May 2016



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Feb. 22nd, 2016


Alright, there seems to be a lot of disappearing going on. Fitz and Simmons disappeared in front of me and Ward hasn't shown up for training.

Humor me and let me know you're still here?

Can you use your big brother powers to tell me if we've lost anyone else?


Ciao. Is there a priest in the mountain? Or at least someone able to take confession? Also, I would do a great many things for something salty to eat.

Er. Not while giving confession, obviously.

You are sad about your Constantine, yes? I have something that might help.

Or it might make things much much worse. I can't be sure yet.

Feb. 20th, 2016


YO! Attn: Some Douchebag Named Grant; Sing me the song of your people & tell me about yourself.

Oh and since I didn't introduce myself last time since I was too busy being mad about multiverse, I'm Jess Drew. Spider-Woman. From the arguably more fucked up Avengers & X-Men world, but I say arguably because I like to leave a little chance that the other one might still beat us. No, I'm not related to Peter Parker or any of the other Spider-People, but they're the good sort and I'll punch you if you're mean to them.


I think I still need more sparring practice.

[Team Bus]
There's another season of the show about us on the network today. Just thought I'd give you a heads up.

Yes, I'm going to watch it.

There's more of that show on the network. Thought I'd warn you.

Something turned up on the network this morning - more of that show about me and my team. I'm going to spend today watching it

Up for sparring sometime later?

Feb. 18th, 2016


I am so sick and tired of this universe jumping crap and everything going to shit.

You know what? Avengers Assemble. So you can all kiss my ass.


As a reminder, tomorrow evening is the monthly Fight Club match up. I tried to make the date Valentine's Day, but Jacob disagreed, so you're welcome for the wait.

If you're new this month, we have a few simple rules in place. No weaponry, and every match is randomly drawn from a hat so no whining about who you get paired with. Powers are left "outside" of the ring, meaning they aren't to be used in these exercises. We're well aware some people are naturally more strong due to their powers, and we just ask that they not go overboard with things.

Leave your revenge and vendettas with your powers and weaponry. Keep your grudges to the level of who beat you last and no killing or even horrendously maiming someone. We will pull you out if you purposely try to permanently injure someone and you won't be welcomed back. Accidents happen, of course, and it's usually fairly easy to tell what is and what isn't an accident. I don't particularly care who wronged you before you entered this place, it's not going to be on our heads if you decide that now is your opportunity to kill that person. At least pretend to act like the adults I know you're all capable of being. In some fashion.

Do I truly overthink everything?

Don't answer that. Forget I asked, actually.

Private Diary Entry. )


Anyone considered that some of the people on that database will horribly abuse the whole second chance thing. I mean, I get that it just means we'll watch them closer but all the same. Do they get subjected to more scrutiny  than those of us who might have been considered a potential risk before this database.

Not disputing its a good idea. Just, open to manipulation

Original Team Bus
Coulson, Simmons, Daisy


You need to put HYDRA in there I get it. But be thorough. All of us them. Whitehall, Von Strucker, List, John

If there's anyone here who doesn't know about me at this point they'll figure it out. Or someone will tell them. But you know the risk if any of the old guard come here, its not them directly but what they'll influence if they get the same second chance as the rest of us.


Tried to talk to the team about that database. About HYDRA. Ended up just telling Coulson.

How long does hell last?

Feb. 17th, 2016


Alrighty, so that threat database that I talked about a day or so ago? We got it up and running. If you would like to add information about possible threats that might come in from your world please go HERE and fill out the handy dandy form.

Once things are uploaded to the tablet y'all can mention where you might be helpful against any of these threats. If you don't wanna say how you could help out against any of the potential threats then you sure don't gotta. All completely voluntary and I understand fully well not wanting people to know what you can do. Big old thanks to everyone who helped out with this!

Any questions?


Laura talked to me about trigger scent happening to her here. She'd appreciate if it does happen that Betsy or one of our other lovely telepaths knock her the hell out until we can get the damn scent washed away. Sound good to all of you?

Feb. 18th, 2016


Going to play The Never-Ending Story tonight and The Little Shop of Horrors next Wednesday. Between the fire swamp in The Princess Bride and the swamp of sadness in The Never-Ending Story I'm pretty sure those two movies were single-handedly (double-handedly?) responsible for instilling a phobia of quicksand into an entire generation.

That isn't even a joke. I remember reading a lot of studies on kids no longer being afraid of quicksand in the first decade of the 21st century, they* were honestly baffled by it. (*researchers)

Feb. 15th, 2016


Filtered to Team Bus

I've had a request from some of the military for non-lethal weapons for training purposes. And, I was wondering. How many I.C.E.R.s do we have between us? And, can I borrow them? I promise I'll get them back to you.


Do you think we can make six I.C.E.R.s by Thursday?

Feb. 14th, 2016



Cut to spare your eyes. )

And like, I get it. We have all these weird "ACTIVITIES" going on all the time. We see magic, we see radioactive things, apparently we see things which all make us love each other. SHRUG. It's all part and parcel with the world we're now sharing. So let's celebrate it and each other. Here's a poem. Because I am a poet when the muse descends.
Lola is red
Lincoln's face is a cherry
Jemma likes to science
And Fitz is legen ... DARY!

Ravi likes rats
and Hope is a star
Bellamy can smile

Some people can shift and some people can spark
Some people have cat souls and two people are slayers!
Some people are delightfully 'normal' while some people Avenge, or so I've been told
I haven't even brought up Jedis ... but ...
We're all here together and we'll make it, probably
But the river monster has two heads
so watch out :)


Singles night was fun and cards today as well. I love learning new card games. I just wish we had more to gamble for.

For those who are interested, we do mini sabacc tournaments on Thursday nights in case anyone wants to join in.

Dancing is still intimidating though.

Thanks for the dance lessons. I think I'll play to my strengths and stick to cards though.

Feb. 12th, 2016


So, I believe I was just shot? With an arrow?

I say I believe I was just shot because I saw an arrow hit me in the sodding chest, and it hurt like an arrow would (I have experience with getting shot, okay), but there's nothing there now. No wound, no arrow shaft, nothing.

And there's also no one about. I'm outside, about two kilometers away from Mt. Weather, but I've the ability to see people even when they're hidden, and there's no one here. Not within arrow-range, not by half. I need to come by Medical? Just stings now, but I know what I saw, and I don't fancy turning into a mongoose or some such thing just because someone can't manage their magical arrows. What's going to ha You know, I'm coming by Medical.

Feb. 10th, 2016


Surveillance spotted three disturbances just outside our perimeter. To the north, our intel indicates the presence of four frost giants. East south east, roughly 100 robots. West, orcs.

We're taking volunteers from our military ranks to form three separate teams to handle this. These teams will investigate the disturbances, and defend our home. From what I've been told about what's out there, you should expect hostility. The remaining military will then be assigned to the second and third lines of defense, as well as guard posts, to ensure all of the civilians within our walls are safe. You'll provide back-up, if necessary. Listen to your commanders' orders.

It should go without saying, but until we tell you otherwise, this information is strictly classified. There is no need to incite panic among the rest of the population if we can take care of this at a distance, and I have faith that we can. If these threats make it past our front line, we'll handle it. For now, we're concentrating on making sure they don't get close enough to breach our walls in the first place.

[ooc: remember, only the volunteers designated on this post will be on the first teams out; everyone else will be assigned other jobs!]


I know we have movies on Saturday nights, but since there's quite a lot of people here who came from similar worlds at a similar time there are some movies we all grew up knowing very, very well. Daisy's post was a reference to one of those, The Princess Bride, which I'd like to show tomorrow night. There should be room to one end of the 501 commons so we won't need to clear the mess hall. If needs be I can set up an extra monitor or two and sync the video.

(Parents: The Princess Bride is child-friendly down to about maybe 8 or 10?)

If there's enough interest I found a few more movies from around the same time that we could watch on future nights - including Labyrinth, The Never-Ending Story, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Gremlins, Teen Wolf, The Lost Boys, and the movie version of the community theatre club's upcoming show, Little Shop of Horrors. I could probably arrange to play that one just before auditions open.

Feb. 9th, 2016


Slowly losing your mind looks like watching people dance around and try to miss flame spurts as if we were actually living in the Fire Swamp. I don't have sound or anything so guys. Guys.


Is "there a popping sound preceding each" ... ? Because if not, I'm asking the PodGod for Westley. (Don't get jealous, Lincoln. It's Westley. But maybe I should get jealous since you're my Buttercup.)

Feb. 7th, 2016


As some of you have heard, the residents of Camp Jaha had decided to rename their village. From here on out, it will no longer be named at Thelonius Jaha. It will be called Arkadia. Tonight also begins their campaigns for council positions. Anyone who would like to volunteer to assist may do so on Level 7.

I honestly can't wait till these people are gone. That warehouse is too cramped, and our food supplies are hanging on by a thread.

Brace yourself. We're very nearly out of coffee.


Who: Bobbi Morse & Phil Coulson
When: Immediately after her arrival
Where: Medbay
Rating: Medium - There's one cuss word and light discussion of torture, character death, and a few AoS spoilers here and there.

If you're under pressure // There's a mask above your head // Make sure yours is secure // Before you try to help your friend )

Feb. 6th, 2016


[Friends minus Phoebe]*
Before one of you finds out and starts teasing me and accuses me of hiding it, I thought I'd just let you know that I'm seeing someone - Phoebe Halliwell.

be gentle.

*includes Team Bus, MCU Avengers, Pepper, Peggy, etc. - feel free to assume


This place certainly takes some getting used to. I mean it's all very fascinating and there's certainly plenty here to keep me busy but I still have moments where I can't believe it.

For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Leo Fitz, I got here a couple of days ago and have just been getting to know the place. I'm working as an engineer as that's what I did back home but this will be a bit of a different way to apply my skills than what I'm used to.

[Team Bus]
Anyone want to place a bet on if he'll try to talk to me? I don't really have anything to bet though so if I lose I might just have to owe you.

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