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Jan. 11th, 2016


Just so we're clear, I'm not gonna drink the kool-aid or whatever the fuck you do with teenage girls in your weird mountain bunker. I'm not sorry about doctor guy's nuts either.

But as long as nobody fucks with me, I'll play along for now.

Mindy. Mindy Macready. Tbh, I always figured if the world went to shit, I'd be kicking zombie ass, so this is a little bit of a let down.

Jan. 7th, 2016


After that bout of honesty, I wonder if my own feelings on the matter are as important as Ravi's. I had no idea that he struggled with those feelings for Liv. It makes sense. Liv is the best person I know. Of course a good guy like Ravi would find himself with feelings for her. I can't help but feel like a bad friend for being in the way the way I am. I know it's Liv's choice, and I respect that, but I wonder if he'd be better for her in the long run.
Up for a game of basketball?
You guys up for Invasion of the Body Snatches this weekend? Bad movie night. Come on. It's a tradition now.

Dec. 28th, 2015


[VOICE-TO-TEXT - Unfiltered]

Day Seven of the Rat Trials, Bloodborne edt. is going well. We're at the stage where I should see progress any day now. The rats are still doing well, healthy and whole, and I hope I'm given enough time to create a cure and vaccine for Alfred.

Everyone is having truth issues, and while I'm feeling more honest than usual, there isn't anything in particular I need to hide so I'm not overly worried. Except that I miss video games. And Star Wars. I bet it was amazing, not shite like those prequels that are a travesty to the name.

But it's easier focusing on work, here. Recovery, trials, my rat friends. I still haven't even begun to progress like I'd hoped on the Zombie Rat trials. Without tainted utopium, I'm not sure of where to start. If I didn't throw myself into some sort of project I'd spend all day worrying about Liv and not being able to cure her. I've got to figure something out, for her sake. For my own sake. What am I, if not someone who give her a life back? Major does a much better job of making her feel things, and I'm already torn between wishing for the best for them and being stupidly jealous.

May the Force Be With You, Doctor Chakrabarti. You're going to need it.

Dec. 27th, 2015


I brought back a deer. I tried not to damage the hide too much.

Dec. 14th, 2015


You two aren't going anywhere by yourselves, right? You're making sure this Bloody Mary woman can't get you?
You guys are staying safe, right?

Dec. 10th, 2015


network; felicia hardy (015)

Did speed dating already happen? Is it too late to sign up? I wasn't paying attention.

Someone else can cover Matt.

Matt got some new memories and he has some girlfriend named Kirsten. So that's the end of that.

Dec. 9th, 2015


For a few days there's going to be two rat friends in little cages in our apartments. I ask that you don't let them loose, though feel free to pet or befriend them as you wish. I'm running a few preliminary tests on them to make sure the radiation isn't going to skew my results too much, before moving them to larger cages in the labs.

Their names are Ash and Ripley, if you're curious.

Nov. 12th, 2015


Major, I'm so s I remember a lot more than I did yesterday. Not Peyton coming back, but I know what happened when she left, and what happened at Meat Cute. And not just because anyone told me about it. This is definitely more like I'm remembering it. My brother

Nov. 10th, 2015


Remember when I was me again? Not me the zombie, but old me? And Major was like Groot, so even if he still had feelings for me - which, let's be honest, he probably doesn't - nothing could have even happened? Things have been weird. Or maybe I'm just weird. I don't know. I told him I loved him, and we haven't talked about it. I don't know what to say to him anymore. If he still felt anything, he would have said so by now, right? But why would he, I'm a damn zombie.

Anyway, apparently in our future, he gets mortally wounded and I save him by turning him into a zombie too, but then I give him the last of the cure that our friend Ravi made. And my best friend finds out and takes off.

And I keep wondering why I'm getting my hopes up. Things were getting better, or at least I thought they were, but now that he knows, there's no way he's going to look at me in the same way again, and even if he did, there's no point. A relationship with me is never going to be normal. And that, I think, is the hardest part about all of this. I can manage how to keep myself from going full-on zombie all the time. It's disgusting, but I can suffer through that, but giving up... all the dreams I had for my future, everything I wanted, everything Major and I wanted, it's gone. That's the hard part. I don't want to be alone forever.

... Sorry. That's probably way more than you wanted to deal with. I just You're just the only one who understands, so, welcome to the soap opera that is my life.


So when I said to myself, "Self, you need yourself a mental break", I didn't actually mean a full-on mental break. I was thinking more liiiiiike a weekend of shopping? Bad TV watching? Cheetos may have featured heavily in this picture. But no, I just had to go and lose my mind instead.

It was almost in the cards. The last thing I said back home? "Well, if I don't make it to the library tonight, it's not the end of the world."

BOOM. Here we are.

Hello, friendly hallucinations. My name's Veronica Mars.

Nov. 9th, 2015



We've now concluded that the lamb died of asphyxiation, with no external injuries or marks, leading us to believe that it wasn't strangulation or anything caught in it's throat. We're still running lab tests to rule out poison or sickness, but there's a few things that can cause this sort of death in animals without outward traces. One of which is gas asphyxia, which is... essentially, euthanasia.

Given that the lamb was found not far from the herd, I think we can rule out the idea of the room being gassed.

Accidental suffocation is a possibility, but we're still looking into all avenues before we conclusively decide that.

You know something we haven't tried yet, Liv? Animal brains. Do you think you'd have visions of the animal?

Just curious. From a purely scientific standpoint.

Nov. 1st, 2015


As much as I'd love to blame this lovely thing on residual effects of Utopium, even I can't see hallucinations happening weeks after. So it's got to be a prank, yeah? Ha ha, Major. I forgive you for being a total prat all week! Hilarious. You certainly went to a lot of effort, with what the very realistic hospital and pandering to my crushes on Simon Tam and Beverley Crusher. You got me.

Oct. 19th, 2015


For anyone who knew him, Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti — the gravy to my mashed potatoes, the juice to my orange — disappeared, presumably back to whatever world we came from. I hope that's where we

And yeah, I am Major.

Sorry I missed our last session. Being a tree was kind of a new experience. One that, some day, I'm sure I'll enjoy having had, but not being able to communicate with anyone? Kind of puts a damper on my sessions.

How have things been going? With you and Penelope?
A vampire, huh? Better than a tree, I guess.
Hey. You don't really know me, but Pete and I are friends (still weird to say), and I thought since he and I get along. And you and him get along... Maybe you and I could get along.
I think I still have splinters.
How's it hanging?

Oct. 17th, 2015


1 recently deceased body. Female with pink hair, glasses, tattoos, pjs.
No need for alarm, though there was a lot of ghostly dry heaving for a while there. Loki filled me in on what's been happening, and then bothered the shit out of me until I posted here. So here I am. Verity Willis.

Let's get a few things straight though, before you go and try to talk to me. I'm mostly a recluse by necessity and a little bit by choice. People lie and they lie a lot, and sometimes it's about the stupid shit. I'm basically a human lie detector. I can tell when you believe something, and I can decipher if it's actually true (depending on if it's emotion-based or not). I can see through illusions — shitty ones or God-like ones. I can't enjoy sarcasm or most fiction for this same reason. I see every kind of lie. My sense just sort of pings all over the place. LIE. LIE. LIE.

So. Recluse.

At least until Loki came along. Go ahead. Make the joke, but know that if you put him in that box of evil, I'll rip you a new asshole for it. He's spent a long time and went through a lot of trials to accept himself and he fought against his own future evil self and won. So the Loki any of you might have known is no longer. I believe in him.

That's not to say that he's not a little shit-stirrer. He wouldn't be the God of Stories without a few pranks up his sleeves. Nobody's perfect.

Oh, and medical, I'm really sorry about the dead body coming in only to get reawakened on your shift. I'm pretty sure that was pretty fucked up for a lot of you. Here's hoping that it doesn't happen again any time soon. Kaidan and Shepard, I think that dead body smell will go away after a few hours. It's really gross.

Oct. 16th, 2015



If you're doing anything freaky with any newly-discovered (or rediscovered) bodily functions, you'll want to stop in the next, oh...

Let's make it fifteen minutes.

Or things could go wrong in a hurry.


Oh, also:


1 recently deceased body. Female with pink hair, glasses. If found please return to Loki Laufeyson.

Oct. 15th, 2015


How's this for bullshit:

The day that I'm mysteriously myself again, Major IS AN ENORMOUS TREE.


It looks as if I'll also be joining the Awake and Drastically different contingent. Is anyone keeping a list I'm mostly sure that I'm not a vampire. Even though I look like I'm suffering from bl [...] pale enough to be an anemic. That wouldn't explain why I look like a vat of bleach was dumped on my head. [....] Would it? [...] [...] I'm also starting to feel



Oct. 13th, 2015


Hi. I can't find one of my friends, Dr. Ravi Chakrabarti. He wasn't in medical, and he's not in his room, and he's not answering my messages. Our friend Major's going to look around, but he thought we should tell you all too. I haven't heard from anyone who saw him disappear, but I don't know where he'd run off to either. I have some pictures so you can identify him. Thanks.


-- Have you seen Ravi anywhere? I was supposed to meet him this morning, but I can't find him anywhere.

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