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Jan. 22nd, 2016


I've woken up in unfamiliar places before... usually naked. This time I was clothed and about 50 years in the future. That's a new one even for me.

Uh, Dr. Bruce Banner here. I was told to use this to connect with some people I may know who are already here.

Jan. 15th, 2016


network; commander shepard (018)

Fight Club might have just been the best fun I've ever had while I was losing. I can't even be mad that I didn't make it past the first round. Logan, I owe you drinks until my bruises heal.

Jan. 9th, 2016


I found myself thinking of my old friend Oghren as I was boiling a new mash this morning. It's a good thing he's not here, you know - he'd already have drunk every drop of alcohol we've managed to make as fast as we could brew it. Even for a dwarf, he was prodigiously good at drinking. Dwarves in general seem to have a high tolerance for liquor, but Oghren was special. Heart of a stout oak and a stomach of steel. A third or so of the people who take the Grey Wardens' Joining die in the process, and the ones who survive it usually pass out cold. Oghren, on the other hand, quaffed the whole chalice of darkspawn blood, belched so loud they probably heard it in Antiva City, and declared it "not bad."

He was a vulgar fellow, Oghren was. I don't think he ever met a female person without making at least one horrendous sexual comment. I tried not to take him in public any more than necessary. He told stories that could keep you laughing for hours, though, and sometimes his utter lack of politeness could be just delightful. Rudeness isn't nearly so bad when it's directed at people who deserve it. Oh, and you never saw anyone wield a battleaxe like that dwarf! I once saw him take it and just spin and take out a half dozen darkspawn in one huge swing. He wasn't charming, but Maker was he effective.

I can't say I miss Oghren, exactly. He was a massive pain in my arse a great deal of the time we spent together. I find, though, that I like to think of him now. Things turned out badly for so many of my old friends. Thinking of Oghren never makes me sad.

See, this is what happens when there's nothing to do with the whiskey but wait and it's morning in the tavern. Nobody around to blather at in person means I'm going to blather at all of you instead.

Oh yes! That's the news! We're working on whiskey, and I was any of you magical or mutant types have skills that could speed up time in one very small area? Say, the inside of a barrel? The blacksmiths have managed to double as coopers for us (thank you!), and we've got the whiskey sitting, but if we could make the time go along faster we'd potentially have good whiskey much sooner.

Jan. 1st, 2016


network; commander shepard (016)

I'm not hungover. I'm just hiding in bed because...

I'm fucking hungover.

Dec. 31st, 2015


Mordin is it safe for me to kiss people? Apparently there's a tradition and I have a bottle half-full of alcohol and have never really kissed anyone because there was my suit, and it was awkward and things were too dramatic with the war going on with Garrus to ever get under the suits and there was too much of a risk of jeopardizing the mission so. Not that any of you need to know that.

So basically what I'm saying is that I'd like to kiss someone if it doesn't mean that I'll have to take antibiotics after or worry that I'm going to die. The line starts after Mordin says it's okay.

Dec. 17th, 2015


network; commander shepard (015)

You'd all better be alive.

Mordin, throw me a message when you have some free time and nobody's actively dying. She cut through some of my meshes and I'm glowing. I stopped the bleeding, so I'll be fine until you get to me, but I won't be pretty when you do.

Dec. 12th, 2015


Oh former roomie, I need a favor.
I know you studied genetics back home, and you're absolutely genius with it. What did you specialize in?
You've been kind of quiet lately.

Dec. 9th, 2015


Voice Post; from static to clear sound

-EY CAN'T BE DEAD; they were going to last for thousands of years! I REFUSE to give up h

Oh. Later timestamp. Did I short-circuit again? Where am I? What is this? Hello? My name is Dr. Catherine Chun. What's going on? Is this-- Earth?

Dec. 6th, 2015


We have a lot of people here who like to sing, and who can sing. Anyone want to join me in putting on an informal holiday concert closer to Christmas? Nothing too big or fancy, just people singing together to entertain everyone else. If nothing else, we can go caroling once a week and put some holiday spirit into the place.


network; commander shepard (014)

Since the firearms competition got some good results, it's about time we did it again. Instead of regular hand to hand class on Tuesday, we're going to have a friendly contest to see which of you has picked up the most in the last three months. No bleeding and no actual murder attempts, all right? Winner gets a sense of satisfaction.

I know we have some new people and some of our students and teachers have disappeared recently, so let me say hello, I'm Commander Shepard. I've organized beginner's training classes that meet on weekdays. Anyone is welcome to sign up, and there are some open spaces for teachers if any of you are experts and want something extra to do with your time.

Dec. 5th, 2015


You know, there are a lot of things about this place that are totally messed up, but waking up remembering things from home that hadn't happened to me yet is taking the cake this week. Talk about disorienting.

You awake?

Nov. 14th, 2015


Coffee and pie. Humans, you are much more clever than most people give you credit for.

Living in a world like this isn't too strange for me. Being able to eat the food is, but my people have always lived in space, in what we call a Flotilla. We only just now re-established on our homeworld and things have been ... well. Bleak, in the galaxy. But this just reminds me a lot of home.

I have a million ideas for improvements and projects, I don't know what to start on first. Omni-tools? Drones? Weapon modifications? Improved generators? Vehicle engines?

I don't suppose there's any eezo around here...

Nov. 7th, 2015


I've gotten used to going without the mask on Rannoch but um. I didn't expect to wake up on Earth without it. But I'm not sneezing! Which is remarkable, considering how many germs humans have.

So, things could be worse? I suppose. Keelah, this is still weird, the Earth I know is... well. Not better off, but rebuilding.

They gave me some food in the med bay and I didn't sanitize it a dozen times and I kept it down and it was better than any of the dextro food on the Normandy. I knew I was missing out with human food. Damnit. This means I can finally eat sushi and there's no restaurants here for it. And I'm guessing the old fashioned way of catching fish probably wouldn't pan out? I don't know, but my omni-tool is reading very high levels of radiation out there and I am not willing to trust highly radiated fish. They're probably mutants and the size of brutes. No thank you.

I think I'll just stick to the mess hall.

Nov. 6th, 2015


network; chuck charles (004)

The first big snowfall is my favorite day of the year. It's such a perfect reason to dress up in snuggly knitted clothes and stay cozy with your favorite people while you watch the snow drift down.

Who wants to test out their winter gear with me and make some snowmen this afternoon?

Oct. 15th, 2015


You know, I knew I wasn't a morning person, but I guess I didn't realize that I literally wasn't myself in the mornings.

Oct. 6th, 2015


Filter to Medical Staff and Administration
First, allow me to tell you how proud I am of all of you, for the jobs that you've done lately with the werewolf situation, and with the odd illnesses and injuries that are a normal part of life here in Mount Weather. You are all exceptional beings.

But I would like to address a situation that may or may not be becoming a problem for us as medical workers. We are each expected to take on the burden of caring for everyone in this mountain, but I've discovered that all too often we neglect a significant portion of the population: ourselves. We take extra shifts, or stay longer, or take on extra patients, at the expense of our mental and physical well-being. While we may work like machines, we are not. We are living, breathing beings that need sleep and time off and, yes, sex. Don't neglect yourself. Take time to be with your partner, if you have one, to read a book, take a walk, visit the schoolrooms to see the children, or to just sleep. Keep an eye out for each other. If someone is showing signs of fatigue, stress, grief, or anything that may be affecting their quality of life, speak to them -- or approach me and I will speak with them. Don't do what I did, and bury yourself in your work out of some misguided idea that would take your grief away or make it easier to bear.

Starting tomorrow, each of us -- including myself -- is expected to adhere to the hours we're scheduled. Don't stay late to get just one more test result logged; the next person can handle that. Of course there will be times when we'll be needed to stay longer, all hands on deck, with only a brief break here and there for sleep or food. Now is not one of those times. Things are relatively peaceful, and we all need to take advantage of that.

In short: keep to your scheduled hours, find time to play and to sleep and to eat.

Secondly, after some discussion with Drs. Griffin and Jackson, we are implementing a new processing procedure for new arrivals. Upon awakening, after giving us their name and the names of people they know at home -- a loved one, friends, or otherwise, we will use the database that has been gathering information since we all arrived to ascertain if someone that they are familiar with is here. If there are, then we will inform the new arrival of that, and will also contact next-of-kin or a friend, so that they can help acclimate him or her to their new home. This procedure is to be implemented immediately. If you have any questions, ask.

Filter to Alison Hendrix
I wonder if, down the line, you'd be willing to have a guest director for the Mount Weather Community Theater? I've directed many plays on the Enterprise, and I continued with it once my time on the ship ended. I'm not particularly good at directing musicals, but plays I'm quite good at.

Oct. 4th, 2015


network; jessica moore (006)

I was thinking recently about my death. (It's morbid, I know, keep scrolling if you're iffy about it.) I know there are others who got to live because they came here, and I was wondering how that affected you in your beliefs. About religion or the afterlife, or... anything else, really.

Sep. 28th, 2015


Chatty to Peter Parker
» How's the progress on the tricorder?
» Is it chargeable? Is it able to be re-calibrated?
» How are you, after this weekend?

Chatty to Mordin
» I need you and your omnitool in medical, now.
» Please.

Sep. 24th, 2015


network post: mordin solus (to command, werewolf team, beverly)


Would like to volunteer medical services during full moon, will assist with injuries on site. Condition only affect humans, am not human. Unlikely to be attacked, but if so can easily survive bites and scratches, familiar with battlefield medicine. Can defend myself if necessary.

Sep. 11th, 2015


network post: mordin solus

Senseless waste of

Have tissue and blood samples. Curious about lycanthropy, would like to run studies - multiverse collides in one place, incompatible physics truly incompatible or undiscovered/unknown, like everyone has different pieces of one large puzzle, or different pieces of different puzzles. Physiological changes of this kind unheard of. "Magic" insufficient explanation.

Need to know more.


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