete inventory of our supplies, but I need at least two people to make sure that the supply cabinets are filled.
  • Every exam room needs to be made ready for potential patients, and lists made for each room for supplies that need to be replenished or topped up.
  • On Saturday, we're going to set up a triage unit near the blast doors. Tony Gates, you are in charge of seeing that set up, and you will be responsible of that unit. Let me know what you will need, and who you need.

We are going to be busy every single day this week, people. Make sure you get enough sleep. This isn't crunch time, so there is no need for any of us to be sleep deprived. Save that for Saturday.

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