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February 25th, 2016

[info]withoutgrace in [info]the100

network post: lustiel (to steve, adaar, audrey, nathan)

I should probably tell you something.

[info]fortheone in [info]the100

Network Post

Having spent very little time on Earth before coming here, I don't have much first hand experience with horses, but I don't remember any pictures making them look quite so furry. They are striking animals, though.

[Mara Jade Skywalker]
I was sorry to hear about your family.

[Draco Malfoy]
Still here?

[info]ex_hulksmash320 in [info]the100

I just realized I haven't seen my bed in over a week. Maybe I'm working too hard.

I'm sure you're not the happiest with me at the moment, but I've got a favor to ask. Think you might be up for it?

[info]hardinhightown in [info]the100

I've always been a fan of useful magic, for the most part. A tip of the hat, if I were to wear one, to whomever made the ceiling in my room look like it was open to the sky last night. As much as I hate feeling like I'm underground, there's a certain appreciation for getting to look up at the stars without the imminent feeling that you can get assaulted by nature at any given point.

[info]absorbs in [info]the100

[Filtered to the X-Group]

So back home I worked some at showing the kids how working together with their powers made them infinitely more powerful than being all over the place and going at it alone. Also helped with the whole ‘staying alive’ thing.

I know we all got different jobs around here but I think it might be a good idea to keep that kinda thing going while we’re here. Especially since we’re all from different universes or even time periods sometimes when we are from the same place.

We ain’t exactly got a Danger Room here but I’m sure we could find some place out in the woods where Jean can throw giant boulders at us if nothing else.

Good idea, bad idea, Rogue what the hell are you thinking? Let me know what you think.

[info]cword in [info]the100

network post: alison hendrix

Attention, everyone! Auditions for Little Shop of Horrors are today in the gymnasium! To accommodate everyone's work schedules, I'll be there from lunch time onward, so stop by with a song in your heart and a spring in your step!

We'll also be doing crew requests with our stage manager, Cullen Rutherford, so even if you don't want to sing and dance, stop by anyway and see him.

Even if you've never been on stage before, this is a great community enrichment opportunity and way to make friends. We've just lost a lot of people, including a few of our veteran actors, so we'll need all hands on deck for this one, okay? Give it a shot, first-timers!

♥ ♥ ♥

Oh, God, I lost Mona. What am I going to do? She was a pain in my ass and I think she was ready to kill all the other actors but she could sing...

Please tell me this isn't going to be a disaster.

[info]lastmutanthope in [info]the100

It's so quiet when they're gone I picked a birthday, if anyone was wondering, or still wanted to know. April 10. I'm not sure about age though

[ETA]: Sandry, I'm finished with those books if you'd like to use them now.

[ETA #2: Filtered to the Doctor (10)]
Hi, I have some questions for you.</blockquoute>

[info]mercilessworld in [info]the100

Knowing someone who you knew is now gone then came back again is so strange.

[Reyna ]

I didn't know you that well, but I can only imagine what you must be feeling. I'm sorry. Whatever you need, I'm here.

[info]mocking_you in [info]the100

Free today for a little bit?

[info]swaled in [info]the100

So Herc talked about it, and I decided to start making us a pool table in my spare time, cause why not. I've got a bunch of wood I gathered from the forest and I'll start fitting the pieces together.

Anybody got an idea what we could use for balls?

Sorry about earlier. Won't happen again.

[info]mamafantastic in [info]the100

[Veronica Mars]
I just wanted to say that I appreciated the company the other night. Sorry I left early.

[info]nosuitnoservice in [info]the100

Auditions for Little Shop of Horrors are tomorrow, so tonight we'll be watching the movie version in the 501 commons after dinner. The endings are very different (I assume Alison's sticking to the script of the musical) but it will give you an idea of what it's all about, anyway. It's not really what I'd call a family movie, but kids down to about 12 who've been dealing okay with everything here will probably be okay as long as they know going in it's a bit dark.

If anyone has a classic movie from the 80s they'd particularly like to see next week, let me know.

(ooc: I totally forgot what day it was, pretend I posted this earlier)

[info]lesbianwitch in [info]the100

FILTER to Buffy

I'm sorry, I've not really been feeling like socialising recently. Are you free to meet up?

I hear Faith and Druscilla has gone, I don't know if you were close to either of them but I hope they are ok, well Faith at least.

[info]thewaywardson in [info]the100

network; dean winchester (032)

Steve Rogers, Asala Adaar, Law Enforcement officers, Matt Murdock, Sam Winchester & Gabriel:
Cas ain't Cas anymore. We've been sitting on it for a few days to figure things out ourselves, but Cas is riding shotgun with Lucifer. (The real Lucifer, not Police Officer Lucifer.) Something happened, his memories updated and the rest apparently updated with him, and in the future, we fuck up so bad that Cas thinks he needs to let Lucifer in to help us.

Whatever he tells you, he's twisting the truth or he's just lying. Cas may have consented to being possessed, but it's bullshit. The consent doesn't have to be good. He could've easily been tricked into saying yes, or he thought he was saying yes to something else and Lucifer got in on technicality, or Lucifer promised he could do something he couldn't. The bastard hates humans and is one bad day away from scorching the earth. He may play nice for a while, but he'll get bored.

He needs to get out of Cas and get locked up somewhere where he can't hurt anybody. I get that you have your amnesty bullshit going on here, but this isn't some bellyaching anti-hero with daddy issues or a demon with their balls in a vice. Lucifer's been locked up for a reason, and if you don't do the same, we're fucked.

( ooc; characters talk about the nature of consent regarding angelic possession in here. it's sketchy stuff and not reading material for a bad day. )
