May 2016



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Mar. 22nd, 2016


Well, shit. Come on. How is it seriously bad luck to wish someone good luck? That's bloody stupid.

I mean, I am sorry if this place and its weirdness means that really was my fault, but help me out here, Poe. Alison is probably gonna murder me in my sleep.


You'd think saving the world would earn a break from weird stuff. Like, just a little one, at least. Guess not.

Hey, Mount Weather. I'm Piper. Looks like I'm your newest farmer.

Mar. 21st, 2016


I have a sword?

I have a sword! Does this mean I'm like King Arthur?

Sorry if it wouldn't let you touch it, btw. I didn't know it was for me or I would've gotten it sooner. I was expecting my Pokémon cards instead. Whoops.

Mar. 20th, 2016


i'm sure she's nothing but bad news and all but i can't be the only one who thinks she sounds kinda hot right

Mar. 19th, 2016


Someone track that bloody radio signal.
Please don't think this Witch has your best interests at heart. Instead of focusing on her promise to send you home though I'm oddly sure she could focus instead on her little garden of statuaries. The animals, the Grounders, Marie. Those who do not have a future, who instead live in stone, unless we find a cure for her wrath.

Instead, I suggest the following:

Jadis, the White Witch of Narnia, promises that she will return to us. That she isn't through. But these actions of hers do not illustrate the benevolence she has forsworn. My siblings and I know to be false and fatal. With your support, I would charge this woman with all the power of the laws of these land. She has endangered and committed heinous acts against us. She must answer for them. And she will. She is very lawfully oriented, despite her rather monarchical bearing.

And in the answering, she must be subjected to trial. Within that trial, finding a way to trap her in one place without strength or her wand. So this is my call to you, friends. Help us charge her, try her, restrain her, leave off believing her, and finally have victory over her too.

I'm not the inspiring one that's P I will fight beside you - through magic, through the law, through whatever it takes to rid us of Jadis. Please volunteer your help here.

The pod brought my horn. I will blow it in the hopes that we might be heard and help will indeed arrive.


Network Post

The Pod God is apparently turning sentimental - or remarkably good at manipulation. One of the two.


This is a predicament. I received a new prosthetic in the latest pod drop (Fitz does amazing work) but I think there might be some modifications necessary to my stump to make it work - if any of the scientifically oriented have the time to take on a small project. Just a matter of modifying what the arm attaches to on the stump. Bruce? Tony?

Mar. 16th, 2016


Fight Club on Friday! Looking forward to seeing your smiling faces get punched.

[ Filtered to Edmund ]

Speaking of, I say this from a place of love and concern: next time you have one of those screaming around the room bits, is it better to let you wake up naturally, wake you up, or knock you out with a brick to the back of the head?

Christ, mate. You scared the shite out of me You need to sleep, you know, there's probably someone around here who could get you some sort of tea to put you under or something. Potion. Something. It's been ages since you've made it through the night all the way.

[ /Filter ]


I guess I didn't figure Virginia for Earthquakes. West Coast, sure, but this has shattered my entire perception about the East coast.


Now that I've made sure everyone in the hospital thinks I'm a crazy person, turns out I'm your new co-worker. Promise I don't usually rant about gods and prophecies.

Everyone else, hi, I'm Gaia.


Wow. I take a couple days off and arrivals go through the roof.

Mar. 15th, 2016


This is definitely the weirdest kidnapping yet.


I feel like someone mentioned working on meditation ages ago on this thing, but going back through all the posts to figure out who that was seems like it'll take too long. Betsy's gone and she was who I usu

Anyone up for for it though?

I tried sparring earlier but that ain't working for me right now.

Mar. 14th, 2016


Granby! Granby! They said you were here. Are you well? Oh! I shall burn down their barracks if they have hurt you.

Granby, I do not know what has happened to me! I am so very small now, and my wings are gone. I look like a girl!

Mar. 11th, 2016


One thing's for sure - this place is never dull even when you wish it was.


All right, I feel like playing the piano. Anyone interested in singing (or playing along with whatever other instrument you've got), come meet me in the theater! Does anyone know Scots folk songs? I could especially use a soprano, because I've had "O Whistle and I'll Come To Ye My Lad" all afternoon. Or come teach me a new song. I don't even care, I just need some music.

Mar. 9th, 2016


Well. I'm here! I tried not being here, briefly, but nothing happened, so... here I am! Hello, Mount Weather. I'm to be a washer of dishes, which is a refreshing change from my previous job titles. I'm a bit flummoxed about the whole "fictional" thing - yet working through it - and on the whole am well delighted to be a guest in your lovely... town? fortress? hideaway? ...bungalow? until I figure out how to return once more to Yharnam and put everything back the way it's supposed to be.

My name's Sami - Sam's fine - and I like pastries, history, the soppiest of love stories and killing things that need killing. I'm also, incidentally, in a bit of a pickle. You see, I'm trying to figure out how to errrrrrrrrr be a God STRIKE FEAR IN THE HEART OF MAN get used to recent changes in my life, and mostly, that's just led to public intoxication. Not that alcohol really works on me, so I just have to make it work on me, but that's neither here nor there. Where's the pub? That'd be lovely, thank you.

Mar. 8th, 2016


(009) Mara Jade Skywalker

The coffee rations aren't ideal, but it really isn't caf anyway, so... I'm sure I will live.

[Filter: Bravo Scout Team (Buffy Summers, James Kirk, Samirah al-Abbas, Jessika Pava, Raven Darkholme / Mystique (616), Marcus Cole, Gabriel, & Jo Harvelle)]
So it looks like the horses were not so wild. So today we'll be returning them to where we found them. Dress warm cause we'll be out for a while.

[Filter: Luke Skywalker]
I'll be out for a bit today on a scouting thing. I'm sure you and Ben will be just fine on your own, but I'll miss you.

OOC: Please pretend this was posted this morning >.>

Mar. 7th, 2016


I can handle constant threat of radiation poisoning, death-by-arrow, dragon, White Witch and werewolf, but a coffee ration? That just hurts. If I had a trailer, I'd be storming back to it.

Mar. 5th, 2016


Network Post

[Filtered to Friends (assume away!)]
Well. That's one mystery solved. I'm a television show, apparently. I'm sure this is the oldest question here, but: to watch or not to watch?

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