May 2016

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March 15th, 2016

[info]romantichero in [info]the100

WHO: Aramis & Porthos
WHEN: Right after Little Shop auditions sometime?
WHERE: Mess Hall!
WHAT: Just a conversation and friendly banter.

’You just focus on that urge, Aramis. Don’t want you gettin’ /distracted/.’ )

[info]mercilessworld in [info]the100

I've been here long enough now almost feels like home. Is that strange?

[info]mentore in [info]the100

WHO: Ezio Auditore and Jacob Frye
WHEN: March 15, 2016; evening
WHERE: Outside Mount Weather
WHAT: Beware the Ides of March...or completely forget about the warnings and end up hanging upside down from a tree like a dumbass Ezio. Just make sure you have a snarky (and impulsive) softie to come to your rescue.
WARNINGS: UST gets a little less U? None really.

Ezio was instantly convinced there was nothing more dangerous, and more likely to make him do insane things, than a happy Jacob Frye. )

[info]whatwedid in [info]the100

Seems typical of our luck to have to deal with someone from another place right around the anniversary of when this all started.
Any news on your friend?
Hey. You holding up okay?

[info]virtualvirgil in [info]the100

Thank you to everyone who's been helping with the White Witch problem. I'm grateful, and I'm sure we're all grateful; it's just frightening and strange to think of magic like that being real. Traveling between universes I was willing to accept, but turning a carbon-based life form into stone?

It's a lot to process. I wouldn't have believed it if I hadn't seen her myself. I know magic's perfectly logical in other worlds, but... not where I'm from.

[info]taintedhawke in [info]the100

My situation is handled, at least I think Well, I'm not entirely sure bu thank you very much. You can stop glaring at him, and I know you are because he said you were. Maker, half of you act like children. There are bigger things to worry about than my failed love life, now can we leave it at that?

This butterfly is ... interesting. Exceptionally powerful magic, but we already knew that.

I know we're aware of the cause now, but at the same time I'm uncomfortable with just waiting to see if she can reverse it, and have been looking into my own methods. With time and more research, I do think we'll be able to reverse it using methods similar to the Rite of Tranquility in our world, but I need to look deeper into the possible effects it could have on someone like Marie, I don't wish to cause her more harm.

For those of you not from Thedas, the Rite of Tranquility is a process that effectively cuts off a mage's pull to the fade and draws their magic from them. It's... well, a rather deplorable method to silence mages, and it was grossly overused, but if we could adjust it to merely draw the magic out without harming the mind, it may be enough to reverse the stone-spell on the animals and Marie.

Cassandra, you mentioned research on the topic? Do you happen to have any of that with you? Or if you and Cullen could go over the specific Rite with me, that would be helpful.

[info]hardlyangelic in [info]the100

Hit my head pretty hard on some overhanging tech this morning. Nothing wounded, just my pride. And it wouldn't have happened, if I hadn't been curious about investigating a hallway that had a flickering light (report: maintenance, there's a flickering light).

I didn't think anything of it until I came across some artwork our recently departed psychic had put together. There were a couple of me, having progressively worse luck as far I can tell. One of them was me hitting my head really hard and leaving a bruise (never had one before) in the same exact spot as this one. Soooo, I need to be locked up for the rest of the day because I'd rather avoid the rest of these.

Why am I making this a general announcement? Because I'm not the only one in these drawings, and there's probably more in her old quarters. Someone who isn't scheduled to get shot in the leg want to go check?

[info]romanpraetor in [info]the100

[Friends] (feel free to assume)
For the love of Jupiter, do not make any ides of march jokes to me.

[info]paleblood in [info]the100

This is likely well beside the point, but while I've heard a lot of chatter recently about the White Witch's particular cruelty, or her mode of transport, or her aesthetic (very nice, very themed!), there's one aspect to her that's eluded me so far.

What does she want? Why target us? There's a whole sodding world out there, after all, that's likely less defended. What's she going to get out of it? Simple subjugation? Bragging rights? I've never been one to parse the motives of anything that I knew how to kill offhand, but as I'm well-mystified by this Witch, the question nonetheless stands.

[ Filtered to Lucifer!Castiel ]

Because I can't leave well enough alone... is it a second chance you're really after? It sounds like you managed to put a lot of people in a strop around here. So much vitriol! It's truly impressive what you've accomplished in this short amount of time.

I suppose I was not entirely unmoved by your story, is all (more's the fool, me). What are the prerequisites for appropriate bodies to inhabit, since the tall one that shares my name is well out of bounds and they want you out of the body you're in?

[ /Filter ]

[info]isaaclahey in [info]the100


On the plus side, this drawing actually looks a whole lot like me?

On the opposite side, ouch.

[info]youngestsolo in [info]the100

(024) Anakin Solo

My sister just got here and it's already her birthday, so prettttttyyyyy much we should all congratulate her on being older but also remind her that just cause she's older than me doesn't mean she gets to boss me (Just Sayin').

[Filter: Jaina]
I have one more candy pop thing from the pod drop that Henry shared with me. And it's yours if you want it. Happy Birthday.

[info]absorbs in [info]the100

I feel like someone mentioned working on meditation ages ago on this thing, but going back through all the posts to figure out who that was seems like it'll take too long. Betsy's gone and she was who I usu

Anyone up for for it though?

I tried sparring earlier but that ain't working for me right now.

[info]dosex in [info]the100

BRUCE bruce brrrrrucebrucebrucee! May I please have your gifted and talented and gorgeous attention, please?

[info]sohawkeward in [info]the100

network; hawke (028)

You know, I know my face is ugly, but if everyone else could refrain from hitting it, I would love that.

(I'm not mad at you, Julie, my nose is just very disappointed.)

[info]slayersocialwrk in [info]the100

This place needs some evil vampires, demons, or something I can track down and kill, 'cause I'm getting bored just waiting for something to happen.

B, up for a fight? Anyo

[info]thirdcharmed in [info]the100

What I wouldn't give for Piper or Paige to be here, too. A Power of Three spell might be strong enough to turn Marie back.

[info]thegoodblood in [info]the100

Good news! I've managed to attach a fairly sizeable bit of bolt to an axe despite having very little training and/or experience with the creation of bolt paper! (Bolt paper is, of course, the electrical sister to fire paper, with which some of you already have experience.) Congratulations, me! I've more testing to do before I release my prototype to our friends in the military, but I thought an update would not go amiss.

Bad news! I've tried to get the smell of singed flesh out of the Toolmaking room with mixed results. Deepest apologies! It's a work in progress.

[info]beholdthevibe in [info]the100

All right, you primitive screwheads, listen up!

You're not actually primitive screwheads and I think you're all great, I just REALLY REALLY wanted to use that quote for an announcement and it was a perfect opportunity.

So! I took over the cooking lessons (to add some Latin flair!) when Mr. Bradshaw left. For those of you who've still been coming to the lessons while I kind find my groove in the job, I appreciate it, and I hope you've enjoyed some of the stuff my abuelita taught me.

I wanted to let you all know that there's another change! Instead of "every other Monday and Wednesday," I'm just moving it to every Monday. Same timeslot! It's just easier on my schedule to have something regular and locked down. I'm sure it's the same for a lot of you.

NOW for the REAL announcement. I've been working with our agriculture group (Peace, Mr. Kent, I'll miss you) to get a steady (as steady as plant growth is) flow of fresh ingredients, especially since everything I teach becomes dinner for everyone! Sweet deal, I know. So here's the plan. I'd like everyone to save up some dairy rations to help me with this, because I've got everything I need to make PIZZA. (Thanks, Pixie, for helping collect some plants, too!)

PS, Tony Friggin STARK and I are growing coffee beans in a localized greenhouse, you're welcome.

It'll be a bit different that you're used to, though. Grain is still hard to come by, so I'll be using cauliflower for the bread. BEFORE YOU FLINCH, let me say you won't even be able to tell the difference when I'm done. You'll love it, trust me. And be ready to get your grub on this Monday. And maybe this'll drum up some more people taking my class!

Dear Bossman, permission to requisition some lumber, some rope, and a really heavy rock?
[ooc | THIS is what he's making.]

[info]whereitcounts in [info]the100

netpost; han solo

If this White Queen situation isn't resolved, us scouts are going to be pulling extra shifts for awhile. Chewie, you got things covered on the home front? Anakin, I'll see what junk I come across out there. And Jaina? Happy birthday. We've still got a few hours left to celebrate.

Your luck just improved Mount Weather. Looks like I won't be around for sabaac lessons tomorrow. And Cisco? I didn't forget I owe you a drink.

[info]cheerhappy in [info]the100

This is definitely the weirdest kidnapping yet.
