May 2016

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February 9th, 2016

[info]cword in [info]the100

network post: alison hendrix

Hello, Mount Weather! Two things:

I'm happy to announce that auditions for Little Shop of Horrors are coming up at the end of the month! Mark your calendars for February 25th, where we'll be holding open auditions in the gym after dinner hours.

If you're nervous about your audition, you could see Sir Galavant, who's generously providing singing lessons.

Second, Felix and I have put together welcome packets for all new arrivals to Mount Weather, which includes a pamphlet about all of the fun things to do here if we're not under attack. Also included in the packet are two bars of my handmade soap, three packets of dandelion herb tea, and a customised painted mug courtesy of our own Felix Dawkins (which, yes, we took from the kitchens, but they will be used).

I delivered the packets to medical last week, so all new arrivals should have received one upon waking up. If you didn't, please swing by medical or see me in Civilian Services to receive one!

Oh, holy Christmas cakes. All of you need to come by Childcare immediately because I just got some serious eye candy.

Wow, there are a lot of you. Okay!

This is your official invitation to join me and the kids in my apartment tomorrow night for family game night after dinner. We held one recently to get to know everyone, and you know what? There are more of you. We got Sarah and Kira back, and Tali, your friend Garrus is here now, and you know what? That's just great. We're making room for more family.

Please come! Party games include charades, twenty questions, Pictionary, and a whole host of improv games that actors do. Alcohol is permitted but not necessarily encouraged. I am not avoiding Valentine's Day

[info]sportsmetaphors in [info]the100

[Alpha Team (Soldiers): Flash Thompson (TRN123), Steve Rogers (MCU), Rocket, Illya, Ringer, Thor (MCU), Korra]
Show of hands, guys. Who knows how to play softball?

[info]x_facility in [info]the100

Football? The weather's better now.

[info]dontdie in [info]the100

Is anyone here familiar with Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, by any chance? Either the boy man or his works.

Artie took our advice. You should see these works.

I wonder who else has gone and done remarkable things. Do you think Clara is doing all right?

[info]controlmyown in [info]the100

I wasn't aware something like this was actually possible: traveling to a different dimension, through time.

[info]theplasticroman in [info]the100

Uh. Anyone missing some kind of crystal... thing?

[info]quitethehero in [info]the100

Chatty to Henry Mills

Do you know the story of Jack and the Beanstalk? Can you tell it to me?

[info]zeroeightfour in [info]the100

Slowly losing your mind looks like watching people dance around and try to miss flame spurts as if we were actually living in the Fire Swamp. I don't have sound or anything so guys. Guys.


Is "there a popping sound preceding each" ... ? Because if not, I'm asking the PodGod for Westley. (Don't get jealous, Lincoln. It's Westley. But maybe I should get jealous since you're my Buttercup.)

[info]feelingepic in [info]the100

Chatty to Damon (sent yesterday)

~ Hey there
~ Missing something?

[info]drinkwithme in [info]the100

Is anyone still missing anything?

OOC: Assume that if no one else claimed it, that Gavroche actually managed to get some objects to the right people

Eponine and Apollo

All fixed. Everyone should have everything they were missing now.

[info]readthecontract in [info]the100

I'm the King of Hell -- AMA!

I'm Crowley. I've been here since late May. Do I really need an introduction at this point? You should be listening to me on your radio every Sunday at noon. You should have voted several months ago for me to be your councilor. You should ignore supposedly upstanding citizens and authority figures who call for murdering me or putting me through legal proceedings just for existing (oh yes, that really happens here).

Ask me anything.

And allow me to ask my listeners: what shall I call my radio show now that it's solely mine?
