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Mar. 2nd, 2016


That whole sudden jolt of new memories? They're not messing around.

Half of which included my being tested on and had holes drilled in my head while I was half-catatonic. Who wants to play Operation! with the Banshee?

Mostly I just need something for the migraine. And probably an exam because - ow-.

[OOC: Spoilers for the latest two eps of Teen Wolf in comments!]

Feb. 9th, 2016


Slowly losing your mind looks like watching people dance around and try to miss flame spurts as if we were actually living in the Fire Swamp. I don't have sound or anything so guys. Guys.


Is "there a popping sound preceding each" ... ? Because if not, I'm asking the PodGod for Westley. (Don't get jealous, Lincoln. It's Westley. But maybe I should get jealous since you're my Buttercup.)

Feb. 6th, 2016


This place certainly takes some getting used to. I mean it's all very fascinating and there's certainly plenty here to keep me busy but I still have moments where I can't believe it.

For anyone who doesn't know me, I'm Leo Fitz, I got here a couple of days ago and have just been getting to know the place. I'm working as an engineer as that's what I did back home but this will be a bit of a different way to apply my skills than what I'm used to.

[Team Bus]
Anyone want to place a bet on if he'll try to talk to me? I don't really have anything to bet though so if I lose I might just have to owe you.

Feb. 3rd, 2016


Hey, I'm Bobbi. I hear there may be a few people around who probably want to shoot me know me along with a HYDRA agent and his dead.

ETA: Scout Squad Alpha
Looks like I'm joining your ranks. Bobbi Morse.

Feb. 2nd, 2016


I'd wanted to say this sooner, but... yesterday wasn't the right time.

I just wanted to thank all of you for welcoming us and including us. I'll try not to get too cheesy here, but I know we're different, and you didn't have to do this, but you did anyway. It means a lot to me. It's... nice to see you sticking together. And it was great getting to meet those of you who weren't here over Christmas.

And I wanted to say, if any of you ever need a doctor, I'm here. I know I'm touchy about who checks up on me, and I used to take care of others like me, so it feels wrong not to offer that to all of you too. Not that I don't think we can trust the other doctors here. I just know that sometimes other people don't understand.

Okay, that's it. ... Sorry, I guess this got kind of awkward. Don't hold it against me. I swear I'm not completely boring.

Feb. 1st, 2016


We can't continue talking about our issues in public, like it's digestible for anyone with eyes. We have to keep some things secret and, most importantly, protect each other. That's why whatever is going on with you guys ... doesn't work for me. We have to get this worked out.

Consider this your space to talk to one another like people, respectful and honest of opinions and stuff. New spaces require trust, especially when we all feel the axe hanging over our necks. This tension is not good for us and family is more important than ever.

You have to work this out. You have to talk to each other. So let's start with answering some questions, maybe?

  • One dream you always had as a child that never came to pass. You're still striving for this dream.

  • One regret you have from the past six weeks in our home world and here, in this new place too.

  • One question you've been dying to ask. No holds barred.
  • Jan. 29th, 2016


    [Mutants, Daisy and Lincoln]

    Mystique and Betsy have both mentioned all of us doing stuff together. So I think it's time for us to actually make a plan to do something.

    Tomorrow night, dinner in the mess hall. Those of us who wanna can share stories, jokes, whatever you're wanting.

    I was gonna suggest a friendly game of basketball or baseball, but those never end well. Cause some of y'all are cheaters.

    Jan. 26th, 2016


    Don't eat the jell-o. Wait, do we even have jell-o?

    Coulson is a kid. Ward is a kid. There's a kid that looks like Natasha.

    Are you a kid? Because I ... just want to make sure you're not a kid. We also got a pod drop of penis jell-o molds so can we talk about hilarious timing? Please?

    So, like. You're eating, right? You're okay?

    Jan. 23rd, 2016


    There was just the one dragon out there wasn't there? I know there's plenty of dangerous wildlife out there anyway but there was just one dragon, right?

    I'm going for a walk outside, I need some air. I'll be back before the movie tonight.

    Jan. 3rd, 2016


    I already had trouble remembering the new date for the first few weeks of a new year. I'd have to scribble over my own mistakes countless times. Now it's not just a new year, but 2151. It's wild.

    Large flying "lizard."

    It's funny - even after everything we've seen in our world, things still take me off guard here. You'd think after dealing with a portal to another world, anything would make sense, but none of it does.
    Hey. I'm sure I'm the last person you want to deal with, and that's fine. You don't need to answer if you don't want to. I just wanted to apologize for the things I said. I know I couldn't help it, and I can't say I didn't mean it, but it certainly didn't need to be said that directly. That's not the kind of person I want to be. I wish I could have been more sensitive when it came to you.

    We have a lot in common, so if you ever want to talk about anything... I'm here. I know Ward hates me, and I can't say I like him based on my conversations with him here, but that doesn't mean I'm heartless. You're your own person.

    Jan. 2nd, 2016


    I thought we could get tomorrow tomorrow around noon for our first meeting. I've asked for a quiet corner in the library, a space that doesn't have a lot of traffic, for us to meet up. I've set aside coffee, tea, and water for us. Unfortunately, I can't run over and grab Dunkin Donuts or else I'd be happy to do that.

    If you can make it, that's great. I'll kick off everything since it was my idea, but I'm hoping to be able to share with you all.
    [If you missed this and want to be included, we can hand-wave that they talked with Trish!]

    Dec. 28th, 2015


    So Lincoln's basically adorable when he wakes up in the morning and even though the bedhead is so cute there's this moment, right? There's this moment where the morning breath could be worse. But then I realize it's probably actually my morning breath so I try to stay cool before I sprint into the bathroom and yeah, basically it's me. I rock so hard.

    And then, like. Here I am and the surveillance feeds are pretty quiet so the outside of Mount Weather is almost pretty and I always wanted to know why Rosemary Clooney insisted on washing her hair with snow in White Christmas. That is such a really weird reaction to being desperate for a little snow.


    Dec. 20th, 2015


    So, like. We won? We won!

    Go us! Damn now you all know what I can d Let me extend my congratulations and send out a collective fist bump of awesomeness. We're a ... really big team.



    It's Hope's first time celebrating a holiday this year and I'd like it to be a nice one. Ain't sure where yet, but we'll be doing a get together with something to eat and something to drink on Friday. She'd like to invite any mutants who might be wanting to come so consider this your open invite. Don't matter if you celebrate Christmas or not, figure its more about being with family and friends anyway for most of us.

    Cause trouble though and I won't feel bad about knocking you out.


    If I can scrounge together a Santa hat I'm gonna need you to wear it.

    Dec. 14th, 2015


    I noticed that there wasn't anything for addicts here. Seeing as I am an addict, and I'm in recovery, I thought I might suggest some sort of group where we could talk about it? I was going to AA and NA meetings back home, I got out of the habit when I arrived here. And now that things are settling down, I can see why Jessica would I hadn't gone to any since Kilg

    Would anyone be interested in such a group?

    Dec. 13th, 2015


    Just so you're all a little more prepared than I was, someone new arrived and she looks like you, Daisy.

    Dec. 11th, 2015


    Who: Lincoln Campbell & Daisy Johnson
    When: Wednesday night, I think.
    Where: their roooooom.
    What: Daisy gets new memories!
    Rating: G???
    Notes: ... there are spoilers for Agents of SHIELD, episode 3x10 here.

    'Now what?' )


    Can I ask a favor?
    spoilers for aos 3x10 in the comments probably!

    Dec. 10th, 2015


    Well, that was interesting and unpleasant. Waking up with new memories isn't something I'd recommend.

    Also, Cap, you make jumping out of a plane look much easier than it is in reality.

    [Team Bus]
    I think I understand where Daisy & Lincoln are from a bit better now.

    Would it be a conflict of interest or me to ask for your services?

    Can we talk?


    ****Potential Spoilers for AOS 3x10 in comments*****

    Dec. 8th, 2015


    Murders, evil shades afoot and a growing pile of stone animals. How are you really, Mount Weather?

    I've been watching you, Mr. Campbell. I understand that you are affiliated with SHIELD in the year 2015; an organisation dedicated to keeping evil at bay. An organisation I co-founded with my dearest friend.

    I want you to tell me where SHIELD's landed. And I want you to be perfectly frank.

    I bloody well hope you're keeping score here. The Sky People, the Grounders, the Mountain Men. They have all their bases covered. We have a system of governance that, while very useful in establishing lanes for our people, doesn't help us gain a foothold.

    Natasha's previous missive is my launching point. This idleness, I shan't continue in it. Resource sharing is all well and good within the light of day, but even the shadows hold their own advantages. And I propose that we use our combined skills to gain a covert foothold. I will not stand for another murder - one of you, even - when I could do something to stop it.

    Hold onto your hat, darling.

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