May 2016



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May. 11th, 2016


In case anyone was wondering, those people updated on the network, they really believe what they're saying. Not to say it's true, but they're believers. That makes sense super dangerous.

I could probably start asking around if people know who wrote these things. If that's a thing we want done? I'm not sure what the legalities would be on that.

I miss Zed. Do you miss Zed? She worked with me, and I got used to seeing her curls every day.

And I just realized if she ever came back, she wouldn't remember us.
Paperwork is such a headache. I miss the days where I could just look at something and dismiss it out of hand. Toss out this survey because the data is skewed. This person lied about age/weight/sexuality/etc.


Has anyone seen David Collins lately?


Annnd now I remember some of the things I definitely wouldn't have missed while spending eternity alone in a monstrous watery hellscape.

[ cath ]
So are your options pretty limited, as far as moving goes?


oh boy, group work is so awesome. it makes me delightfully happy. why didn't i engage in full-on group work before. i've been missing out basically my whole life.

(now can i have a gold star, mom? can i?)

hi boss. funny story. i was out scavenging for what i think will be not exactly primitive settlements and i happened upon some decommissioned missiles - interesting, sure. let's not think about how they got there.

i took apart one of the warheads and found palladium! some parts that i could use to build a self-sustaining power supply for at least one settlement. maybe more. depends on what you've got.


network post; gabriel

Could you take a look at something for me?

I might go to one of the settlements.

How are you holding up? Did you speak to Da Bobby about [...] everything.

I couldn't bring him back for you

I know you don't think much of me here. But thank you, for giving Daniel a home.

Do you miss your drumkit?

Private )

May. 10th, 2016


So I think Prada's the new pack leader. I also feel like he's judging my wardrobe constantly. It's like having Lydia back.

And it's really just as well, because I am definitely a better follower.


Is my protege ready for some training and practice? I found a really good clearing that we can use that's not too far from here, but it's not in Grounder territory or near a lot of scouts and lookouts.

You really didn't have to do that.

But thank you. I hope you didn't have to trade your soul to someone in the kitchens.


I've been meaning to message you, but things got a little out of hand. We used to be housing mates before when you were here, and when they came to take your stuff, I made sure to get a hold of an old journal. I didn't think you'd want them out in the general population if you came back again.

I can come by and bring it to you, if you'd like.

May. 11th, 2016


How are things?

[Acquaintances who Fight Club, -Matt]
Anyone feel like sparring? Elektra's here and Ravi's busy trying to make his friend not die and every time I think I've made sense of things I get I could really use a distraction.


Wondering a little how all the communal activities are going to change once we've got the settlements up. Smaller groups in each place? Getting really fit visiting somewhere else to play cards? Hard to say. Either way it will definitely be different, which is a little bit sad, though on the whole I still think the settlements are a good idea. If there does end up being a lot of visiting it's easy to see it as a bit of a throwback to when I was a kid, spending a few weeks in the summers on my grandparents' sheep farm up in the valleys. We used to spend all day running around the hills - but there we didn't have all this dense forest. Just lots and lots of grass and some scattered trees, in bunches or long lines of them marking boundary fences, and sometimes tumbled stones where there used to be a shepherd's hut or an old wall. We had a long, long history on that land.

All of which is pretty irrelevant to what I was going to say, which is: Ladyhawke tonight. Very family-friendly, on a level with The Princess Bride. Another epic love story that has to triumph over the meddling of an evil bishop, starring Matthew Broderick, Rutger Hauer and Michelle Pfeiffer.

May. 10th, 2016


[Filtered to Sera]
I did not thank you properly for training Crinitus. He is very good at sitting on command now, and he has taken to sleeping on top of Warner's head. I think he has come to enjoy the company of other animals.

[Filter to Dean Winchester]
You seem to know much of music like that of Storybrooke. I find that my enjoyment of it lingers despite how the memories have faded. The only musicians whose names I recall are Lynyrd Skynyrd, Charlie Daniels, and Johnny Cash, but I remember many more tunes. Could you help me find more?

[Filtered to Kate]
Pain is how you get stronger. Eventually it will be gone. Hawke says ice will help in the meantime.

You did well today.


AA/NA & CLAIRE/LUKE (Separated into two so they both read the same thing, but can't reply to each other):
Trigger Warning: Alcoholism. )


Master Qui-Gon Jinn had planned to have meditation sessions and extend an offer to those who would be interested. I am no Jedi, but I have the training and would be happy to show you the techniques that we use in my galaxy.

If you would like, please sign up here.

May. 9th, 2016


So we should probably talk about what we wanna do. I'm in the guard, so I'll be shipping out at some point to one of the settlements, so I may not have a lot of time to figure out where we might want to go.

So I'm open for ideas?
You guys got any idea where you might go?


So which of you do I get to thank for teaching Kira the Mother's Day dance she did yesterday? Because it was inspirational, and I'm leaning towards blaming the sugar high.

[ Aramis/Porthos ]


[Filtered to Peggy Carter]
Hey - when you've got a chance, sometime this week, are you available for a drink? I just need some perspective on a situation.


Can you fit something wildly impractical and potentially fatal into your schedule today? I believe I promised you a chance to fly again.


Steve's AMA!

All right, Mount Weather. If you've ever wanted to know something about me, now's your chance. It's time for my Ask Me Anything. I'd been asked to do this in my own world, but I always figured it would end up being more of a chaotic mess than anything enlightening.

I think most of you know who I am by now, but in case you're new, I'm Steve Rogers. Back home, I went by Captain America. I spent nearly seventy years taking a nap in the Arctic and after that I led the Avengers in protecting the world from whatever threat came our way. Here I'm one of our councilors. If you have any questions, I'll be answering on and off for a few hours.


Bruce and Selina are both gone. Nothing really to say, just wanted people to know.

If we could get someone to whip up a Ben & Jerry's, that'd be great. Some of us can't get drunk to cope.


What did you say was the last thing you remember?

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