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Feb. 20th, 2016


network post: matt murdock

If I'm going to go down in the first round, I'd better go down hard.

Really regretting some of my life choices today.

I hope you're as sore as I am this morning.

For the record, I didn't see anything.

Feb. 15th, 2016


So. Lent in the Apocalypse - entirely excessive? Borderline ridiculous? Or I am officially a terrible Catholic for failing before the second day was out?

Actually, forget the last part. It's possible I nailed that coffin shut when I tried to assassinate the Pope inside the Sistine Chapel.

(For the record, he was a vile excuse for a human being, and his equally dispicable son did the honors eventually. But still.)


Being here instead of at home for holidays hasn't really gotten to me yet, although it was l which probably has a lot to do with always working on holidays and having to celebrate at odd hours, like 8 am breakfast dates after overnight shifts where I'm half asleep and not paying attention, or bouquets of roses and weird gifts from former patients.

Anyway. Turns out what does bother me are things like missing the day-after sales on candy. I might start believing in this Pod God if he or she sent us something good. Just an idea, if anyone up there's reading what we're saying down here.

Hope all you lovebirds had a good weekend and remembered everything Ravi and I taught you. If you need one of us, you know where to find me.

Feeling better?

Feb. 12th, 2016


So, I believe I was just shot? With an arrow?

I say I believe I was just shot because I saw an arrow hit me in the sodding chest, and it hurt like an arrow would (I have experience with getting shot, okay), but there's nothing there now. No wound, no arrow shaft, nothing.

And there's also no one about. I'm outside, about two kilometers away from Mt. Weather, but I've the ability to see people even when they're hidden, and there's no one here. Not within arrow-range, not by half. I need to come by Medical? Just stings now, but I know what I saw, and I don't fancy turning into a mongoose or some such thing just because someone can't manage their magical arrows. What's going to ha You know, I'm coming by Medical.

Feb. 4th, 2016


Chess club, sex ed, space pods... you people really have everything accounted for here, don't you. Color me impressed.

Who else here is a Teacher? And, more importantly, what are you teaching?

Feb. 2nd, 2016


network; alana (001)

Randomly showing up here is the luckiest I've been in a while. If the catch to a free place to live with my kid and no one trying to kill me is just living in this hill, then fine, I'll take it. Medical, if a man with horns shows up, come find me. That one's probably mine. He can't be that far behind me

And look, I'll pull my weight around here, but no way in hell am I leaving Hazel with strangers during the day. If anyone has an issue with her in the kitchens while I'm there, you can suck it.


I retired, you know. Just recently. And now I'm here. In this hellhole. No offense, if you like it here, but I was just married.

Literally. Ten minutes ago. And my wife isn't here. Do you know what I had to go through the last two seasons for my love? A lot. I had to die for it. Isabella was engaged to an eleven year old.

Now I have a twin not-brother and no princess. And Sid was right about metal zipper things and he's never going to let me live it down. This is where I would normally make threats, such a "bring my wife to me or I will slice through all of you" yet something tells me that wouldn't work. I need a drink.



We were gifted with quite a few new articles of clothing today. Do not let their ironic or skin-sucking characteristics fool you, for I do believe there are quite enough articles to repurpose each item into useful pieces.

Except for the t-shirts. In my mind, you're all "hipsterpotamuses" ...

Did anyone see
Bloody Jack t

I understand that a great many of us come from alternate realities and time periods which rotate on the axis of events and people who shaped and are currently shaping the world to come. We all have our concerns and shortfalls and joys.

But I think our setting offers shared experiences, too.

Would you like to meet me tomorrow evening after supper? We'll pull the tavern tables together and have a good chat?

Jan. 25th, 2016


network post; john connor

Okay. Time out. Someone needs to explain what the hell is going on.

If this is the future, then humanity really fucked up.

Jan. 24th, 2016


New year, new semester, new classes. At least that's how it's supposed to work, but we've lost a few doctors this month, and that's left me a little short-handed. And busy. I don't think I'll sleep again until June.

Don't follow in my footsteps, kids.

If there's anyone with a background in science and/or medicine who'd be willing to pass on their knowledge to others, let me know. I know our population's changed a lot lately, which is all the more reason to make sure we teach other people what we know, so that everyone's in good shape. I could always use the help with teaching, since I'm juggling this and my day job. Dr. Crusher was leading seminars on women's health and maternal/newborn care, for example, and I could use someone to teach biology. Or triage. Or whatever else you want to pass on. Let me know.

And if anyone wants to learn, enrollment starts now. We'll go over your prior knowledge so we don't force you to sit through things you already know. We'll get going again in February.

Jan. 7th, 2016


network post: matt murdock

Foggy Nelson's gone. Don't bother looking for him, I've already done it. Already talked to Alison. He's not here.

Lindsey, I swear to God if you ask me about a promotion in legal, you will be picking teeth off the floor. Talk to me next week.


WHO: Claire Temple & Jacob Frye
WHEN: 12/31 - 01/01, midnight
WHERE: Medical Ward
WHAT: Three, two, one! HAPPY NEW YEAR.
WARNINGS: Minor language, some swapping of gross (and historically accurate!) medical stories, paralyzing self-doubt, top hats

You think you're just having a nice, normal day, and then all of a sudden, aliens. )


network post: carol danvers

Uh, so. First of all, hey!

We're back from our trip out to Raven Rock. We've got supplies and samples, and we managed to figure out what happened to the people who were holed up there.

... Which means Martha thinks it's best if we're all quarantined until further notice, just until we all get totally clean bills of health. The disease that got Raven Rock shouldn't still be viable, but we're not taking any chances.

So we're all here, we just can't have welcome-back hugs just yet. And you can't hug the stuff we brought back, either. Give it a couple days and we'll be all good.

Jan. 2nd, 2016


[Command, Military, Surrvailance, Medical]

Blast Doors. There's something out there. People, and they're not attacking. I am entirely sure of that. But they need help.

We need those doors open and I'm going to go ahead and very much assume we need Medical down here as soon as possible.

I can't see them but I can hear them... They're here for sanctuary. I've heard desperation like that before.

Dec. 28th, 2015


Anytime some egghead wants to solve this honesty madness all on his or her own is fine with me. I've managed not to come clean about Evie and I belonging to a secret society of Assassins sworn to defend freedom from the Templars with our lives, and I don't much fancy doing so now.

[ Edited to add ] Shite.

Dec. 21st, 2015


Cheers, everyone who showed up for fight club. Loads of fun, right? And it'll be even better when we're not all exhausted and bruised and laudenum'd to start with. Black Bat, it was a beautiful battle and I salute you. Oliver Queen, you're dead to me and I hate you (all right, don't actually. Brilliant offensive work. People want to hit you often?).

We'll have another go-round next month, preferably not after a gang fight with a psychotic mirror beast.

Anyway. Neither Evie nor I are the religious sort, but we've picked up a habit of reading Charles Dickens' The Christmas Carol every year. Didn't see it in the library - didn't actually go to the library - but I've got the whole thing mostly memorized and I'm going to give the Best Bits version, if you're interested and want to pop by on Christmas Eve. Evie'll do the parts with the Ghost of Christmas Future; she's dead dramatic (Evie, I just volunteered you). Sounds fun, right? Come over, let's be friends. There may even be mistletoe because I am so very traditional.**

** Edited to Add: There will be no mistletoe.

Dec. 18th, 2015


Some way to welcome a guy to a place. Still not sure I believe any of this, but I'm getting there. Name's Luke. I'm new. Hope you're all hanging in there from... whatever that was. That happen often around here?

Guess I never said thanks this time either.

Dec. 11th, 2015


[ Filtered to Evie Frye ]

You'd asked about Roth.

You know how it is, with the code and all that. He needed to be killed, especially after what he tried to pull with the children. And I did it, carefully and without drawing it out or preamble or any of that. But that didn't mean - you know how it is, when you're doing right and you're not happy about it, but you're set in it and you know that you're helping out the world, no matter how much blood gets on your hands? I didn't feel it. Not with him. He'd made it personal. I was wanting him dead, not because it was right, but because of him. I didn't like that; it wasn't how it was supposed to go.

But I liked him, so. It wasn't easy. And after I felt so stupid for trusting him, and we fought, and well. You know the rest.

[ /Filter ]

Someone reminded me - Christmas trees! Leave me a note and I might pick up a tree for you, if you ask nicely.

Dec. 6th, 2015


So just how many times have you all heard how crazy all of this sounds? It must get so tiresome after a while every time a new person shows up. The shock, the disbelief, the confusion, and of course, the demand to get back home. I'm going to skip all that, keep it to myself and just introduce myself.

My name's Trish Walker, and I hear that Jess has already gotten herself into trouble?

Dec. 5th, 2015


You know, there are a lot of things about this place that are totally messed up, but waking up remembering things from home that hadn't happened to me yet is taking the cake this week. Talk about disorienting.

You awake?

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