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Jul. 9th, 2015


I find myself feeling put on the spot, the way you are when asked to step on stage and give a speech. I don't quite know what to say, but I'll give it a go anyway.

Hello, I'm Charles Xavier. I am a mutant. I am gifted with the ability to read people's minds, to reach in and touch their thoughts. I do promise that I will not ever do so without your express permission, and have indeed signed a paper to that effect before I left medical. I'll be working in medical as a part of the administrative team, but I also put myself out there as a psychologist. I've phD's in genetics, biology, and psychology, so please don't hesitate to speak up.

Filter to Telepaths

Filter to RavenMystique
Well, this won't be awkward at all.

Jul. 8th, 2015


network post; hank mccoy

Uh -- hello? I was told I might know people here.


So okay. I've been thinking. We're having elections. Which is awesome. I get that we need em and all. And you've all been campaigning real well and right now I have still no idea who to vote for besides not the demon asshat.

But do we have to be Pod People??

I'm not sure what an alternative could be but better than pod people!

Jul. 7th, 2015


What's wrong with your mosquitoes? Are they poisonous?

Jul. 2nd, 2015


This week I read a book about innate characteristics; how, even the shepherd dog is fooled to believe it cannot kill the sheep. And I am given to wondering if I am sheep or if I am the shepherd dog.

But the play rehearsal is going very well!

[FILTERED TO: 505.U1-2]
I heard the announcement. Are you all safe? Please tell me you are all safe.


Maybe it's cause we're rehearsing it so much lately but I can't be the only one who thinks Fredric's kind of a douche.

Btw James. Not you. You kick ass. And you nailed the humor side.

But for real. Fredric's an asshat.


It's odd what you miss from one day to the next. I'm not speaking of coffee or that. But the little things that brought joy to your life.

So I'm curious, what do you miss that would make you smile if you had it here?

Jun. 30th, 2015


I've got a pair of silk stockings that have seen their last legs (quite literally), so if anyone can put them to good use I'll give them a good wash and donate with a glad heart.

If there is but one thing which plagues me more than any other, it's stagnation and inactivity. While cobbling and discovering this world in its own right has its own merits, I find myself with idle hands and begin to wonder if any active hearts and minds here feel the same? If so, allow me to propose a small thing? Please do allow me to play host to a ladies' circle. This group would gather to socialise, certainly. But I should also think that we could put our backs to a host of good works:
  • Building out the Library, whether through copying or through memory
  • Stockpiling knowledge of our own various worlds
  • Honing our self defense skills & keeping physically sharp
  • Building good cheer and grace amongst our hosts & friends, alike
  • Playing host to any number of activities which may require our own specific influence

  • What say you?

    My dear, you are quiet.

    Jun. 28th, 2015


    I say, I found that film the other night quite exhilarating. I am told that there are three more in the series -- does anyone know if there are plans to show the others soon?

    Filter to Katniss
    How's the leg, my dear? I'm hearing reports you were seen walking with a young man, always a very good sign.

    Jun. 27th, 2015


    The tree and I are now friends, and I would like to keep him.

    Jun. 26th, 2015


    I hear we have having another movie night. Does anyone know what movie is playing? Not that I would have heard of it anyway, but I am curious to know what it is about. I haven't been to one yet, and everyone does seem to enjoy them.

    Filter: Peeta
    Are you settling in all right, Peeta?

    Jun. 24th, 2015


    network post: peeta mellark

    I'm slightly less convinced that I've gone insane, so:

    My name's Peeta. I've been assigned to food service, and I'm going to start with you guys tomorrow morning. I'm not the best cook, but my family owned a bakery and I know more about bread than you'll ever want to know.

    I've been told by my friends that I was here before, but I don't remember it. From what I can piece together, whatever part of me was here disappeared, and then I was brought back here. In a pod. Again. I can't just go through stuff once, c

    So if I met you, I'm sorry, I don't remember. I'll have to meet you again.

    Jun. 22nd, 2015


    network; gale hawthorne (001)

    Gale Hawthorne.

    I'm not even going to pretend to be friendly or cheerful about this. I'm up to here with someone else deciding where I live.

    I don't know which of you that white-haired woman is sleeping with, but you need to keep her happy so she keeps wandering around without her pants.


    Filtered to those over 18

    All right. In an enthusiastic effort to brighten things up round here, I am bringing in the age-old tradition of: Shag, Marry, Cliff. (Employed many a night by future Aurors in lieu of studying. Unless Mad-Eye is reading this, and then, of course, we were studying the whole night.)

    Anyone need the rules explained? (If so, what have you been doing with your life, you poor sod?)

    Post your name below if you're in for a round, so your friends can flounce in and torment you!

    Jun. 21st, 2015


    I must admit to feeling some melancholy lately, missing my comrades in arms, and my family at home in England. I do my job, I socialise as well as I'm able, and yet, I still feel a heaviness in myself that is difficult to shake off. I wish to make friends here, yet I find it difficult -- and the fault lies within me, for you see not the adventuring spirit that I had prior to the war for a few years into it, but a soul that is grey and listless and fearful of making close bonds.

    I find myself missing the comforts of even my war-torn home, for there I was able to be actively involved in throwing off the tyranny that threatened England. Here there is no such tyranny, and the enemy we fight is a lack of knowledge, of what brings us here, and what unaccountably takes us away so suddenly.

    Jun. 19th, 2015


    network post: alison hendrix (to cast of mwct)

    Hello, everyone! First, I want to say that rehearsals are going beautifully. You're all really coming along and I'm very proud of all the work you're doing.

    However, I want to stress upon you that when you auditioned for this production you chose to make a commitment. You're no longer just yourself, you're now part of a team that relies on you, regardless of the size of your role. Each and every one of you is important, and when you are called to rehearsal I expect you to be there unless you clear it with me in advance.

    And — and this should go without saying — you are not permitted to disappear under any circumstances. This means no wandering around outside, no getting kidnapped by Grounders, and no disappearing from this plane of existence.

    Thank you. I expect Mabel + all daughters on Tuesday to run music. This is a change from the regular call on the schedule (King/Ruth/Fred) — expect some temporary shuffling in the rehearsal schedule for the next couple of weeks.

    That message isn't for you, Neville. I know what happened, and I'm so sorry.

    We have a problem. A very big problem.

    Jun. 18th, 2015


    network post; bruce banner

    The more samples I collect here, the more questions I have. It's like being dropped off at a scientific candy store with an unlimited budget. Well, apart from our limited resources and lab equipment. I'm afraid evolution hasn't yet solved that problem.

    Jun. 17th, 2015


    Hey guys. Being the bearer of bad news always sucks, so I'm not going to beat around the bush. Katniss was in a hunting accident today and was shot. The doctors are currently working on her, but I thought you all should know that she was brought in so you could wait outside of medical or whatever you wanna do. Please don't go into medical and raise a stink. They're working hard to make sure they stop the bleeding.
    [Pretend this is right after Katniss's accident.]

    Jun. 16th, 2015


    Filter: THG peeps
    Weeks later and I'm still not 100% convinced this all isn't some form of elaborate Capitol trick.

    Think I'm sitting this election thing out.

    Jun. 15th, 2015


    I'm really craving chilli fries right now. Food preparing type people. Can we have chilli fries? Or burgers or both? Both works.

    Oh, and congrats everybody at the capture the flag. Team B obviously is the awesomest. But, it was all good fun.

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