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Feb. 14th, 2016


Teddy Altman
I've got magic powers. Let's use them for terribly romantic outcomes. Or, you know, good ones.


chatty: erik → billy

» Did you tell her?

Feb. 13th, 2016


Does anyone else miss home? I know...I should be lucky to be here, after everything that's happened in my life. I miss one of my best friends, but I'm glad I'm not alone here. I've been in a place where I've been completely alone before with no way out and I very nearly couldn't take it. I miss my boyfriend. Logic tells me that if there were some way to leave this place, someone would have found it by now with how many different people are here and how many different abilities each person has.

I know there are quite a few of you here and there's been talk about it before, but I'm curious. Forgive me if I'm repeating a question that's been asked before; I've not been here that long. Who among you all are magical beings of some kind? Witches or someone who can practice magic? I'm curious to know what sort of resources we have here and which type of enemies might be here who would try to hurt me or my friends.

[Caroline, Damon and Lexi]

You guys free this weekend?

Feb. 10th, 2016


Okay, the gym is great, I love the gym, BUT I did think it would be awesome to have something more for people to work on agility. Like an obstacle course. Outside, but close enough it won't be interfering with the hunters or anything. Anyone else interested? This is only 40% a selfish proposal!

I don't think that's your mom either.

Feb. 9th, 2016


I wasn't aware something like this was actually possible: traveling to a different dimension, through time.

Feb. 6th, 2016


Now, I've looked everywhere for it, but I can't seem to find my pipe! If this is some kind of trickery, it's certainly not welcomed. That was a Baggins heirloom it was, something I had with me from the Shire. Bit of pipe weed gone, too. It's such a shame...I'd be most grateful if someone could help me find it.

Feb. 4th, 2016


Well that was a new and overly informative method of torture.

[Filter to Friends] (ooc: feel free to assume)
Probably bad timing considering the info session this evening, but I just wanted to say thanks. For the birthday party last week. That was a first meant a lot. Really.

[Filter to Billy]
Ok, I... uh...

I keep putting this off. Because most of the time just putting it off seemed to work fine even if it didn't, but with the whole thing this evening, I was wondering...

I have questions and I was wondering if maybe you could... help?

Feb. 1st, 2016


I don't know what's worse; waking up, waking up in a new reality (which is so not one of mine), or waking up to someone trying to use you as a pin cushion.

I had syrette flashbacks. Not cool.

Anyway, I was processed, I guess I'm allowed to stay because they gave me a job. Name's Loki Gabriel.

Jan. 30th, 2016


[Billy Kaplan]
I heard this rumour your mom's Wanda Maximoff. Which kind of makes us alternate universe siblings.

I'm TJ.

Jan. 27th, 2016


It has been so many years since I was that age that I forgot the feeling of it. Much has happened since.

The magic of this place is very intriguing. To whoever was responsible, I commend the breadth of your skill, in spite of the discomfort.


Filtered Network Post: Minerva McGonagall to Magic Folk


Last month, people were compelled to voice the truth and their every thought. We have just seen people reversed in time.

I would hope that no one intended such widespread results, but nevertheless, I believe we need to have an open, frank discussion about how we're using our magic given the extreme side effects we have seen, and about communicating when the unexpected happens so that we might help to correct it.

For instance, I am creating wizarding chess sets for use here. If anyone should feel a compulsion to move to E5 or capture a pawn, I expect to be informed promptly so I can cast the relevant counter-charms.


(019) Anakin Solo

[Filter: Friends of Nico Di Angelo but not Nico]
I realize this is kind of short notice, but one of the many things 10 year old Nico shared with me is that he'll be turning 15 tomorrow. Well, okay, he didn't share that exactly, but seeing as how he appears to be back to his normal age, and he did say his birthday is tomorrow I'm extrapolating here. So, I figure, if one spent the first part of the week as 10 and one then is jumping to 15, that there ought to be some sort of celebration of that because that's significant.

Here's what I'm currently thinking - tomorrow after dinner, we should all gather in one place - like maybe the common area on level 5? - and I'll make certain Nico ends up there after dinner.

Does anyone work in the kitchen? Cause I mean, the tiniest of cakes, or fruit or something special for him? Or do I need to figure out if there's someone down in the kitchens I can work on convincing to help us out?

Anyway, we can wish him a happy birthday, and play some games, and just generally let him know we think it's cool he's turning 15. Who's in?

Jan. 25th, 2016


Has anyone got [...] smaller clothes that I can borrow until I fit into the big ones again? I don't need many. Just a shirt and pants.

[...] I'm Sam. Winchester.

Jan. 23rd, 2016


-- Thorin's back
-- Don't freak out!

Jan. 22nd, 2016


Being cooped up is starting to get me. Who wants a snowball war? I'm thinking: we build forts, plan strategies, and then we have to besiege the other forts.

Who's in?

Jan. 21st, 2016


So, looks like I have finally been processed and thought I would say hello.

I have been asked to do the job of a computer repairer so I guess I shall be seeing some of you very soon if I can work out where the job is.

[Filter to Buffy]

They told me you were here? Can we meet up it would be nice to see a friendly face and find out who else is here I might know?


(017) Anakin Solo

I'm no stranger to things that are a little weird or different, but I feel like this mountain has made some sort of crazy bet and just has to keep throwing things in the pot so it can win.

[Filter: Solo siblings, Reyna & Nico]
Um, so I pretty much just had a ten minute conversation with Tahiri. And while I'm not going to complain about talking to my best friend when I haven't talked to her in basically months, I'm also a little confused.

And I think I prefer holocalls.

And also I prefer not having them in the shower because that's just a little awkward. At least it wasn't

This is like your Iris message things isn't it? But I didn't put a coin thing anywhere. Or ask for it. Or any of that.

Jan. 20th, 2016


Finally, I don't feel like death warmed over. Just a little death.

So what did I miss?

PS. I heard about the dragon, but I couldn't bring myself to get up. Brag to me!

Jan. 13th, 2016


Okay, sick folks. I am hereby volunteering myself as delivery boy for you. Technically I'm an alien and my healing is really, really good, so Earth diseases don't do anything to me, so unless someone modified this illness to effect all of us and not just the humans

No one did that, right? This is just normal, run-of-the-mill human flu or something, right? That's it?

Jan. 10th, 2016


I woke up this morning with the worst headache and congestion. How you can tell it's winter? Kate Bishop gets a cold. How did people blow their noses on handkerchiefs? What if your entire head comes out of your nose? Then you're stuck with this little washcloth thing that you then have to WASH. Gross.

I'm quarantining myself. Save yourself! Stay away!

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