May 2016



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Feb. 18th, 2016


So - who and what are we putting into that database?

And should I put Cole in?

Feb. 17th, 2016


Master Qui-Gon Jinn is no longer here.

Feb. 13th, 2016


[Chatty to Barry]
So before I freak out and risk the wrath of Dr. Chun, please tell me you didn't send me an anonymous Valentine's card? Because if I try to hack it (and likely get caught, I mean, I'm good but she's a LITERAL GHOST IN THE SHELL HOW COOL IS THAT) and find out it was a joke, that would be really really not funny.

To Do List:
  1. Shower.
  2. Iron Shirts?
  3. Count drink rations.
  4. Look cool.
  5. Mention NOT mention I'm Vibe, because bragging is a turn off
  6. Felicity could hack-- no, she'd tell me it's more romantic to let it be anonymous. CURSES.
This is going to consume my every thought until I figure it out. It's probably Oliver Queen, since I didn't fall for his glitter reverse psychology.

So, big day tomorrow. You know, for the people who enjoy it. Not so much for the people who don't. Okay, killed the mood there Thank Odin/Zeus/Jupiter/Cthulhu for backspace There any parties for people without dates tomorrow? Just, you know, hang out, play some cards, talk about stuff, be social? Because I'm down with that. Don't want to crash anybody's plans or anything. I could just stay down in the lab, maybe throw a small thing there? Who's with me?


Network Post: Prue Halliwell

Well. I am going to this Singles Night thing and I hope I don't end up sitting in the corner watching everyone else hook up. Which is usually my luck. But there will be alcohol so there's that.

Feb. 12th, 2016


Okay. So, I'm used to strange. But, turning up somewhere and being told you were there before, when you don't remember any of it. Is definitely up there in the weirdest things to happen to me. Right after, meeting my long lost sisters. And, that at least turned out okay.

Speaking of which. Phoebe, Prue? Really, Prue is Prue. Are you here?

Feb. 10th, 2016


I know we have movies on Saturday nights, but since there's quite a lot of people here who came from similar worlds at a similar time there are some movies we all grew up knowing very, very well. Daisy's post was a reference to one of those, The Princess Bride, which I'd like to show tomorrow night. There should be room to one end of the 501 commons so we won't need to clear the mess hall. If needs be I can set up an extra monitor or two and sync the video.

(Parents: The Princess Bride is child-friendly down to about maybe 8 or 10?)

If there's enough interest I found a few more movies from around the same time that we could watch on future nights - including Labyrinth, The Never-Ending Story, Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, Gremlins, Teen Wolf, The Lost Boys, and the movie version of the community theatre club's upcoming show, Little Shop of Horrors. I could probably arrange to play that one just before auditions open.

Feb. 6th, 2016


[Friends minus Phoebe]*
Before one of you finds out and starts teasing me and accuses me of hiding it, I thought I'd just let you know that I'm seeing someone - Phoebe Halliwell.

be gentle.

*includes Team Bus, MCU Avengers, Pepper, Peggy, etc. - feel free to assume

Feb. 4th, 2016


Goddamnit. I thought you were screwing with me! I literally JUST got my ship back. It was clean. I had a crew! One that wasn't gonna threaten to eat me every other day!

I mean, probably not. Not unless I really deserved it??. Or we ran out of snacks.

Speaking of snacks, a big mac would've gone a long way towards making this day suck less, but apparently you BROKE EARTH too. I'm just saying. If you were aiming for Maximum Suckage here, you guys totally nailed it.

Feb. 1st, 2016


Network Post: Prue Halliwell

So far the month is off to a great start. At least I can say that is has to get better?


Paige is gone. We were together when it happened so there isn't any doubt. I'm sorry, sweetie. I really liked her and I wish we'd had more time together.

Jan. 30th, 2016


Now that I'm a bit more settled in I thought I'd ask for a bit of help. Dr. Foster and I are attempting to put together a database of all of the universes represented here as well as any supernatural or magical elements that might go along with them. We'd also like to gather as much information about universes that may have once been represented here, but are no longer. I've come up with a survey for individuals to fill out and we will also be canvasing as well.

The hope is that with a better understanding of the magics and supernatural elements found in each universe we may be able to help individuals here. The possibilities across universes is really quite fascinating and there can be some good we can do for our fellow man perhaps.

Your name:
Other Species found on your planet or in your galaxy?:
What galaxy is your universe in? Specific planet?:
Noted differences between your species and humans?:
Noted differences between your environment and that of earth:
Are there any powers or magical abilities associated with your species?:
Is there a fictional representation of your universe here and if so, what is it?
Anything else worthy of note:

If I were a proud man my ego would be severely damaged by having my ass handed to me by a seven year old.

Jan. 27th, 2016


Filtered Network Post: Minerva McGonagall to Magic Folk


Last month, people were compelled to voice the truth and their every thought. We have just seen people reversed in time.

I would hope that no one intended such widespread results, but nevertheless, I believe we need to have an open, frank discussion about how we're using our magic given the extreme side effects we have seen, and about communicating when the unexpected happens so that we might help to correct it.

For instance, I am creating wizarding chess sets for use here. If anyone should feel a compulsion to move to E5 or capture a pawn, I expect to be informed promptly so I can cast the relevant counter-charms.


Everyone's back to the normal age, right? It worked?

Now what have you learned about doing spells in strange timelines where your magic is already acting a little wonky?!

Jan. 25th, 2016


Do we know how many people are affected by this?

[Filtered to Phoebe and Prue]

Umm, I think we might have a problem. Well, I guess I have a problem. But, I can't seem to fix it.

Jan. 23rd, 2016


I'm no god of thunder, but an Ask Me Anything is bound to dredge up something interesting anyway.

For those (few?) who don't know me I'm Ianto Jones, I work in IT, but back home I was with a secret alien research facility. I spent two years at the main branch in London and three years with the much, much smaller Cardiff field outpost - five people and a pterodactyl. Hit me with questions.

(As a free bonus answer, no, the pterodactyl did not do fieldwork.)

Jan. 18th, 2016


Network Post: Prue Halliwell

Thankfully I have avoided the sickness that's going around. I managed to find a few things and make some tea that helped fight it off. I still have some if anyone would like it.

Jan. 14th, 2016


Meditation classes, are due to begin Saturday morning at 10am in the common area for anyone who wishes to join me.

Star Wars
I see that a number of you have recently arrived. I'm aware that I don't know the majority of you, therefore I would like to get to know all of you. I'm Qui-Gon Jinn and come from what has been termed as the Old Republic where I was one of the Jedi Knights. I currently work as a teacher here and shall be running meditation sessions which you are welcome to join in if you wish to do so.

New Republic Jedi & Obi-Wan
I know that you do not have the Jedi Code of Conduct like we did. I find myself curious though, was it successful? It is one of the areas that I often clashed with the council over.

Lily Potter
Ms Potter, I have come to learn of the support group that you run. Is anyone allowed to join, provided they meet the requirements of it?

Jan. 13th, 2016


Chess club tomorrow and I'm happy to say most of you aren't terrible.

The beginners seem to be listening and interested so color me pleasently surprised.

Now if only I could get used to living in a damn mountain and hearing that there might be a dragon dropped into casual mountain conversation.

Jan. 7th, 2016


Network Post: Prue Halliwell

I'm sure my sisters are going to laugh at me but I think I'll go to chess club tonight. It's one of those games I always wanted to lean how to play but never had the time or anyone to teach me.

Well now I've got plenty of time. So Phoebe, Paige? Are you in?

Dec. 29th, 2015


Network Post: Prue Halliwell

Let's see, we've had strange ghost like things, a war with Bloody Mary and a blizzard. With the exception of the blizzard, it feels like home.

Dec. 23rd, 2015


[Filtered to Prue and Phoebe]

So, Christmas. I think this is one of those times when using magic to make decorations, doesn't exactly count as personal gain? I mean, it'd make the mountain happy. Because, obviously we'll share. Right?

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