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March 9th, 2016

[info]spiritmark in [info]the100

flashback log: bull and dorian

WHO: Dorian Pavus + The Iron Bull
WHEN: Flashback to the Trespasser DLC — two to three years after the last flashback log
WHERE: The Winter Palace, Halamshiral, Orlais
WHAT: Another flashback! While reuniting with Bull after a long absence, Dorian learns that his father is dead, and that he's heir to the now-empty seat in the Magisterium.

I can't. You'd last a day, perhaps. They -will- kill you. You can't be there, as my lover or otherwise. )

[info]notanidjit in [info]the100

Didn't that lady just post about not accepting damn food from strangers and now you're all lining up to feed your coffee addiction?

No wonder the fucking devil wins.

[info]everymansdream in [info]the100

I don't know how or why, or who is responsible, but thank you to whoever made it possible for me to have access to white chocolate mochas again.

[info]thebuffster in [info]the100

I bested Flash Thompson!

/bragging rights

Anyone else want to go a round?

But seriously, I'm up for learning from you. You've got some moves I hadn't considered, and I've considered quite a lot. You game for a weekly thing?

I knew that Starbucks was a tool of the devil. Let's go get some coffee anyway.

[info]deathdetector in [info]the100

» We're already damned to hell.
» Want to join me for a romantic coffee date at Starbucks? I like a triple venti half-sweet non-fat caramel macchiato.

[info]beyondbadass in [info]the100

Okay, I can't keep this to myself any longer. I've been trying to be cool about it. I can totally be cool, I swear. But I feel like I'm going to burst if I don't say something.

So on Valentine's Day, Major told me that he had my engagement ring. I guess he'd gotten it when people got things from home. He said it's mine if I wanted it back, and I told him not until he actually asks again, and now I'm sitting here, waiting.
Soooooooo... Did you talk to her?

[info]lilqueen in [info]the100

Did not expect to find out that a Starbucks appeared overnight but hey, I'll take it. I could use a chai tea latte right about now.

[info]horns_up in [info]the100

network; krem (005)

I can't tell if you're all so used to bizarre happenings that a shop randomly appearing feels like just another day, or if you're all collectively in the biggest danger of falling prey to demons I've ever seen.

I'm hoping it's the former, but if someone could let me know if I need my sword on my day off, I'd appreciate it.

Please tell me you're not rushing out to accept food from the magically appearing attractive people. I need someone to roll their eyes with me.

[info]zeroeightfour in [info]the100

Starbucks wasn't even a great idea when it was on every street corner. Thanks but no. It's like, Lent and stuff anyway. I'm giving up the Devil delights because it pays to be smart. Nothing against Satan, but that sugary stuff goes straight to the hips.

[info]hardinhightown in [info]the100

Conversations about Bull's manhood and his asshole. Must be Wednesday.

Also, there's something weird about a shop where they're all smiling and know your name, no matter what they're serving. I think I'll take a pass, and look, you know if I'm not interested, it should say something.

[Thedas Minus Cullen]
So for anyone who was still on the fence about whether Cullen was or Cullen wasn't tickling that Mars girl's belly from the inside.... guess who just asked me to clear out of the rooms tonight?

Look at me, a regular gossip. I'm proud of Curly.

[info]stoptheclock in [info]the100

MILITARY SQUAD DELTA (Wade Wilson / Deadpool, Hope Summers, Lady Maria, Mindy Macready, Ahsoka Tano):
There's been some shuffling of the military lately, which I'm sure will be common-place here, since we never know who'll leave or arrive when. As long as we keep an open mind about that and welcome any newcomers with open arms, I think we'll be good here. We'll meet up Friday morning to show Ahsoka what we know. And vice versa.

And as a reminder, I don't want to see anyone falling for that Starbucks out front, us or anyone else. I know people miss coffee, but remember what Sergeant Pentaghast said the other week. If you see anyone there, try to talk them out of it before half the mountain is God knows what. Better safe than sorry, no matter how appealing the treats are.
You still feeling all right here?

[info]augustbooth in [info]the100

My new name is Ogist, according to the attractive barista.

I was due a name change anyway.

[info]abandonedship in [info]the100

[ Filtered to Friends; Feel Free to Assume! ]

I lied, may the Great Ones help me, I lied like a rug. I am so sorry. I failed my Sergeant and I failed Mount Weather and I failed myself. Do not tell him. He will hate me. I am terrible.

But the little cakes on a stick were so cute! Little bows! I ate a pink one. I want another but I will not risk going now. May they have mercy upon me. It was delicious. Delicious!

Don't do as I did. Take Satan's cake pops seriously! I am lost. Save yourselves!

[ /Filter ]

[info]paleblood in [info]the100

Well. I'm here! I tried not being here, briefly, but nothing happened, so... here I am! Hello, Mount Weather. I'm to be a washer of dishes, which is a refreshing change from my previous job titles. I'm a bit flummoxed about the whole "fictional" thing - yet working through it - and on the whole am well delighted to be a guest in your lovely... town? fortress? hideaway? ...bungalow? until I figure out how to return once more to Yharnam and put everything back the way it's supposed to be.

My name's Sami - Sam's fine - and I like pastries, history, the soppiest of love stories and killing things that need killing. I'm also, incidentally, in a bit of a pickle. You see, I'm trying to figure out how to errrrrrrrrr be a God STRIKE FEAR IN THE HEART OF MAN get used to recent changes in my life, and mostly, that's just led to public intoxication. Not that alcohol really works on me, so I just have to make it work on me, but that's neither here nor there. Where's the pub? That'd be lovely, thank you.

[info]isherprotege in [info]the100

So I'm guessing by the very strong reactions that a random coffee shop appearing isn't the norm around here?

[info]kayleefrye in [info]the100

I need you to settle somethin' for me, Simon.

Say you was gonna propose to someone. You'd already done it one, but the other person called off the weddin' 'cause of a major life change, but didn't tell you what it was. You found out what it was later, and you get back together.

Don't you think it's the right thing to do to ask someone if that's still somethin' you'd want?

[info]mocking_you in [info]the100

[Chatty to Ianto Jones]
Do yourself a favor and meet me in the tavern.

[info]arachnophilia in [info]the100

WHO: Clint Barton & Jessica Drew
WHEN: March 9th, sometime during the day.
WHERE: Some random public place in Mt. Weather. A hallway.
WHAT: Jess has been avoiding Clint and Clint finally caught on, they have a chat! It's... surprisingly a pretty mature one, for them. And they don't have bad-idea sex. Score one for the superheroes.

Crap. This was maybe the third worst idea he'd gone along with today. )
