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November 28th, 2015

[info]tylerose in [info]the100

Well that's [...] something.

I now understand when someone says they need a good drink.

[info]loveishope in [info]the100

Everywhere I have lived, Avonlea, Storybrooke, there has always been some manner of Winter Festival. It's something that seems to follow through in most of the worlds I have heard of and is mentioned in many of the books here.

Is there something we can do? I don't mean a party, I'll leave that to someone else to organise. But we all have different winter traditions, cultural beliefs around this time and it would be facinating to learn about everyone elses. We could put together a festival of some kind.

We have time to plan something genuinely lovely!

[info]familiarscene in [info]the100

This place really does take some getting used to, doesn't it? Even with everyone trying to keep things normal, with Thanksgiving and Christmas coming up. How do you ever get used to being here? To the strange things that keep happening?

[Filtered to Freddie]

Can we talk?

[info]imbittered in [info]the100

(006) Severus Snape

I've never been so grateful for heating charms.

[Filter: Draco]
Have you found a way to settle in here?

[info]thornypath in [info]the100

Y'know all the times I made fun of Angel's ridiclously giant forehead and hairstyle. I didn't know it was even stupider in Sunnydale.

And Darla? Schoolgirl? Really?

[info]lilqueen in [info]the100

Network Post: Thea Queen

So if I were looking for some things to kind of spruce up my side of the room a little, where should I look? Normally I'd go shopping but that's not happening here but there has to be something I can do? I'm open to suggestions.

[info]doctorfun in [info]the100

Oh no.

Filter: Whoverse
Have you noticed? Don't.

Filter: Donna Noble
What do you think, can you manage a walk?

Filter: Audrey
Any complications?

[info]goawayanna in [info]the100

It's reasonable enough weather for most of you to be outside for a couple of hours?

I was thinking of making an Ice Rink tomorrow? I can work with the shoes you wear I promise!

[info]abitunlikely in [info]the100


They told me you were here. Three of you, in fact, which I don't entirely understand, but they did say you're here. I knew I'd catch up to you! Donna, they said you were, too!

[info]likeamayfly in [info]the100

This isn't possible. Why haven't you killed me yet?
