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Oct. 23rd, 2015


I talked to Audrey.
Cards again sometime?

Keep it tame this time, I'm inviting Mako so you can all meet her.

Oct. 22nd, 2015


Filter to Audrey Parker
You're sure? That handprint's gone? I can make music and it won't hurt anyone?

You ever have anyone's handprints move to somewhere else on their body?

Filter to Peggy, Rogue, Alastor, Herc
Audrey said that she can't see that handprint that came with my Trouble anymore. She says that it's gone. But what if it's not? What if those handprints just fade or move or something?

added about an hour later...
Audrey confirmed it. It's gone. I can sing again.

Filter to Peggy & Sarah
I need you two to stay away from our apartment for a little while. Audrey's checking me out, and I'm going to test my voice on her. If I still have this trouble, the only one who's going to have anything happen to her is Audrey.

added about 20 minutes later...

It's gone. It's really gone. I can sing again, and it doesn't hurt anyone. Blessed Mother, I'm all right.

Filter to Alison Hendrix
I just want to let you know that I've been officially declared trouble free, so I'll be at the next practice.

You doing okay?


Someone's been mucking around in my things. Who was it?

Oct. 19th, 2015



Still sunshine and roses or do you actually want to talk?


How are you adjusting, Meadowes?

Sep. 30th, 2015


New memories. That's been going around, right? At least I no longer feel out of the fucking loop about who the hell most of you from back home are.


Hey kid.


Lived longer than I expected to, honestly. [...] It's good to see you grown, Potter. Now that I know who the hell you are.


Let me know when you want to take another walk.


Was I already a bloody mess of prosthetics by the time you knew me? For fuck's sake.


i admit that i [...] why are all my letters in the lower case/ and why am i unable to access the question mark this is ridiculous. this dream is ridiculous. actually, this nightmare is ridiculous. since i'm now being honest with figments of my imagination. i have things to - [...] [...] Hello. [...] My name is Dorcas Meadowes and the more I read, the more this simultaneously feels real and as if I've had a. Of Manchester, England. [...] For those of you who know where that is.

I also wanted to apologise to those I met when I first [...] appeared fell here. I wasn't at my best but I appreciate your help. To those of you, I haven't met yet, I look forward to getting to know as many of you as possible. And I also have some questions about

Sep. 24th, 2015


Filter: Moody
What do you need me to do during the Full Moon. The way I see it, you're still my superior, even if you don't know me yet. So I'm reporting to you, bossman.

Filter: Remus
Hey. I know there's a long list of things you don't want to talk about. I get it. I just wanted to say hi, and good luck. If there's anything you need, let me know.

Filter: Charlie
Thanks for keeping me company during the bonfire. I needed the distraction, and I admit it was fun.

Sep. 14th, 2015



It seems the lot of you already know of me, but I don't know a whole lot about any of you. I know we've quite a few Aurors here, though, which is a good start for what I'm about to ask. You all might be aware that we're in the process of constructing a containment center for the new werewolves we've got here. A number of enchantments have been requested, both for protection and comfort, to be placed on the facility. I need to know how many you already know how to do the following:

-- Advanced shield charms. The tricky part is we'll have to overlay them over the entire area and reverse them so they're actually rebounding toward the facility instead of keeping things from getting in.
-- Expansion charms, on rooms specifically. If any of you have ever gone camping or been out in the field extensively, standard issue tents have a low level expansion charm on them, as an example of what the goal is here. It's creating more space in a room than there appears to be. Anyone that knows how to achieve this would be extremely useful.
-- Sealing charms. Common for doors, making them only capable of being opened by whatever the spell designates. Obviously, this spell can only hold against so much force, which is where the shields will come in if it really comes to that.

For those of you who don't know how to do any of this, I'm willing to give instruction. I'd like as many of us from the same world to know how to perform and repair these spells at the ready in case of emergency. We have a large population here, so it's best if we're on the same page.


Mad-Eye Moody.


We have less than 2 weeks until the full moon, and I need those volunteers to plan to be away for the next week or so while we work on this.

We have two main goals that must be achieved. We need a reliable power source for the dropship, so that all of its systems — life support, door locks, etc — are working and stable. Those doors need to be able to close and stay closed. The second is the hole in the second floor. I've enlisted Mr. Lehnsherr to assist with this, so we should have an easier time, but any assistance would be appreciated greatly.

In addition to that, we'll need to make sure that the cells are compatible with one of our superhumans who were turned in this, which means that his werewolf strength will likely increase some-fold number that we don't know yet. Overpreparation is better in this case.

Magical folks will need to take a look and see what we can do in terms of the enchantments. Expansion of the inside, alarms in case anything goes wrong — I was thinking alarm for us back at command, one for the guards, and one in case of any injuries inside— any sort of deterrents we can think of.

Ideally, I'd like to head out over the next day or two so we can have plenty of time to test it out.

Sep. 9th, 2015


Sure, I wasn't doing anything important today.


Sep. 8th, 2015


So the moonshine that the brewers have is potent. Really, really potent.

Filter to the Risktakers (Peggy, Herc, Alastor, Angie)
Anyone else feel terrible? And did last night really happen?


Someone care to explain that isn't a Muggle?

Sep. 7th, 2015


The whisky's delightful, gentlemenfolk. Fine work. What a fine piece of work you all did, and I am furthermore quite happy to have been one of those who got to imbibe that liquid fire ... one's esophagus is simply not for having in a post-apocalyptic landscape. Who needs one when there is such fine liquid present.

And I am furthermore happy to be ... Gods and monsters, I am going to save the speechifying for another day

And to those of you who had ever thought otherwise. (I know who you are. Don't think I don't. I have ears everywhere. Sometimes ... a bit. Hello there.)

Yes, I can smile. See?


As you're aware, several of our community have been bitten and likely cursed with lycanthropy. We're working on a containment facility, and I was curious to see if any of you could assist with — I guess some sort of bigger on the inside enchantments. We had magic that could help us back in our world, but unfortunately our magical Fables are not here to assist. That's where you come in.

I should have my scouts coming back after assessing the facility to help me go over the plans and see what we can do. If you can help, please let me know.

Sep. 4th, 2015


Filter to Potters & Extended Family (HP Verse: Everyone but Snape and Peter. Sorry Snape and Peter.)
So it's been decided that we're going to have an impromptu family gathering, and if you can read this, you're family. And because it's come to my attention that you lot didn't celebrate Neville's birthday when it happened, that's what we're doing now. Part of it. There's a lot of things that haven't been told, stories that need to be laughed at, a kid that needs to meet the rest of his family for real.

And Remus just really needs us all together. And I agree with him him. We all need to be together right now.

added five minutes later...

And someone needs to get Carmichael out of medical, just for tonight.

Sep. 1st, 2015


OOC TRIGGER WARNING: More mentions of suicide likely.


It's probably occurred to you already since I'm sure he's been bitching whining saying as much to you too, but Carmichael needs to be put on surveillance. He's having an understandable a negative reaction to finding out he's a werewolf and I'm pretty sure he'll try to eliminate the problem before it becomes one. I'm volunteering to watch him, if that's what it takes.

Aug. 31st, 2015


It's a lot easier to heal up from getting injured on the job at home. A trip to St. Mungo's and an hour or two is all it takes to be released for the rest of your shift so you can follow your Healer's orders.

Filter to Albus Potter
I'm sorry that I've been avoiding you. I still don't quite know what to say to you. But I want to know you better, to hear about you and your life at home.

Aug. 28th, 2015


Alastor Moody, which apparently some of you already know? Someone smiled and waved at me in the hallway. To say that's rare reaction to me back home is putting it really fucking lightly, but whatever the case, it was an odd experience. Maybe they've just hit their head one too many times and I look another cripple they know.

I've been assigned to the guards. And yes, I have a cane. It'll be fine.

Jul. 5th, 2015


You lot throw a hell of a party. And the hangover cures are fucking terrible. I wish I'd been able to do more toI'm sorry I couldn't save themI should have taken that piss before

Filter to Medical
Thanks for saving my sorry arse. I thought I'd met my end.

Filter to Adaar
I'm sorry. I should have urged better measures to keep the bastard in. I should have asked for a transfer to the prison until the situation was taken care of, and I didn't. You're not the only one who owns responsibility for this, Adaar. Octavia put me in charge of the werewolf group, after all. I failed.

Filter to Donna
Hey, love. They're letting me sit up and everything. Thanks for -- well, everything.


network post: erik lehnsherr

This attack was
I'm sorry that your people suf

In the world I come from, the only people with gifts are known as mutants. These powers are inborn and genetic, usually manifesting at some point around puberty.

Here, only a few of you seem to identify as one of us, while several of you have gifts through other means. Magic, scientific experimentation, radiation, extraterrestrial genetics.

I'm curious to know what you do and how.

I've promised a friend not to kill you.

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