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October 26th, 2015

[info]seventhsmartest in [info]the100

Yeah, so I'm pretty sure I didn't see a flock of Angry Birds hanging outside yesterday. I'm going to chalk that up to 1) epic trolling or 2) too much time in the lab. If it was a subtle hint, I'd introduce you to Crush the Castle but sadly... I left my internets in the last dimension. ㅠㅠ

Also, is now a good time to get into a discussion about Daylight Saving and how it's a complete waste and why we shouldn't do it? One of the best arguments being that a lot of people don't know what it is.

[info]green_arrow in [info]the100

At least I'm not stuck on an island this time.

I've been given the explanation. And told this is the place to introduce myself. Especially since they don't think anyone from my world is here.

My name's Oliver Queen. And, I'm going to be helping out with hunting.

[info]weird_sister in [info]the100

It's like I fall straight on my face when I try to run because I'm dead fucking clumsy.

[info]warden_king in [info]the100

network; alistair theirin (003)

You're all going to hate me for saying this, but Maker I'm sleeping so much better, even living in this bizarre, technically underground city with no dwarves in it. Except the dwarves who are here, but they're different, they're not if-you-see-the-sky-you'll-fall-into-it dwarves.

Thank you to whatever god created this place for not also making nugs, as well. Bless this reality.

[info]magicplantman in [info]the100

For those of you working in the greenhouses and hydroponics: we're in a bit of a lull in our growing seasons, so unless you want to hang out and look at the empty growing beds, we'll all be out helping to put together the houses. From what I've been told, this is good, because once winter hits, we won't be getting out of the mountain as much.

Filter to Remus
I haven't been entirely honest with you.

[info]ianto in [info]the100

Who: Willow Roseberg & OPEN
Where: Edge of the main camp
What: Willow is practicing her magic
When: Mid-morning
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

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[info]feraltag in [info]the100

This might sound odd, but is anyone willing to speak to me using sign language? ASL or JSL are fine because those are the only ones I know. We don't know how long we'll be here and it's kind of important that I don't get rusty at it from lack of usage. If nobody around here knows it I guess I can keep my memory refreshed by teaching it to whoever wants to learn it, but I'm not so good with people... so only a couple or few people at most.

Maybe I'll even take a Downer so I won't be an ass.

[info]seattleangel in [info]the100

[Chatty to Jacen Solo]
-- So did you find some of those non-boring animals out there?
-- Or was that all fancy talk?

[info]waytogo in [info]the100

Mount Weather, I believe I still owe many of you an apology.

During my last radio broadcast a few Sundays ago, you may have noticed I got a bit more emotional than usual during our panel discussion. And then you may have noticed that you became more emotional, too. I didn't know it at the time, but when my emotions grow strong enough, it turns out they're literally contagious. Since then I've taken countermeasures, such as wearing gloves and refraining from speech when possible. I'm also in therapy four times a week. But none of that negates the stress and suffering I've inadvertently caused, and I am so, so sorry.

Obviously, I won't be returning to the radio until my emotions are under better control. Even then, I'll have someone around to cut the mic in case I become upset. But I will understand completely if that's not a risk you're willing to take. The last thing I would ever want to do is harm my fellow residents of this amazing mountain community.

In the meantime, Crowley is doing a wonderful job of hosting our weekly round-up single-handedly. Did you all catch his broadcast yesterday? I haven't enjoyed a radio interviewer this much since Terry Gross! Who, by the way, would make an excellent addition to our citizenry, if the Pod God is taking suggestions.

[info]thewaywardson in [info]the100

network; dean winchester (025)

I don't like asking for help, but Lirael's magic didn't get the Mark of Cain off of me, so I'm opening it up. Anyone good with curse-breaking, you're invited to poke at my arm and see if you can't get it off. It's old, old Biblical magic meant to lock away a primordial pre-Biblical force, but Heaven and Hell don't seem to exist here, so taking it off probably won't break anything.

I think I smacked into whatever portal's been dropping us into this reality when I was exorcised. An exorcism is like a forceful launch down into Hell; Hell must not exist here, because I got catapulted up into the sky instead and hit some kind of barrier like a train. I didn't get a good look because I was hurling toward it by force, but something was up there to run into. Don't know. I know I never want to do that again. Worst vertigo of my life.

[info]lovingyourwork in [info]the100

I have to admit, when I pictured a nuclear holocaust, [...] this is exactly how I imagined it. Of course, with a lot more bunkers.

And a lot less - what was it again? Interdimesional travel?
