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Mar. 15th, 2016


(024) Anakin Solo

My sister just got here and it's already her birthday, so prettttttyyyyy much we should all congratulate her on being older but also remind her that just cause she's older than me doesn't mean she gets to boss me (Just Sayin').

[Filter: Jaina]
I have one more candy pop thing from the pod drop that Henry shared with me. And it's yours if you want it. Happy Birthday.


netpost; han solo

If this White Queen situation isn't resolved, us scouts are going to be pulling extra shifts for awhile. Chewie, you got things covered on the home front? Anakin, I'll see what junk I come across out there. And Jaina? Happy birthday. We've still got a few hours left to celebrate.

Your luck just improved Mount Weather. Looks like I won't be around for sabaac lessons tomorrow. And Cisco? I didn't forget I owe you a drink.

Mar. 5th, 2016


I've gotta give you guys here some credit. I've been to a few different dimensions and timelines and all that, and this is the first that has had everything down to a total process. Congrats!

Soooo hi. I'm Cassie and it's Saturday night. What all is there to do around here?

Feb. 25th, 2016


Knowing someone who you knew is now gone then came back again is so strange.

[Reyna ]

I didn't know you that well, but I can only imagine what you must be feeling. I'm sorry. Whatever you need, I'm here.

Feb. 24th, 2016


1: Jaina Solo

Well at least they let me have this thing. I'm Jaina and apparently I was just here but that's impossible since I was just in my ship about to get tossed into space. Sorry to the people who were here when I woke up, I was expecting to wake up with a whole bunch of really ugly Yuuzhan Vong soldiers. I'm really glad I didn't.

So Skywalkers and Solos..I know you're here. I can have visitors but I have to spend the night in Medical since I'm kind of banged up. Maybe you can explain this place to me now that I'm a little calmer and more willing to listen.

Feb. 19th, 2016


Well. That started out shockingly awesome and ended up kind of embarrassing.

Which kind of seems like my life in a nutshell.

But man, I like Fight Club.

There was someone who wanted to try to fix my messed up healing. I can't remember who it was, but I know there was someone. Ring any bells?

I'm healing through some bumps and bruises from today, so I figured it'd be a good time to take a look.

Feb. 17th, 2016



It's in our room. I put the amphistaffs away cause that could just get messy. I need a name for him.

It's over enthusiastic and always underfoot? Zekk?

Feb. 13th, 2016


netpost; wedge antilles

This place has more holidays than I can count. What's this one again? Pin the tail on the rancor? Arrow! Pin the arrow on the rancor (don't, not recommended).

Feb. 11th, 2016


Are there any people here that play instruments? It might be nice to have live music in the mess hall every so often if people are willing to play. Maybe even get an ensemble of folks together?

Cards again tonight? And then maybe we can go for a walk? If you can keep up with me.

[Force wielders]
It seems that there is reason enough her to keep up defensive skills. Would anyone be willing to offer some training? I've done some on my own, but with such a strong group of people.. it seems wise to combine our resources.

Feb. 7th, 2016


I am entirely out of practice. Should any of you wish to spar, I would be more than happy to oblige. I'm struggling with the weather here. I never could get used to the cold.

Feb. 5th, 2016


Dr. Ravi & Nurse Claire, a huge thank you for the seminar. Very informative and much more engaging than anything medical provided back home.

On a different note, I think there are a fair amount of us who used to fly or pilot before we came through here. Would anyone be interested in getting together, comparing specs of what we flew and the tech involved and seeing if there's any possibilities for that sort of thing here?

So, did you learn anything in the sex ed seminars? Because I have a list. Should we compare lists?


I've come to appreciate water over sonic showers, sure, but nothing wakes a guy up quicker than a blast of ice shower all morning.

Luckily, you have me as one of your wonderful base mechanics. We'll take care of it, so don't panic. Might even help everyone cool down from last night.

FILTER TO MENTAL HEALTH STAFF - Trigger for gross overuse of Force powers & torture interrogation likely in comments. )

Feb. 1st, 2016


Solo Twins

Know what I didn't need to see today.

Chewie discussing sex.

I mean, I didn't ever doubt he, y'know, had it. But now he can speak basic and is happilly discussing sex.



I don't know what's worse; waking up, waking up in a new reality (which is so not one of mine), or waking up to someone trying to use you as a pin cushion.

I had syrette flashbacks. Not cool.

Anyway, I was processed, I guess I'm allowed to stay because they gave me a job. Name's Loki Gabriel.


[Jaina + Jacen + Anakin + Nico DiAngelo + Reyna]
Executive decision. Group outing to Dr. Ravi's class. We can all learn something.

[Jacen & Jaina]
Parts might be review for us, but there might be new information. Besides, I think it's good if we go together.

Jan. 27th, 2016


I'm really not sure what to say about the last couple of days. Thankfully the beautiful woman I woke up with turned out to be my wife and she was amazing as always.

Although I'm pretty sure she's not ever going to let me live this down.

Jan. 26th, 2016


This is all very confusing.


[Filtered to Buffy]
So I'm going to try and distract some of the teens with games and cards so that they aren't running around crazy and stuff. Especially the ones who are mini-fighters.

[Filtered to those under 18 (especially newly under 18)]
Hey! I know most of you don't know me, but I'm Dawn Summers. I've been here for a couple months now and work in surveillance, so if there's anything you need, let me know.

Now I know a lot of you have figured out that it's intensely winter outside and you may be wondering what to do that means you don't have to go out in the cold and wet. There are a bunch of games in the library, so I propose we spend a few hours later today/tonight just playing games and teaching each other card games and stuff.

Whadya say?

Jan. 24th, 2016


Alright, who's been teaching my droid swear words? Has he been spending too much time with Artoo?


Since there was some interest after my last post, I'll be offering knitting lessons Mondays after dinner. Anyone who wants to learn is most welcome.

deliveries to Star Wars folks & roomies )

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