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Feb. 1st, 2016


Great. So Angel and Fred Burkle are gone. Just in case you were wondering.

If anyone needs me, I'll be punching my way through a practice dummy.

Jan. 21st, 2016


[Flash Thompson (TRN123)]
You had some good moves at fight club the other day. What do you say to some boxing tips?
Do you have some free time this weekend? Do you have a regular sparring partner?
[Thor (MCU)]
I don't think we've met. My name's Flash Thompson and you've been assigned to my team. I wanted to give you a little run down about whose else is on the team. There's me, army vet turned government agent, now bonded to an alien symbiote. There's Captain America who's Captain America. There's Rocket... don't lend him your stuff. A girl named Ringer and Illya who's a ex former KGB agent. If you haven't met everyone we can get you introduced.

Jan. 20th, 2016


I give up on birthdays. I'm pretending they don't exist anymore.


My arms are too short.

Jan. 12th, 2016


Be careful if you're going out to look for the dragon.

.... And yes, I'm aware that coming from a psychic, that sounds like "beware the ides of March", but I really don't have anything less vague. I'm sorry.

So is this how it's going to be from now on? Being awkward and weird and distant with each other?


[Captain America]
This is awkward. Your thoughts on the arrangement, sir? Any advice?
[Alpha Team: Flash Thompson (TRN123), Steve Rogers, Rocket, Illya, Ringer]
I'm heading out soon to try and track down this dragon or whatever it turns out to be, but we'll meet when I get back. The top brass decided to restructure so here we are. You'll still be doing all the same things you have been in addition to working more as a team. Some of us know each other already, others only in passing. Let's take this opportunity to introduce ourselves and let the team know what skills you have.

I'll start us off. My name's Eugene Thompson but my friends all call my Flash. I was a Corporal in the armed services back home. I did two tours, one in southeast Asia, the other in Iraq. I was wounded in combat, later received the Medal of Honor, then was chosen to participate in a special government program. I'm currently bonded to an alien symbiote that does double duty as a super suit/body armor/whatever I need it to. I'm familiar with weapons and have a background with boxing and wrestling. I'm used to working on my own and leading small squads.

I come from a military background but I'm not going to make any of you stand on ceremony. You can call me Flash or Thompson or Sergeant. Anything as long as it's not "Sarge". Keep your head in the game, pull your weight, and our team will be in good shape.
Guess who made Sergeant? Never thought I'd see the day.

*OOC: Feel free to assume.



Holycrap I got Obi Wan.

This is legit the coolest day ever.

...Also hi, I'm Faith if you don't know, we should get together at some point.

Squad Charlie

Hi guys. I'm Faith and I'll be your sergeant. I'm not here to go all Full Metal Jacket, It's mostly to coordinate things and organize training and stuff, and tell me if you got any concerns you want me to pass up the line. And obviously in combat you listen to me and follow my orders. But I'm pretty sure you all know that.

We'll be five by five.


Can I do this? Seriously? How did I get promoted above you, are you gonna go all alpha slayer again or

I'm freakin here B


You cool with this babe?


I need a few able-bodied people who aren't going to complain about the damn cold to come with me to look for this "giant flying lizard" we're hearing a lot about.

Some of you think it's a dragon, so that should tell you the kind of thing we're looking for. I'd prefer people with powers, but who aren't going to just go charging in themselves. This thing has taken out whole villages and left the Grounders in a lurch. If we can take it on, then we will. If not, we're coming back for reinforcements.

Any takers?

Jan. 8th, 2016


I think I want to go and collect some samples outside. Maybe grab some pinecones and then maybe make a snow Angel. (The brow would be hilarious).

What I really want to do is have a long, hot bubble bath, but since there's no bathtubs and no bubbles, that's not going to happen. A hot tub would be nice too. I just can't quite get warm.

Rocket, I know you and Groot can't at the moment, so sorry. I just wanted to include you cause I can.

Does someone want to take over on Illyria duty while I'm there?

Jan. 2nd, 2016


I thought we could get tomorrow tomorrow around noon for our first meeting. I've asked for a quiet corner in the library, a space that doesn't have a lot of traffic, for us to meet up. I've set aside coffee, tea, and water for us. Unfortunately, I can't run over and grab Dunkin Donuts or else I'd be happy to do that.

If you can make it, that's great. I'll kick off everything since it was my idea, but I'm hoping to be able to share with you all.
[If you missed this and want to be included, we can hand-wave that they talked with Trish!]

Dec. 27th, 2015


I've been thinking about this all day, and I don't really know why. It kind of reminds me of when we were all like teenagers this one time when we were playing spin the bottle. It was dumb, and I really wanted weed.

And I kind of can't stop so here goes:

Am I too much of a nerd? Or is it that I share my body with an Old One? Is my hair bad? Am I too skinny? Too talky? Not talky enough? Not sporty enough? Too old? Too young? Too what?

Dec. 21st, 2015


Attention Spider-Clan! James Jonah Jameson has just arrived*!

Now that I've got your attention.

Peter and I think it would be neat if we all got together on Christmas Eve to have some time together. First Christmas in this new world, and we want ours to be with all of you. Gifts are not required, of course. Hard to shop in this world, and you've got no idea how much that pains me. If you have them to give, you can exchange them that night, and you're welcome to bring a significant other.

* Not true at all.

Dec. 18th, 2015


[Filter to Loki]
So, hey, late on the warning bell, but y'know, arms deep in mirror ladies wanting to slice everyone up really makes it hard to pull out the phone and my yelling voice can only go so far. Anyways! So many Bloody Marys. EVERYWHERE. Heads up hours late. But I'm sure you caught that quick.

[Filter to Spider Clan]
Do we have a rotating chart for check-ups and check-ins? I feel like we do. I feel like it's my turn. SO! How's everyone holding together after that horror funhouse romp? Everyone good? Please let everyone be good.

Dec. 14th, 2015


I noticed that there wasn't anything for addicts here. Seeing as I am an addict, and I'm in recovery, I thought I might suggest some sort of group where we could talk about it? I was going to AA and NA meetings back home, I got out of the habit when I arrived here. And now that things are settling down, I can see why Jessica would I hadn't gone to any since Kilg

Would anyone be interested in such a group?

Dec. 13th, 2015


Um, so did you see the alert about Bloody Mary?

We're not going to let that sit, right? We're going to go and do something about it, ain't we?

Dec. 3rd, 2015


I feel like we haven't talked about what Constantine showed us. Don't you think we should?
I'm sorry that I've been quiet and withdrawn this last week. I'd like to make it up to you both.
I don't suppose you have time for a chat with your alternative universe mother, would you?

Nov. 25th, 2015


Hey, Mount Weather! Listen up! Tomorrow's the last Thursday in November which means it's Thanksgiving. The day where you spend time with family eat turkey, give thanks, and, more importantly, watch football!

There's no football to watch here but we can fix that. Who's up for a scrimmage?

Nov. 13th, 2015


The outdoor test housing is almost done.

We just need one more big push to get it complete. I know it's harder with the snow. But, the snow's only going to get worse. So, I want to get it finished off in the next couple of days.

Anyone else want to spend the next coupole of days helping?

Nov. 6th, 2015


kaine's gone.

Nov. 5th, 2015


Swing by when you get a second.

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