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January 9th, 2016

[info]balancepoint in [info]the100

[info]stitch_witch in [info]the100

I may be short, but that doesn't give anyone the right to simply push past me as if I don't exist. I know you can see me. What could possibly be so urgent that it doesn't give a person time to say 'excuse me'?

[info]romanpraetor in [info]the100

left on Faith's bed while she's out )

[info]supersmiles in [info]the100

Sooooo, since us lovely people in Quarantine missed out on the pillow fun, did anyone happen to save us some? I don't even care if it's got Bieber's face on it, I just want something to cuddle at night once this is over.

OK I take that back, I will accept anyone but Bieber. Unless that's all that's left. Then I'll accept the fact that he's probably an alien villain in disguise and that's why even Canada doesn't want him. Judge me all you want, I just want a pillow!

[info]cityelfwarden in [info]the100

I found myself thinking of my old friend Oghren as I was boiling a new mash this morning. It's a good thing he's not here, you know - he'd already have drunk every drop of alcohol we've managed to make as fast as we could brew it. Even for a dwarf, he was prodigiously good at drinking. Dwarves in general seem to have a high tolerance for liquor, but Oghren was special. Heart of a stout oak and a stomach of steel. A third or so of the people who take the Grey Wardens' Joining die in the process, and the ones who survive it usually pass out cold. Oghren, on the other hand, quaffed the whole chalice of darkspawn blood, belched so loud they probably heard it in Antiva City, and declared it "not bad."

He was a vulgar fellow, Oghren was. I don't think he ever met a female person without making at least one horrendous sexual comment. I tried not to take him in public any more than necessary. He told stories that could keep you laughing for hours, though, and sometimes his utter lack of politeness could be just delightful. Rudeness isn't nearly so bad when it's directed at people who deserve it. Oh, and you never saw anyone wield a battleaxe like that dwarf! I once saw him take it and just spin and take out a half dozen darkspawn in one huge swing. He wasn't charming, but Maker was he effective.

I can't say I miss Oghren, exactly. He was a massive pain in my arse a great deal of the time we spent together. I find, though, that I like to think of him now. Things turned out badly for so many of my old friends. Thinking of Oghren never makes me sad.

See, this is what happens when there's nothing to do with the whiskey but wait and it's morning in the tavern. Nobody around to blather at in person means I'm going to blather at all of you instead.

Oh yes! That's the news! We're working on whiskey, and I was any of you magical or mutant types have skills that could speed up time in one very small area? Say, the inside of a barrel? The blacksmiths have managed to double as coopers for us (thank you!), and we've got the whiskey sitting, but if we could make the time go along faster we'd potentially have good whiskey much sooner.

[info]thingamabobbs in [info]the100

1 slightly crumpled box of skiving candy to the man, woman, or genderless being that explains this situation to me in a way that actually makes sense



Don't have anything else to say! Just wanted your attention!

[info]malfoyheirdraco in [info]the100

WHO: Draco Malfoy and Sandrilene Fa Toren
WHEN: January 8, evening, shortly after this
WHERE: Library
WHAT: Draco's making a friend, showing off his warming charms
WARNINGS: Um, probably none

It was time he met his new friend in person and shared a thing or two about magic... )

[info]pep in [info]the100

Are there usually this many disappearances all at once? It feels like we're loosing more than are coming in.

Should we start taking bets on how many more times we will be mandatorily separated from each other?

How are you holding up?

[info]finnamonroll in [info]the100

WHO: Finn, Rey, and Poe
WHEN: January 9, let's say afternoonish
WHERE: Medical
WHAT: Reunited and it feels so goooooood. Finn wakes up and adorbs will happen.
STATUS: in progress

The Finn Awakens )

[info]ontopofthings in [info]the100

I thought I knew too well already what war could do to a planet. I've been taken away from my duties in the middle of one myself, and my homeworld has seen more than its share of conflict in the last ten years. But the war that ravaged this planet is a kind of tragedy I've hardly dared to so much as consider possible in the past. To those of you who are native here, I'm sorry this has happened to your world. I can't imagine the loss, but to have suffered it only makes your perseverance that much more admirable.

But all this when I only meant to introduce myself.

Since my names and titles don't carry any weight here, I won't bore anyone with too many of them: I'm Padmé.

Obi-Wan has explained a little of our situation to me. I'd like to know more about each of you. With so few of us here, friendship will be invaluable. And please do let me know if we know one another already—some of you, I understand, are from far in my future.

[info]cword in [info]the100

network post: alison hendrix (to felix and cosima)

Felix, I know I told you not to say "I told you so" and not to talk to me for a little while, but ...

I feel sort of relieved. I knew that Foggy and I weren't going to last, and the guilt about Donnie was getting to me, especially when Foggy did something that really reminded me of him. I knew at some point I was going to have to break it off, or I could just keep on being selfish. The universe made that decision for me, though, so ... hooray?

Maybe if I keep thinking about that I'll stop thinking about how now I miss two men instead of just one.

[info]fromfreedonia in [info]the100

It's official: everyone in quarantine is healthy, and free to go. We haven't brought any of that plague back with us, so I think we can call this trip a success!

Thank you for your patience, and especially to everyone that used their talents to make quarantine a little more fun.

I didn't ask because I was busy, but I'm curious: why are you so bad at two truths and a lie? Are you a terrible liar, or bad at telling the truth?

[info]swhite in [info]the100

Cancel anything you had planned tonight.
I know this is last minute, but I'm taking a much needed break tonight. One of you will need to mind the children.

[info]whereitcounts in [info]the100

WHO: Han Solo, Chewbacca
WHEN: Early January, shortly after Chewie's arrival
WHERE: 504.T1
WHAT: Han Solo and Chewbacca are reunited, after many months apart.
WARNING: Spoilers for New Jedi Order-verse, which are fairly well-known in game, & talks of character death. Nothing comes up about TFA-verse, since this was written prior to Leia getting those memories / everything else in game. F for Feelings.

There's a lot about being here that I don't understand. )
