May 2016



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Apr. 19th, 2016


Fight Club will be this Friday, though please don't feel obligated to join in if you're still recovering from the recent events. It could be a good way to let off steam, but we also don't want any vindictive feelings in the ring and people are still expected to maintain composure and follow the rules.

But I, for one, am looking forward to punching a few people in the name of the sport. Jacob and I hope to see you there.

Welcome back, everyone. The Military has shifted back to usual, now that everyone's returned. However we have unfortunately lost Sergeant Organa just recently and Command has asked me to fill in for her Sergeant spot. Large shoes to fill, as Leia was a fantastic leader.

But I don't suspect much will change, I plan on continuing as she had left off, with no adjustments at this time. Your orders remain as they were, and right now we're still focusing on clean up as command sees fit.

If you still require a few days recovery, it is absolutely yours. Please don't hesitate to let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.

Apr. 18th, 2016


Dead sorry about missing the battle. Evie and I are sorting out times for Fight Club. We'll let you know when's the next time available to hit the stuffing out of each other.

Right then, what next? Suppose there's to be some sort of poking around about the magic that sent us off, yeah? Defer to the magic-users on the specifics; I wouldn't know a rabbit from a hat, and my standing about and glowering's no help to anyone.

Besides that, moving forward. We've had what, three times spells have gone belly up? Isn't right. There's got to be some sort of process in place when doing big magic? Someone to check with at the least? If not, well. Let's do it, let's have a civilization, and all the legal processes that entails, God help us.

So how do we get started?

Apr. 17th, 2016


Little sorry I missed the fight yesterday.

So who all's still here? Sound off.

Apr. 14th, 2016


Storybrooke; Rav Mustafa

X-Posted from [Rav's Instagram]

Karaoke prep. Tonight, Rabbit Hole. I challenge you.

Apr. 13th, 2016


What the hell was that?
Okay. You were all right. You happy?

Apr. 12th, 2016


Storybrooke: lol, Simon.

[Filtered to Bethany]
You are never gonna guess what just happened at Trivia.

[Filtered to whichever ones of Alex's friends come out for Trivia]
So THAT just happened! I'm typing instead of talking because I don't wanna be next on the punching list. My wife has expressly forbidden that I ever show up in the ED.

Apr. 11th, 2016


Storybrooke: Ezio Auditore ----> Jake Frye

» Alright, the curiosity is killing me. What exactly does a crusader DO after a successful night of ~plotting against The Man~?
» Did you sleep in? Have a big breakfast?
» Write angry blog posts in your underwear?


Good morning, Weatherbrooke. Just your friendly reminder not to speed down Main Street. It's a small town, we will catch you, and we will ticket you. And if you're from out of town, we may even find a reason to put you in

[Sarah Parker]

Apr. 6th, 2016


Storybrooke; Rav Mustafa

Dear Mr. Pirate Ship Owner/Captain,

I see you there, trying to make us other fine, upstanding boat Captains feel inferior to your large ship, but it won't work. You know why it won't work?

Because it's not the size of the boat that matters, it's the motion of the ocean. And my wife will tell you that my motion in the ocean? Above reproach.

I like big boats and I cannot lie... )

Apr. 5th, 2016


Storybrooke: Ezio Auditore

Bring it, pirates*. )

*Please don't actually Bring Anything.
*Unless it's rum.
*Or a band-aid. I nicked myself just getting this thing down off its wall mount.

In the "research" phase of this evening, I stumbled onto this buried treasure. You're welcome.

Apr. 4th, 2016


Storybrooke: Jess Barton

Francis Barton, I'm not sure exactly how, but I'm still fairly certain this is your fault.

Drawing by: Cal Barton, age 7. For: Steve Shields )

Sorry, Steve. I'm going to take this to mean he doesn't show artistic promise?

[OOC: Special shout out to my own 6yo artist for drawing this for me. Happily.]

Apr. 3rd, 2016


storybrooke; caroline forbes



If I just never use the library again then I don't have to actually pay the fee right? How long do I need to wait for it to just magically come off my record? Don't they let it pass after two years? I think its two years. Buying a replacement book if I'd lost the damn thing would be cheaper!!

Apr. 1st, 2016


Storybrooke; Rene d'Herblay

Spring has sprung, my lovely neighbors! As such, a reminder that the first Farmer's Market of the year will be tomorrow. The Sisters have quite the garden they've been tending to this year, and as usual they offer out their remarkable candles in order to raise money for the school system.

If you show up early enough, you may actually be one of the lucky ones to nab the Mayor's famous turnovers.


storybrooke; caroline forbes

Okay, so attempt #34 to make pancakes resulted in a total disaster, but at least the fire department wasn't needed this time. I call that progress. Even if some of the fire fighters are seriously hot.

Heading to breakfast at Granny's if anyone wants to join.

And no, I've no clue if Jake will be coming or not.

Mar. 30th, 2016


WHO: Ezio Auditore and Jacob Frye
WHEN: March 30th, 2016
WHERE: near medical & then in 505N
WHAT: Post-battle wound care; Ezio is a worrier, Jacob is full of sass. Mostly fluff.
WARNINGS: PG half-nakedness and kissing. And there’s semi-graphic talk about medical torture. Assassins, okay. They talk about weird shit.

All right, so having someone fuss over him was /strange/, as if he’d tripped and fallen headfirst into someone else’s life, but it wasn’t /unpleasant/ )


[ooc: posted after the battle]

Anyone else see the big lion, or did I just get a harder knock on my head than I thought?

Sound off.


Private Diary Entry - Before Battle. )
Be smart, brother. Don't die.

Oh and after this is over, I'll be moving my things into the apartment next door to you. Try not to overthink it.

[FILTERED TO THE CREED CREW (ACS Group + Ezio, Alfred, Dela & Nathan)]
As Ezio and I have our orders and will be at each other's backs today, I wish the rest of you luck in the upcoming battle.

Stay safe, and alive. I expect to see you all healthy and whole on the other side of this.

Mar. 26th, 2016


I'd like to extend an invitation to any and all who would like to attend an Easter service tomorrow morning. I've spoken with command and they've agreed to let us hold a sunrise service just outside the blast doors, provided there might be a few extra military volunteers willing to stand guard on the perimeter. I don't suppose there are any who are willing to volunteer?

I plan to start the service at 7am to coincide with the sunrise as best as I've been able to tell. One need not be Christian to attend, and I'll do my best to make sure the sermon isn't dull.

I also need a few volunteers to help with the readings.


Network Post: Rey

I've finally got this thing powered up, so it's time to share what I got from that pod drop: my computer with working flight sim. Yes, flight sim. It's got all sorts of makes and models loaded, plus countless scenarios and environments. It's how I learned to fly on the ground.

But it's not the prettiest thing to look at because the only display I found was cracked, so if you care how it looks more than how it performs, it's not for you. You get used to the cracks and see past them after awhile. The imagery isn't the most realistic, either, but the programming and controls are fantastic.

Poe, giving you the first shot if you want it?

I'm not going to put it in a public area, though, because it's mine I want to watch and make sure it stays working. You'll have to come visit 505Q to play it. Trades for flight time appreciated!

Mar. 24th, 2016


network post: nathan drake

It's been almost a month, and now I got someone else in my room. I guess that means she's not coming back. Sorry I've been

Do we really believe all this crap, about people "going home", or is that what we tell ourselves in order to feel better?

Have I been a jackass? I might've been a jackass. Not your fault you're here.

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