May 2016



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Apr. 20th, 2016


I was sad when everyone was gone, and now I'm anxious that everyone's back. It's just a thrill a minute with you people, isn't it?

Would it be in bad taste for me to suggest that if you don't want the memories associated with your adventure, I can remove them? Or fog them up, if you prefer? It's an utterly personal decision to keep them or remove them, and I don't think there's any moral better one way or another, and I fully understand that if you're not keen on magic now that more in your head might not be in your interest, so please please please don't yell or get passive aggressive at me for suggesting it if it's not for you because my reaction to stress is either curling into a ball on the floor and thinking about baby animals or killing everything in sight so. Be nice. Think about it?

I just want everyone feeling comfortable again. I understand... dissonance. In several ways, really.

Apr. 18th, 2016


network post: alison hendrix


We are not letting this break us, people. Come to rehearsal tomorrow, we'll be reviewing everything that we probably forgot and catching up and figuring out where to go from here. This is going to be a team effort and I'm going to need all hands on deck. Cast, crew, everyone. I'd make cupcakes, but we've got to pay attention to rations right now, so no cupcakes. I still expect to see all of you!

We're going to hit the ground running and get this up in two weeks. That means long rehearsals, extra rehearsals, working outside of rehearsals. We can do it!

This show is not cursed

Felix, I can't say this enough: I am so sorry we left you alone. If I'd had a say in the matter, none of this would have happened. Thank you for taking care of Oscar and Gemma. I

They took me away from my kids.

Um. Hi. I'm sorry for the hot glue.

We're even now?


The last time I got out of medical, everyone had disappeared. Interesting that this time I get out of medical, everyone's back. It's better this way.

It was too quiet without you-

You owe
You missed a battle. And my birthday.

You disappeared.
Whenever we get back, we need to put in a request for some of that wookie brandy. It's good stuff.

I'm considering asking for a transfer out of the scouts. You've been great as a commander, really, top three I've served under, at least, but I'm just not sure this is where I should be. I'm not much use without my x-wing

Apr. 17th, 2016


storybrooke: during panic hour

Heyyy, so ah. Someone want to come post bail for me?

Apr. 15th, 2016


storybrooke; anne summers.

Still plenty to do around here in Town Square, if you're feeling helpful. The carnival rides are up (but not WORKING so don't even think about it). It's mostly some setup of the booths, but there's some heavy lifting to go around for everyone.

Apr. 14th, 2016


Storybrooke: Rene d'Herblay & Isaac Anthony

WHO: Rene d’Herblay (Aramis) & Isaac Anthony (Porthos)
WHEN: April 10th, 2016
WHERE: Rene’s house.
WHAT: Rene has Isaac over for dinner and years of UST comes to a head while they’re doing the dishes.
WARNING: PG at worst. I mean, Rene's a priest but it’s just a kiss, some sappiness, and some talk about ~guilt~

You will be the death of me. )

Apr. 10th, 2016


Storybrooke; Rene d'Herblay

[Filtered to Isaac]
After a rather heated discussion with Deacon Ramirez after Mass, I'm beginning to wonder if I want to be with the Church any longer.

I'm sorry. I shouldn't rant to you-

But that man is insufferable.

I apologize in advance if I put your father in an even more foul mood than normal. I know this doesn't necessarily pertain to AJ, but I may have incensed him enough to make his reach known far and wide. We had a remarkably unpleasant disagreement today.

Moreso than usual, actually. Much more.

Apr. 9th, 2016


Storybrooke: Isaac Anthony & Sarah Bennett backstory

WHO: Isaac Anthony (Porthos) & Sarah Bennett (Sarah Manning)
WHEN: Backstory! Approx 2003ish
WHERE: SB High School
WHAT: BB Isaac and Sarah go to a dance; he leads her off to a classroom to steal test answers and they get into a little fight when she catches on.
WARNINGS: None whatsoever.

'This is so dumb! You are so much smarter than this.' )

Apr. 8th, 2016


storybrooke; tal normans

If you ummm heard that tiny boom this morning around 5 coming from the west side of town, pay no mind! None at all! It's okay! I've got it under control! Just a tiny explosion! No one was harmed!


Apr. 7th, 2016


STORYBROOKE; steff dolomedes

This town really needs a better gym. I'm actually starting to miss the fitness center on base, early mornings and aggressive coaching and all.

Apr. 6th, 2016


storybrooke: sam mickens

All right, since everyone seems to be eager to take a ride, we're gonna figure out how to get Ben's bull set up at the bar. I'll let y'all know when it's ready to go. We'll have some rules once it's up and running, so I expect everyone to behave or we'll have to take the toys away. And the alcohol.

We've got karaoke tomorrow, and I've started to roll out new seasonal brews as they become available, so keep checking back for the new ones.

And if you haven't seen her yet, Maggie's back in town and she's got her old job back, so I'm sure she'd appreciate it if everyone came out to welcome her back properly.

Apr. 5th, 2016


!storybrooke; ben "the bull" irons

So who wants to RIDE THE BULL?

Cause I rented this bad boy through the weekend.

Sam, you think we can set this fucker up in the back of the Rabbit Hole? Cause I'm gonna stick it in the park otherwise but nothin better than bull riding except bull riding and beer.


STORYBROOKE; sarah bennett.

My life is literally consumed by house-painting. Who knew such a small place could require so much effort.

Is there anyone who happens to have an extra bed? Or maybe the urge to build one? I can pay.

[ family ]
I finally got the date for my in-home interview for the adoption. Tell me not to freak out. There's still so much left to do

Apr. 4th, 2016


WHO: Aramis & Porthos
WHEN: March 30th, 2016
WHERE: Medical or thereabouts
WHAT: Post-battle: Porthos is injured and collapses at Aramis’ feet. He wakes up stitched, heavily medicated, and more than a little starry-eyed about his nurse.
WARNING: None really. Even the wound talk isn't graphic.

'Always notice when you’re not around, Aramis.' )


storybrooke network; faye walters (025)

Tell me there are bar-hopping plans tonight, because holy shit, am I bored.

And when I'm bored, I try to break my parole.

Apr. 1st, 2016


Storybrooke Backstory; Rene & Isaac

WHO: Rene d’Herblay & Isaac Anthony
WHEN: Backstory! Several years ago.
WHERE: Rene’s house.
WHAT: Isaac (Porthos) breaks into Rene’s (Aramis’) house, and instead of getting shot he gets a friend.
WARNING: PGish, no warnings realy.

'Don’t know what an abuela is, but odds are I can take her.' )


Storybrooke; Rene d'Herblay

Spring has sprung, my lovely neighbors! As such, a reminder that the first Farmer's Market of the year will be tomorrow. The Sisters have quite the garden they've been tending to this year, and as usual they offer out their remarkable candles in order to raise money for the school system.

If you show up early enough, you may actually be one of the lucky ones to nab the Mayor's famous turnovers.

Mar. 31st, 2016


Kriff, someone tell me I at least did some damage to the guy who did this to me.

Also, a bit thank you to whoever got me out of the battle when I went down. You smelled good. And were pretty.

Roomies, you have your boys club for the moment. Should be back by tomorrow they say.

Mar. 28th, 2016


So like, since I'm assuming we're preparing for battle, is this where the end-of-game/movie montages happen and everyone gets laid? Because seriously, think about it. The night or day before any major suicide mission/battle/fight whatnot, you know you've had some kind of life-affirming moment. It's the oldest trope in the book.

Have your moment, people. Enjoy your moment.

But don't enjoy it so much that you have trouble walking tomorrow.

Mar. 26th, 2016


Maybe there really-Keelah no that's ridi So.. ow. Let's reinforce the walls of the set today, okay? I have some new design ideas.

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