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November 1st, 2015

[info]feelingepic in [info]the100

Sooo. Here is the thing.

The skeletons tail was nogt where I expected. And that was a not skeleton.

But what is important is that the future still has drunkposting.

I love all of you people who aren't Damon. Especially booze provideers. Blessed are the boozemakers.

I have been your Lexi

Adiu! ...only not cause Hiiii

[info]dosex in [info]the100

As much as I'd love to blame this lovely thing on residual effects of Utopium, even I can't see hallucinations happening weeks after. So it's got to be a prank, yeah? Ha ha, Major. I forgive you for being a total prat all week! Hilarious. You certainly went to a lot of effort, with what the very realistic hospital and pandering to my crushes on Simon Tam and Beverley Crusher. You got me.

[info]ianto in [info]the100

Are any of you going to the Halloween Festivals? I'm thinking of going. I'll help set up though.

*Feel free to assume. Besides Buffy obviously this is people she's really had a decent conversation with etc.

[info]deathofme in [info]the100

This is most unusual. I can't say I've ever arrived on a planet that way before.

My name is Obi-Wan Kenobi. I have agreed to assist the military here, but if there is anything else I can do to make our stay here easier and more pleasant, I'd be glad to help. I hear we may be calling this planet home for some time.

[info]takemysky in [info]the100

I'm going to miss the pumpkins.

I liked Halloween. It's interesting to think of how all these odd traditions grew out of a celebration of the harvest and then become odd vestiges across cultures.

Good job, fall. You're beautiful.

[info]oswaldftw in [info]the100

Bonfire Night in a few days!

Who wants to spend the next few days furiously making warm apple cider for the occasion with me?

[info]324b21 in [info]the100

Hey. So I know this is a sore subject and all, but I'd really like to be closer to you and Alison. The only place around is Sarah's and Kira's old room.

Scale of one to ten, how tacky is it if I ask to move in?

[info]willingtopay in [info]the100

a note left on carol's nightstand this morning because steve is super sappy and cheesy )
